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Everything posted by polizzio

  1. Glad to read you gents resolved your problem. I ran 10-200 hz test tones thru my CW3 last night. They will produce sound @ 30 hz. Here is an mp3 file with 10-200 hz short duration test tones if it will be of any benefit to you. audiocheck.net_LF 10-200 hz.mp3
  2. Janis was at Woodstock in August 1969 too.
  3. Oh yeah, you were "experienced". Are you experienced? Have you ever been experienced? Well, I have.... Jimi was legendary. Self taught on the guitar, played a RH guitar upside down, left handed. But he phucked up like Janis and died in his own vomit. Edit: Actually Jimi went first, then Janis, within a month of each other. Sept and Oct 1970 respectively.
  4. There are several variations out there, all from China. Fosi Audio sells em on amazon, the one above, Nobsound/Douk Mall on ebay. I picked up one of the Fosi amps with bass and treble adjustments off amazon to drive a pair of Elac 6.2 speakers on my desktop pc. The good thing about purchasing the unit from amazon is you get returns and warranty assured by amazon policies. And it comes complete with a power supply. The person selling em on amazon has a good rep, you can read the reviews if you choose to. I am very pleased with my unit, drives my Elacs very well and zero noise. Had it in operation since Dec 2018. I wouldn't buy any unit without the bass and treble adjustments. You can buy em cheaper on ebay from China, but if it craps out you're on your own. Not worth the cost of return shipping to China. I am so pleased with mine many times I have thought of purchasing another just to have. I mean for $67 delivered with PS and tone controls. They offer units with bluetooth too. I bet it would drive my CWs too just for fun, but I have an AVR serving there. Here is one on ebay for $38 delivered, no power supply: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Finished-TPA3116-LM1036-tone-digital-amplifier-Class-D-amp-50W-50W/222185254033 Fosi unit I purchased on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Audio-Amplifier-Receiver-Integrated-Speakers/dp/B076P2VS9H/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=R3RDUPS0P4ID&keywords=fosi+audio+amplifier&qid=1566577428&s=gateway&sprefix=fosi%2Caps%2C170&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&smid=ATV3LXZ3ZXOW8&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFCQU5BU0wySFNMVkMmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA3OTE1NzM3OTFZR1dFWUVPS00mZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDEwMDY1NFdHS0szUUJEWDQzNyZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  5. Yamaha warranty is non-transferable: https://usa.yamaha.com/files/ocp/en_us/support/warranty/audio_visual/AV_PRODUCTS_2013_fka_Home_Audio.pdf I own a Yamaha AVR.
  6. Better to think about the Woodstock experience, and the music. And bare breasts.
  7. Yes, I do remember him now that you bring it up. Murdered by his own, the Nation of Islam. Shotgun blast to the chest, then 8 or 10 rounds from pistols. One of the more violent assassinations of the time. Saw the docu movie a few years ago. Makes one ponder, so many public assassinations in the 60s. I guess one could attribute it to national unrest and hate. Throw in George Wallace too, they just didn't succeed completely. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_X#Assassination
  8. I have Corn iiis and a Yamaha AVR with 90 wpc clean. Way more than enough steam to drive the Corns very well. I listen to mostly rock @ peak levels < 95 db. I think you will be very pleased with the Mac and the Corns working together. Some users drive Corns with flea power tube amps.
  9. I vote for Yamaha, I very recently purchased a rx-v685 AVR. Was a Denon guy for many years but no longer. Still have my Denon AVR-3000 I purchased 25+ years ago. Most all of the Yamaha AVR offerings share the same software/features. It becomes a question on number of channels you need, and output power levels. Advantage series adds another year of warranty (3). EDIT: here is a copy of Yamaha Advantage product warranty (3 years to original purchaser, not 4 as stated above): https://usa.yamaha.com/files/ocp/en_us/support/warranty/audio_visual/AV_Home_Audio_AV_Receiver_Series_RX-A_2013.pdf
  10. Well stated my friend. I was much younger but I remember some of the times and the music of the 60s. And there was unrest in our nation in the hearts of many, mostly younger folks. I remember a young man climbing high in a Texas university tower and shooting people he didn't even know. (I'm originally from TX) I remember the murders of JFK, ML King, and Bobby. I remember most vividly Walter Conkite on the CBS evening news daily talking of a conflict 8000 miles away from home, and how many American soldiers had been killed that day. I remember the Black Panthers, the social unrest, and a shooting at Kent State University. I remember flower power, free love, and all the fine young women, some losing their bras and tops in public. (and my padna's older sister Shay, she was a fine hippy and the subject of many of my fantasies at the time) But mostly I remember the music. Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Cream, Bob Dylan, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Who, Santana, and many more. Thank God for the music otherwise we might have just gone completely insane. (Pink Floyd would write of this) No doubt Woodstock was a temporary escape for many of the younger generation. I'll leave you with this, one of the great storytellers of the 60s.
  11. Thebes and plebes.....you must be a big fan of Greek and Roman ancient history
  12. An image from Woodstock (sign of the times) A collection of images from Woodstock: https://www.morrisonhotelgallery.com/collections/QocUc4/Woodstock-69-Photography#TOP Everything you could possibly ever want to know about Woodstock 1969: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodstock
  13. How about a big bowl of popcorn, and an ice cold beverage of choice? A sense of humor helps too
  14. polizzio


    Agreed. But is there today truly an industry standard for testing? I know 30-40 years ago there were no regulated or hard standards for testing loudspeakers or audio amplifiers. Is there a controlling body over test standards/conditions? Perhaps by an electrical engineering board or society? I don't believe so even today as i see different amplifier output test settings used by manufacturers to rate their equipment. A few of them I believe are actually deceptive with their published results. Not all but a few.
  15. Here is all you need to know about Miley Cyrus. She split with her husband of 11 months a week ago and went to Italy with a girlfriend to console her. Great pics of the two making out by the pool. https://www.etonline.com/miley-cyrus-spotted-kissing-brody-jenners-ex-kaitlynn-carter-in-italy-see-the-pda-packed-pics
  16. Same here. I worked in a lab for a while, Coke and Diet Coke ph is 3 which is acidic. You can clean surface oxidation off a penny with Diet Coke. Apply and let it sit for a while (5-10 minutes) then rub with a rag. I used to drink both Coke and Diet Coke but stopped purchasing them approx 8 years ago. Carbonated drinks are not healthy for you nor are most artificial sweeteners. I have a ex bro in law used to drink like 10 Cokes a day, for like 25+ years. Pretty much all he drank was Coke from the time he woke up. He now has a stomach ulcer.
  17. That is where banana plugs truly shine. A < 30 second mission with banana plugs and labeled wiring.
  18. If you're not using 8 gauge speaker wire and spade terminals, you are just doing it all wrong.
  19. Me too, but a mere 2 years later I was a massive Jimi Hendrix fan. My eyes were "opened" @ age 13. Are You Experienced? Electric LadyLand
  20. This is a fact. I have landed a couple 5 foot plus gars out of Lake Ponchartrain many years ago. They are really easy to catch. I brought one home to clean and eat the flesh, but those scales and skin, might as well be Kevlar armor. I took a Skil saw to it out of frustration. People who know what they are doing use a sharp hatchet to open em up and clean. Here is a crazy fact. For 37 years I lived close to the Bonne Carre Spillway. It has 2 large canals probably 75 yards across and approx one mile long, from the excavation of dirt to build the spillway levees. These two canals are connected by a smaller canal which also joins the lake. A Google overhead view will show you the layout. The entire spillway is 7500 acres in area. Anyways, I have hunted, fished, 3 and 4 wheeled, boated, knee boarded, swam, target shot, hiked, and rode dirt bikes over the years. Its like a huge play ground for local residents. I fished quite a bit there and I have seen big gar roll on the surface of those canals while fishing early in the mornings. So we got those big gar in there swimming and feeding in the canals, same place where many people swim and ski. Never heard of anyone attacked by a large gar, but after I saw one in the spillway, it kind of worked in my mind. No doubt one of those 5 or 6 footers could grab a human and take them down below the surface. These big gars are supremely powerful swimmers. Especially a child swimming, good grief it would be easy for them to do. But it doesn't because they are intimidated by large prey (human size). Same with alligators. I have bass fished in a 14' aluminum skiff and seen 10 foot+ alligators sunning on tree blowdowns along the canal and when you get close, they hit the water. I once saw a 12 footer about 30 years ago, he did the same. You start watching the water after, least I did for a while. This occurred along Reserve Canal (diff location) drainage canal to Lake Ponchartrain. You don't see the really large gators any more, they have been mostly killed off by the hunters. Alligators avoid human contact if possible. In 40 years I have never heard of a large alligator gar jumping in a boat. Never heard of anyone being bitten by one either in the wild. spillway history/facts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonnet_Carré_Spillway
  21. SVS has a 5 year "covers everything" warranty. Many subs only do 2 or 3 years on the amp, which is what usually fails. SVS customer service is superb and they have a on line live chat function (help with setup or adjustments) during business hours. Also SVS has an "in home" 90 day trial period, and pay for return shipping if you choose to go another route. Take a look and see how many sub manufacturers/vendors offer paid return shipping/trial period on their product. Seaton and JTR do offer some killer subs, especially JTR, but not everybody is looking to spend $3000 plus on a single sub. Or need a sub with 115+ db output.
  22. Here is a heat index chart: https://www.weather.gov/safety/heat-index No wonder the yard kicked my butt the other day @ 90F and 83% humidity. Heat index of 114F in those conditions. (not to mention I could stand to lose 40 lbs)
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