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Anyone have horses?

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We are looking at buying some property that currently have horses on it. It has beautiful stables already there, on the same property at the house. We have never had horses, but have been interested.

Does anyone have any horses, had any in the past?

What would we realistically be getting ourselves into? How hard is it to learn about how to care for them? How much of a money drain are they really?

Thanks in advance,


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Hi Paul,

I had a horse when I was in high school. I cared for it myself--it was a lot of work, and a huge committment. Exercising them properly is the most time consuming part of ownership, I would say. Grooming, feeding, cleaning stalls--also a lot of work.

Taking care of hooves is extremely important, since horses can become lame fairly easily. Find a good farrier to trim the hooves every couple months, and clean them out with a pick frequently. Lots of good info on the internet, like this

They are lots of fun though...do you ride? And of course, simply beautiful. My best advice: if you decide to buy a horse, get two. Horses are herd animals, and when left alone can become very depressed. Even getting a horse a goat for company is better than nothing.

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My Aunt had horses. She would always say they are a pain in the neck. They are also very stupid. When breeding she had to help aim the you know what or the breeding would not happen. You have to have a Vet on the payroll as they are there every day for some kind of tom foolery. If you don't love horses stay away from them. The old timers out west had a good name for horses---"Jugheads".


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The horse is the cheapest part of the hobby is what I've always heard. Also, if you are dedicated to pets, a horse might well outlive your interest in the hobby/farm for a long time. They can live 30 years. If you decide the farm is not for you, you will have to part with the horse. Can you trade a horse away? That's a tough question. I am in the same boat, and I think I'll pass on the horse idea and just throw corn out to attract deer.

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I've got three of them (or let's say my wife and kids have them... and the donkey...) I ride,.... but not my particular cup of tea... I'd rather watch them peacefully graze the pasture from the man cave windows or from the pool with a cold Sam Adams...

They are however, a great animal with the kids and my wife. 4H projects, and some real nice folks you will meet along the way.

Unfortunately, the comment about having two is correct. They are a herd animal an they get very "uppity" when left alone and no-one pays attention to them (like when you are at work, kids in school) and they get lonely.

If you ride them, you must ride them - alot -... or you end up having to "break them in" to riding all over again. And, as mentioned..... it's not the horse that's the expense... it's the saddles, tack, feed, supplement, trips to the vet, shots, farrier visits every six weeks, etc. Proper care is the issue as mentioned. First name basis with your vet & farrier is a must...

It's really a commitment - more so than a "hobby". "Horses For Dummies" from your local bookstore or Amazon is a must if you have never had horses.

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"bud daddy, the horse doo doo stinks"

"and I can't get horse doo doo on my new shoes"

"I'm not wearing those boots, they make my feet look fat and they're UGLY"

"but daddy, it's too cold to feed the horse"

so, Paul, the real question is, do YOU want a horse?

(to her credit, Marshall's daughter Rachel seemed like she might actually do her part in the the care of their horses...maybe just had me snowed as I was too busy drooling over the wall of voodoo during our visit while Rachel entertained the girls with some horseback riding)

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We have spent a little time with Groomy, his wife and children. I can assure you Rachel does help out with the horses. Rachel and Michael are both really great kids. We have really enjoyed having Groomy, his wife and children as guests in our home. I look forward to their visit again this year.

Dtel and Groomy had quite a time during their last visit. If I recall dtel and Groomy didn't make in from the workshop until 2:00 a.m. or later! Good friends, good music and few Samuel Adams, what more could anyone want?

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Helping with aim.... Does not sound like fun....

Perhaps you could hire that part out and then you could deliver the package when it's done baking? Of course, it WOULD be at 3:00 a.m. and probably tangled up (breached?)

My wife/family had a couple horses when they were kids. They grew up in a rural part of town AND had the farm where I now live. They had over 500 acres at their disposal.

Given the stories I keep hearing as they all reflect back... they're all wonderful stories but when my father in law starts to think about having one today, he gets mighty defensive about it. Realize he's mid 80's and will never have one, he just talks the talk.

He has reminisced once or twice, something to the effect of "if I had all that money back I spent on the animals....." (horses, goats, cows, dogs, cats and probably a couple I don't know about)

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He has reminisced once or twice, something to the effect of "if I had all that money back I spent on the animals....." (horses, goats, cows, dogs, cats and probably a couple I don't know about)

Now that's funny!!! especially the part about, "a couple I don't know about".... I came home last week and there were two more "belgian shepherds" or something like that running amok around the yard, generally playing hide and seek with the cats (that's in the cats hide, and the dogs were seeking a snack...).... and I get the, "Daddy, I forgot to tell you, these are being given away and I volunteered to take care of them for awhile.... Oh and Daddy, isn't the one so cute!!! Maybe we should keep that one?"[:|][:S]

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We have the best horses in the world, they live behind the fence across the street ! All we have to do is look out at them running and playing and just having fun, and our neighbors do all the work, and pay all their bills. Once or twice a year I feed them when they are on vacation.

Thay are nice to watch but for me that would not be enough reason to do the rest of the work.

I would guess it would depend on if the boys are REALLY going to do all that is required to keep horses, I know that our girls did all the work involved with pets..........for the first few weeks !

It would be nice to have the extra property, but the horses do require a lot of regular care.

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My brother and sister-in law have about 55 of them on their property several they own and several are boarders. Every day they get up about 8 out on the farm by 9 to feed Hay and grain to all 55. A few of them have to have special grain and a few of them have medicine they have to be given. They finish first feeding around 11:00 My Sister-in law then has to exercise the horses that are hers and not being used for riding lesons followed by said lessons. After that they will grab a quick supper and then head back out to feed for the evening finishing around 9:00. Then if there is time they work on the house work. Start all over again the next morning. I was there about 2 months ago and my Brother in law had to shoot one of them because it had gotten really sick and the vet had done everything for it and there was just no saving it. Then he had the fun of disposing of said horse. Let me tell you it costs more to get rid of a dead one than buying a live one. So MAKE SURE YOU WANT HORSES before you get into it. It's not something you play with, they are expensive and hard work and if you like them worth every bit of commitment. But you will discover muscles you didn't know existed because they will start to hurt like hell from all the work you have to put into it. Then there is the joy of throwing bales of hay. I volunteered for this one spring day last year and I had never worked like that before. It was satisfying in it's own right, but extremely tiring. So once again MAKE SURE YOU WANT THEM. If that all sounds like your life dream then go for it.

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