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Azalea Festival weekend here in the Port City.....an invasion of pear shaped tourist in white Reboks munching funnel cake. Head for the hills!

sure they're not there for the Cheerwine? Nice of you to join us again, hope your seat wasn't too cold.

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Doing my taxes now, gosh I could use a drink.

me too--but after writing the check, i can't afford one.

I know the feeling. Gonna have to raid some savings to write that check this year.... but may not be as UGLY as I feared but still ugly. I normally get a refund but have to pony up big time this year. Next year may be worse may be a little better or may be much better.

Some sweetened blackened tea - full octane. And some diet and regular ginger ale - Kroger Big-K store brand. Going to ourder a case of the Blenheim firewater, probably the gold cap not as hot and maybe a six pack of the pink cap number 3 original before our oldest daughter's wedding for our youngest daugher... and she's maybe as ornery as me as we're sure at least a couple of the male bridal party member will have a few (or way too many though the reception hall will probably cut them off)

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i got off easier than i expected and easier than i have the past several years. i only have to pay $2400; but, still i could buy some nice speakers with $2400. just finishing my diet coke from dinner and then my new favorite beverage--that Sobe LifeWater, zero calories. hope everyone is doing well tonite. Steve

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Hope everyone is doing well, thought I would pop in for a quick one...my schedule has changed once again at work...my weekend now consistas of a thursday and a sunday off. Love not having 2 days in a row. I got my new co2 regulator in for the draft beer system...now am sad to find that Shiner Bock is more expensive per once in a keg than on sale in bottles. Just confusing since we have a local distributor that carries it...oh well, pop in on Thursday for a Shiner or some crappy beer depending on my mood. ACE

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welcome back ACE. just tell yourself that the draft shiner bock is way cheaper, after about five of them, you'll start to believe it.

Ace - long time no see - good to have you back.

It could be worse - he could be addicted to Blenheim....

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mmmmmm.....blenheim......sounds real good.

Sure does. I could probably go for something strong early Wednesday evening. I get a call from my youngest daughter who when into town. They went to the mall and after about 5 minutes they here an intercom message for our minivan. They go to the parking lot and find out our Grand Caravan had been on fire. An employee at one of the stores grabbed the fire extringuisher out of his car and put it out and nobody was hurt so overall we're thankful but no idea how much damage done to the van.

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I finished my 2010 taxes, and it's time for a beer. OK, another beer. It wasn't too bad, what with TurboTax doing most of the work. We'll be getting a healthy refund, thanks in part to our huge medical expenses. I'll be helping my youngest with hers tonight. The oldest refused help ("Honey, if you make a $1000 contributuion to a traditional IRA you'll be able to take the Making Work Pay credit, plus it will lower your tax bill! It's like making 30% automatically on your investment!"). I knew to back off when she started to cry. I wanted to tell her everyone wants to cry when doing taxes...

Now I have to ammend last year's return. Apparently the oldest daughter and I both claimed her as a dependent (the IRS doesn't like it when you do that). Guess what? It is I that screwed up...I think I'm gonna cry...Oh, it has to be amended by the 18th or I'll face some sort of penalty.

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oh, you do know that they were selling turbotax before today....i fact, probably back in march, that woulda given you a whole several weeks to do yer taxes....Big Smile

Gnat!?! Seriously? Now you tell us.

I used Tax Cut this year and last. If I were going to do my own taxes this year I think I'd go back to Turbo Tax. Much less confusing. I had pretty much done ours in Tax Cut and our daughters. Last year we'll be able to claim her as a dependet. She had a pretty hefty tuition credit and we could get a lot more out of it than her though it helped her a lot. But being able to claim her it lowered our tax enough we could pay her a nice fat refundh she lost and her taxes, and still come out almost $1200 ahead.

And I gave up as the dang IRS forms and publications and instructions are confuising. In one place it says you can deduct this. But in another it says you cannot if it is a personal expense which is what I expected. Another potential deduction was the same way. Dang. But I finally just gave up and called a local tax preparation company. $55 for both, Elyse's was free as she was a "full" time college student in 2010. They come up with $62 more for her. About the same or maybe a few dollars more for ours.

Turbo Tax can cost more than $55. Collecting everything is a pain in the rear. And trying understand the dang forms, instructions, and publications as they are different depending on which instructions or publications you look at. I'm all for the national sales tax to replace income tax. Flat 10% and can exclude food, maybe clothes, maybe even other necessities. No tax shelters. No loopholes. The proponents of this claim they would raise much more tax revenue, though it won't happen. The filthy rich people won't be able to have them thar fancy tax shelters.

Caught some live music tonight. Michael Kelsey at a local church. Uber talented and can play with anyone (he's wowed 'em at Crossroads) but does his own thing. Relativley local and his mother, who was in the audience, taught him 3 chords and he took it from there. Took it far enough she quit playhing with him while he was a teenager. Crazy innovative guitarist. A critic said circ du soleil on guitar. Some crazy tunings like Michael Hedges. He started out playing drums but then went to guitar which he often uses as a percussion instrument. Uses sequencers and a digitial drum pad. Does a lot of improvisation on the fly. Started the night with his "mosh pit" of 2 kids. Then a third. A few more by the end of the ngiht. Had them strum his guitar a few times. Had them say there names which he recorded and repeated as a track to a song.

One of the funnest things sent one to find a cup. Had a circular thing, kind of like a drum head, put some rock salt, or so it looked in the cup and proceeded to produce thunderstorm sounds including rain and thunder, a "song" about finding music in anything.

His "song" about how to write a $1 million dollar pop song was funny. Hit the drum machine to turn on a track, one of the sequencers.. See I don't even have to play. Verse 1, played a cool lick. Verse 2, another more complex. Verse 3, another even more complex. Let it all get recorded and repeated itself while he sat down in his guitar, took a drink, hopped down into the "mosh pit" on his knees,arms raised like he was in a mosh pit. Back up on stage and finished the song. I think the into was some can make 10's of millions but he'd rather play his own music his way. And he does. And that some of the music in the 80's was a shall we say bit artificial...

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oh, you do know that they were selling turbotax before today....i fact, probably back in march, that woulda given you a whole several weeks to do yer taxes....Big Smile

Hey, getting it done by the 15th for me is GOOD! Last few years I've had to file an extension! The older I get, the more I procrastinate...

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