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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/15 in all areas

  1. Two hours with the son-in-law polishing off the better part of a Bottle of Lagavulin, yeah im ready for coffee Needed a break, it's been a long week, what is today ? Tuesday ? Latest on the "Button"
    6 points
  2. the other day i was watching an auction for an amp that bob carver built. apparently he builds high end amplifiers and lists them on ebay occasionally. i have always wanted to know if bob carver had ever met paul klipsch. having a line of communication that went to bob carver, i seized the opportunity. following is our communication. i hope you enjoy this as much as i did. -- MKP From: fj40pickup To: audioshopper Subject: fj40pickup has sent a message Sent Date: Feb-06-15 12:59:08 PST Dear audioshopper, Hi Bob, hope all is good. I just have a question I have always wanted to ask you. Did you ever meet Paul Klipsch? You and Mr Klipsch are my audio heroes. At my house my wall-o-Klipsch is powered by wall-o-Carver amps...lol lol... and also at my auto shop...my Klipsch-Pro's are powered by my TFM42....oh yea we jam at the shop. take care Mark ;-) - fj40pickup Dear fj40pickup, Hi Mark, Well, you certainly have some great audio, that's for sure. Thanks for writing, and YES I did meet Paul Klipsch. It was long ago and he came to visit me in my Phase Linear days at the Phase Linear factory. I cannot remember why he came, but I do remember the visit and the lunch we shared plus a plane ride in his personal airplane. It was during lunch that he showed me how he sand-papered the bottoms of his feet. It was so he could "feel" the rudder pedals better and therefore fly more smoothly. He wore sandals and we could see his sanded toes too. After lunch he took us for a ride in his Cessna 310 twin. We flew over Puget Sound to Vashon island and back, talking about loudspeakers all the way. He commented that he was very happy that he was not in the amplifier business, and I was just as happy not to be building speakers at the time. Warmest and best my new friend, Bob Carver - audioshopper
    5 points
  3. I saw that Beatles dis..................( I agree with it though) I like some of the off music topic stuff, I love music but I need a break from time to time, What makes this forum great IMHO is the fact that we can disagree and for the most part remain civil, The members truly care for the product, its heritage, the members, music, & so much more The other forums I visit would not equal a pimple on the rump compared to this place, There is a genuine desire to help all that stop here and post. I can not count the number of unanswered query on other forums, or the smug remarks from the forum snobs
    5 points
  4. Morning guys.... 1st cup 1/2 way down.....got to get on it today.......the shop is crazy nuts busy, and that's a good thing. Not to much going on..........oh oh wait, as I sit here in the "reading room" my grandkids just busted in to see what I'm doing....oh yea gotta love em. OK guys I'll stop in later, have a good day all..... MKP :-)
    4 points
  5. Well, I texted the guy the following (I'm a straight shooter) OK, I did some research. For the sake of transparency I hit up the Klipsch forum to ask some questions. The advice I got from multiple posters is this vintage is worth $1300 if truly mint (no scratches etc. at all) otherwise between $800-$1000. I’m not interested in the receiver but its probably only worth $100 any way. I understand if you don’t want to let them go for that little but if you’re looking to move them let me know. I can provide you with the advice thread I posted if you’re questioning the valuation. No offense meant, not trying to low-ball. He texted back and said he'd do $1000 but no lower. I think I'm going to take it.
    4 points
  6. My better half got a look at the American Express statement last night. $$$$$ Three high-end AVR and a SVS subwoofer. I explained they are all under evaluation and I can return them. I'm only going to (maybe) keep one of the AVR. And the sub is gratis years of accumulated American Express Rewards. Might as well use the Rewards for something, right? Why not a free sub? She says, "What? You paid how much for a ******* sandwich?"
    3 points
  7. Morning Gang Hump day eh ? Yesterday, rolled the trash can to the curb. Today i just went and fetched it, day over, well till i see what's comin in the mail. Ebay purchases still rollin in, sometimes i buy goodies fron HongKong and need the item quicker than i think, so i will search again and buy one closer, stateside, and then use whatever comes if first. gives me some stock items left over. One of the "Key" items holding me up is my Relay board, one is in Frisco at this time, and the other is in Mich (tracking). Coffee, need more asap......
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. This button will make sense when you see what it does. With all the work you have into this boat, if it were mine, I would press that button with a long stick, just to be out the way and safe. Not that I don't trust you but,....... Ok maby not 100% you blame me From the way you talk about these farmers what do they grow ? ............ mushrooms or something, well they do sound a little crazy, you have to admit. You are closer than you know when you state, "Pushin the button w/stick" soon, my friend, soon. These farmers are into Hay, Rice, and Walnuts. Sitting around, maybe having a drink, one will get a phone call, some buyer, asking some question about Bale price or bulk rice, and he will say something like $17.50 per Bale for the Alfi, one of the other farmers sitting there will say, gee that is pricy, so my Bud will come off with something, yeah well that guy is a plick, and treats his farm hands like chit, so yeah, im going to ream him. Pays to stay on the Good side of these farm folks eh?
    3 points
  10. This button will make sense when you see what it does. With all the work you have into this boat, if it were mine, I would press that button with a long stick, just to be out the way and safe. Not that I don't trust you but,....... Ok maby not 100% you blame me From the way you talk about these farmers what do they grow ? ............ mushrooms or something, well they do sound a little crazy, you have to admit.
    3 points
  11. Fair deal for $1000.00 Clean them up and start using them before spending any money on them or considering any mods
    3 points
  12. Well I was sending some really long texts to him and what happened is something I've seen before between iOS and Android is that my texts were coming in to him all out of order. So I ended up calling him. He was VERY nice and sounded genuinely pleased that an enthusiast wanted his speakers. So we agreed on $1000. I'm happy with that. I know it sounds like they can be had for a little less but it feels like a fair price to me and him and that's what matters.
    3 points
  13. How about a game of Drunken Battleship. The game is just like Battleship; however, the ships are replaced with shot glasses full of your strongest whiskey, scotch, etc. When you lose, you still win as you truly go down with the ship. Disclaimer: As used in this post, "Drunken," “Battleship,” “whiskey,” “scotch” and other terms were not used or meant to be taken in any disparaging way by any forum member or by anyone reading these threads and lurking. As always, please note that the information presented by this author is meant for fun and is not intended as insult or otherwise!!!
    3 points
  14. This post started in another thread (by me). I am a student of negotiation having spent my life negotiating contracts. I find it to be the most fascinating area of human behavior. Negotiation behavior parallels real life behavior. If you know how someone negotiates you can gain a tremendous amount of information about them personally. There are the "nice" negotiators who try and trade on relationships or by trying to make the other party like them. They are either passive people, or sometimes skilled (albeit it sometimes disingenuous) sales people. There are the data driven negotiators who give you all types of stats to bolster their position (These Khorns new are over $9,000; the last Cornwalls sold for $1,500). There are the patient negotiators who just keep coming back and coming back with the same position (sometimes restated). There are the "I take this personally" negotiators. They get angry like the offer is meant to somehow denigrate them ("I hate low ballers and they are trying to insult me.") There are the "I must win even if Ioose" negotiators. They lose sight of the end result (getting the deal done) because they must win some lesser battle. These are generally Type A personality types. Anyway, you get the idea. This does not make them good or bad people. Instead it just provides insight into how they see the world. Any thoughts based on your experiences?
    2 points
  15. If you really wanted to distract her from the other expenses you just need to say NO the sandwich was not that much but the dance that came with it was added to the cost ! maby better not
    2 points
  16. What kind of walnuts? We have about 50 - 150 lbs of black walnuts a year after husking. The kids pick them up and we haul them down to the feed store where they remove the fruit and pay the kids around 10 - 15 bucks or so for their trouble. Lot of labor for the money but it saves me from a bumpy ride on the riding mower and it teaches them a bit about work. I saved a bag for toasting last year but shelling was such a disaster I quit and fed the rest to the squirrels. They must have appreciated that the fruit had been removed and the nuts had been nicely toasted in their shells because they were all gone by the next day.
    2 points
  17. Workin on the last cup of the Pot here, couple hours before the mail is in, so Hump a day Nap is in order
    2 points
  18. Well I would imagine you have not far to look or even have to ask if you need any of those.
    2 points
  19. Hey look at it this way, you woke up this morning and typing so you have pulled it off, might be all your getting but your doing good so far.
    2 points
  20. Great move buying the sandwich as a distraction!
    2 points
  21. We've just launched our new audio podcast, called "WPWK" - named after our "radio booth" that we had at CES 2015. The first few episodes are recordings taken from the show, with the first episode being part 1 of an interview with legendary rock producer Eddie Kramer. Check it out! (you can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes or any other podcast aggregator - details are on the page) http://www.klipsch.com/blog/wpwk-podcast-episode-1-eddie-kramer-part-1/ We have lots of various content lined up to provide on the podcast over the next several months, including audio technology discussions, PWK stories, interviews, and more!
    2 points
  22. I'm calling the FCC. My FM transmitter has been KPWK for 5 years. Oh, well...at least you are on the other side of the Mississippi. Dave
    2 points
  23. Heck! If these were available in veneer I'd get a pair
    2 points
  24. Good advice from all. I remember those beaters and the old 'the curly one has arrived' from that wild trip to Center Point Ohio Neal. I was going to chime in that those are nice top grille models too bad he took such horrible care of them. A little touch up, new caps in the networks and all is groovy. Good job guys! These days with the price of gas and having to drive a bigger vehicle to fetch items like LS, 'close' means a lot. I used to drive all over the place for a pair of Klipsch, can't afford that any more.
    2 points
  25. This button will make sense when you see what it does.
    2 points
  26. Actually if these are the right pictures - they aint that bad - 1000$ for sure they are worth it - logos and grilles Actually if these are the right pictures - they aint that bad - 1000$ for sure they are worth it - logos and grilles I agree. Offer $800 and go higher, if you want them. About $1,300 would be as high as I'd go.
    2 points
  27. I've been listening to Pandora for a few years now. Many of these artists would not get a penny from me any other way. So they get their 100 bucks for a few hundred thousand streams... not a very good return, I know. BUT because of Pandora I have "discovered" many artists I never knew or heard before and I have bought countless CD's and high rez downloads of artists I hadn't known before. If they (those who are still living) ever bother to have a concert in my vicinity I might even buy tickets to go hear them. Prior to streaming I would have never heard of them and they would have not one cent from me. Pandora's original agreement with ascap was bad early on compared to some other companies but I don't know if they are getting a better deal now. Sounds like they are doing pretty good! Don't get me wrong... the artists deserve more... but they wouldn't have gotten anything from me without streaming.
    2 points
  28. No true audiophile would ever allow children within a mile of his system. I said "Thebes Approved" not kiddie approved.
    2 points
  29. Do you mean go down on the ship? Heh! Who would have ever guessed her name was ship!
    2 points
  30. Cool! I was reading something Carver wrote a while back how he reverse engineered a transformer winding pattern of some great power supply, and uses that pattern to wind his own. I thought that was pretty cool. Not only that he is using the winding pattern of that great PS, but that he admits he copied it. That is character, IMHO.
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. Thanks for sharing. I finished reading and realized I had a little smile.
    2 points
  33. I heard someone just dissed the beatles in two channel again.
    2 points
  34. In this regard, we must part ways. This product makes absolutely no claims to greatness, is not an audiophile product, but simply re-imagines the look, not the functionality, of a pedestrian object. Given the fact that some audiophiles will actually spend hundreds of dollars to buy a cable because of how it looks, this non-audiophile product, translates the ho-hum, into Oom. Thebes approved! Please note "Thebes Approved" is an exclusive utterance of Thebes Corp., a subsidiary of Thebes-O-Rama Enterprises.
    2 points
  35. Spoiled brats. I yam what I yam. I believe the proper term is coffee snob. Good point See that's the problem with trying better coffees. It is a different taste and can be a little strong.
    2 points
  36. HUMPDAY for working people out there......just kidding If nothing else your reliable, so since your a regular with taco's how do you like them ?
    2 points
  37. A friend of our daughters gave her some coffee from where he works, a 2.5 pound bag of Dunkin Donuts original blend and a 3 pound can of Folgers classic roast. I tried the Dunkin Donuts coffee and it's good but not nearly as strong as my usual Community, but it's coffee and I am cheap. Never tried the Folgers yet, it's next. Been wanting to try different brands, and free is always good at the rate I go through coffee.
    2 points
  38. you'd play with her what? finish your sentences man!!
    1 point
  39. We've moved on to pepper sauce Earl. try to keep up.
    1 point
  40. The sub will be fine with the new amp as long as it doesn't play a lot of material below the tuning frequency of the box at elevated levels. You'll hear the driver complain when that happens. It's pretty obvious.
    1 point
  41. I'm not familiar with the Yamaha, but if it has two sets of speaker outputs (an A & B ), then you could possibly drive the Cornscalas off the A and the dual 15's off the B. And if you're having a crossover built, then you could probably have it configured so that both the L & R from the B set of outputs is sent to the dual bass bin. The only concern is that many of the older receivers that have switched A & B speaker outputs, may have reduced power when both speaker outputs are switched on (to protect from low loads). That's the only way I know to attempt it. Unless you have the owners manual, there's no way to know whether it would like a 4 ohm load or not.
    1 point
  42. Yes change your avatar and username traitor, wheres my pitch fork. Ok welcome to the forum, nice to see more members from the area. I know they don't come up often, but it seems about every 6 months you get a pair(in better shape). If your willing to spend that, why not look for a pair in better shape for 1000.00 and spend the 300.00 to travel(hotel, gas, etc). We should get some sort of logistics going through the area, as there seems to be good deals to be had. Dwillile purchased a pair like those from here about a year and half ago for around 500.00. Good luck and sit tight something better will come up. Did you at least notice the teardrop... I'm a depressed Hawkeye #FireFerentz.
    1 point
  43. Actually if these are the right pictures - they aint that bad - 1000$ for sure they are worth it - logos and grilles
    1 point
  44. How much is he asking? Can you post photos? I see that you answered while I was composing. Do you want fine furniture or merely La Scala sound? For reference, I purchased the beat up pair for $400 and turned them into these after spending another $400 to replace both woofers, refresh the networks, Bondo and paint. They've served the local high school well for several years. If you're going to work on the cabinets, you might consider the djk bass bin mod. See https://community.klipsch.com/index.php?/topic/72504-ported-la-scalas-photos-and-review/ and search the forum. $1,300 seems a bit high.
    1 point
  45. If I even thought about buying one of those, I would still throw myself off a cliff.....
    1 point
  46. Of course you will want to listen The End by The Doors at that time?
    1 point
  47. I remember hearing the engine start when they would test those things. Loud and frightening even a half mile or more away once they reached speed and the sirens cranked up. During the Cuban missile crisis, people would immediately check their watches to make sure it was noon. Most of us just wished they stop testing until the crisis was past. Even knowing it was a test was unnerving and made one consider the unthinkable. Dave
    1 point
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