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Everything posted by CWOReilly

  1. Listing has been taken down. Hopefully someone is rescuing it.
  2. https://www.ebay.com/itm/295879633094?hash=item44e3cce8c6:g:zEsAAOSwRdBk2gmc&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwI91cYI2Y6jwR%2Bc%2BJv2qM0biwWuTcxUiOet2qTlSO%2FxpvtAZyuIeGEaFMsJdFyqu7GCswOpEfk9nHNuG8xXcGBq6QhxxON74NLGhM3Vhs3zuYvW1h%2BQXN5lCzypIkMc3qag3Un5bBTWeyaBlswfvVFmG%2Bt5%2FuQ%2BagfOyC9iakxbBChNEkvyVw22xJJs%2BeqxzrCtZldA2M%2BMlczac2tEKtNsMsMyI7dxqchJW3mp10wKnsD3OURKjRT8dgo8vU0oRAw%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR_qXncq-Yg
  3. I’m waiting for my neighbors to have another party. They usually have a tent and a big PA. I’m gonna roll the LSIs outside.
  4. Subwoofers are the best stands for Heresy! If you really don’t want stands then slant risers can help direct the sound upward. Of course I don’t know your room to know if that would help. I tilted my Heresy center since it sits on the floor and it blends well with the left and rights that are on subs.
  5. Sad… https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/robbie-robertson-the-band-obituary-1234803234/amp/
  6. As for finish I’d go with black. A wrap would need a smooth surface to look decent, and veneer is even more work. As for the “mechanicals” (assuming everything works) just check all the connections by loosening and tightening them all. Then listen and enjoy!
  7. Since there is all the WAF mentions how about we add “wife yelling to turn it down!”
  8. I’ll just say you are lucky to know how to fix it at all. I have one that hadn’t been on in years and was relieved when I discovered all my pipes were busted. I was worried the pump may not work. Good luck!
  9. Well…. I’m sure running pump and water sound different than not running.
  10. I could use a single LSI near Atlanta. Piggy back bump!
  11. The better the speakers the better the amp the better the pre and most importantly the better the source, but @dtel already had it right.
  12. I have a large center to go with the big mains in my primary HT and my second HT are all Heresy II.
  13. I feel like it’s just an attempt to cash in. I saw Waters in 99 and while good it wasn’t Pink Floyd. And then well. Some things should just be left alone.
  14. I was gonna send you that way, but didn’t know how beat you were looking for.
  15. Listen to them first before you replace anything. If you need to repair/replace anything most everything can be had via Klipsch or authorized sellers. Good luck!
  16. Funny how sobriety works….
  17. That’s Bombay Gin!
  18. CWOReilly

    The Other Discs

    First album was better.
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