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My Miles Davis "Kind of Blue" arrived today


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In all seriousness, I just don't like jazz. At least, none of the jazz I've heard to date.

I know a lot of people who share similar interests in other types of music that I *DO* like, like jazz, so I've tried a bunch of times. I have several of Mile's disks, some Larry Carlton, Modern Jazz Quartet, Louis Armstrong, Monk and a bunch of others. I just don't enjoy listening to them. I'd much rather pop on Pink Floyd, Don Henley, Perl Jam, Garbage, Mahler, Saint Seans, Judy Garland, Elvis, ELP, ELO, Aerosmith, Radiohead, Beethoven, Bach or anything by Andrew Lloyd Weber. The jazz is just, I dunno, boring.


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All this talk about KOB made me pull out my vinyl copy. I've played it once in 10 years, and decided to give it another shot. This is the stereo version kcs 8163, but it has a sticker wrapped over the jacket corner and is now known as a pc 8163.

I do not listen to jazz as I am a full-fledged rock and metal freak.

After listening to this complete album, the only feeling I get from it is one of sadness. I'll never get it apparently. I also heard the Norah Jones debut last year and could not make it thru the whole disc. Tried to expand my horizons but it ain't workin!

On a final note, I did manage to catch a record sale today from a part time record shop and paid $1.00 each for these:

Detective - Debut, & It Takes One To Know One

BTO - Street Action

GF Railroad - Mark, Don, & Mel

Steve Hillage - L

Midge Ure - Answers to Nothing

Fixx - Calm Animals

Roger Glover - Mask

Rory Gallagher - Irish Tour '74

Helix - Walking the Razor's Edge & Long Way To Heaven

Adam Ant - Friend or Foe

Ted Nugent & the Amboy Dukes - Marriage on the Rocks/Rock Bottom

No Dice


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My wife HATES jazz. She throws a fit when I play it too loud for her liking. We met because we were both into the Grateful Dead in college and she thinks I'm listening to jazz and classical music now in part to convince myself I'm a sophisticated audiophile.

She forgets that the first time we met I cranked up Buddy Rich on my cornwalls and although she wasn't impressed in the least, she still ended up marrying me. I still can't figure out why.

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pretentious audiophile = sophisticated audiophile. Same thing Gary. Tell your wife ...I'm with her! 9.gif

I guess the only place I really wanna hear this kind of jazz is when we're out at a nice cozy restaurant.

I don't know how you guys could hear a particular jazz song while out and know what it was and who did it?! It all sounds so alike to me.

Thank gawd for ac/dc, led zepplin, Tool and big pecs!3.gif11.gif1.gif

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On 3/6/2004 9:20:32 PM BigBusa wrote:

pretentious audiophile = sophisticated audiophile. Same thing Gary. Tell your wife ...I'm with her!



I know, at least I think I know, that you were joking but I'll be the first admit I'm no audiophile. I know what sounds good to my ears and I try to take advice from those who know more than I. So far this method has worked. If that makes me pretentious, so be it.

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Thank gawd for ac/dc, led zepplin, Tool and big pecs!

Well, at least spell Led Zeppelin right, for the love of Bonzo's memory!

That "all sounds the same to me" line was a bit unfortunate. That can be said for anything one is unfamiliar with. It's like hearing rock and saying, "it all sounds like noise to me." You and your "pecs" are better than that!


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Somehow I knew early on this was a semi-troll topic, hence my rather off the cuff response. I derive neither pride nor status from my enjoyment of Jazz, I listen to some Jazz because I love to...I enjoy KOB just as I enjoy HTH (highway to hell). My musical collection and audio equipment have been selected ENTIRELY for maximize my listening enjoyment. To me, Bigbusa´s comment on audiophiles and jazz lovers, are a perfect "tell" of how he thinks about music and audio equipment. The suggestion that jazz listening is an affectation is a mirror into his world...sad really. tony

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Relax,you're wound way too tight my Brother!There doesn't have to be an ulterior motive behind everything a stranger says!!2.gif1.gif Just because you don't get the motive behind a comment doesn't make the comment suspect.Relax.

Peace 1.gif


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Geez, all you guys that hate your KOB vinyl copies can just sell them to me...

I personally cannot get enough of Miles, Cannonball, and Louis. Oh yeah, Coltrane too.

I copied KOB and Blue Train for a secretary at work that listens to "light jazz" all day. I figure if that doesn't do it for her, well, no point in going any further down the rabbit hole.

And gee, I still don't like Way out West. Maybe if I had a vinyl copy... but it's the Hopalog Cassidy sound of the title track that leaves me cold. Sax Collusus(sp?) and Tenor Madness are far better.

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