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Security Camera System


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I just got an 8 camera DVR to use at my house. I live Downtown which I find very very convenient but the neighborhood can be rough at times. The only things I've had stolen are lawn mowers. The local energy company installed two large street lights over my backyard so it is never dark lol. It is lit up 24/7 as well as the alley behind my house. The neighbors say you can see it from space. Anyway The DVR has 8 BNC connectors for cameras. I'd like to setup at least four camea's to keep a look out on the house so I'll know when I am being cased and by whom. The DVR can be monitored via IP address with a web browser. Can anyone recommend a good outdoor/ indoor camera? I don't want to break the bank but I also don't want some fuzzy images. Any advice much appreciated.

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Check Mcmaster Carr website as they have tons. Keep in mind that as you go from black & white to color to High Def the price skyrockets. They sell the cameras but the lenses are extra. You probably should have about 2 grand laying around for all the incidentals.


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I'll look at the system we have at the office tomorrow. It works very well and provides good video. It was in place when I started there so I don't know where it came from. I'll ask the guy that originally set it up.

I have a friend who has a small sign hanging beside his front door that says:

A gun lives here.
If you'd like to find out
what kind of gun it is
step through this door

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So, you might have extra capacity for surveillance cameras? Do you have any hot neighbors?

LMAO.......no... but the back alley has a couple of club rear exits. I've seen weird stuff their.

I'm no help on the video tech, but think it's a pretty good idea.

The security warning signs can be helpful too:

The most effective I've seen is: "INSURED BY SMITH & WESSON" Surprise

also, consider a chupacabra for the backyard.

A chupacabra could be great fun.

Thanks guys lol. Mainly look for a good affordable camera. Guess I'll have to do more research.

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I have been looking myself. I have come to the conclusion that the technology is changing so rapidly- given the huge market created by our catch and release criminal justice system-the best course of action in to wait a couple years. I am installing fake cameras in the meantime. There are some darn good ones for about 30 bucks with blikning lights that look pretty real.

As for signs- I was having a huge problem with door knocking salesman and potential burgulars- Around here they knock on the door and kick it in if no one answers. I put a very nicely made- no soliciting- sign on my front door. I have a big yellow caution sign reading"Forget 911-We call the morgue. There is a picture of a Beretta 9mm auto in the middle. I have on on both back doors where nobody has any business being there in the first place. Nice metal outdoor sign for about 16.00 delivered. Now I have like zero people cutting through my back yard or knocking on the door unvited. These people will make any sign that wou want- they have hundreds of patterns on file. I highly reccomend this outfit for signs.


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Geez, and I thought Charlotte was in a nice peacefull state.


I don't think anyplace is free of crazy people anymore ?

I should get a sign made,....."This is rural, no one pays attention to a few gunshots around here, and we already have a hole dug in the back yard, feel lucky ? "

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Everybody in our office has bought guns... Everybody. They dont lock bad guys up here.. they give them them stupid ankle bacelet monitors which do NO GOOD WHATSOEVER. A registered sex offender molested a 7 year old boy at an interstate rest stop in front of his older brother and father- He got a 25k bond and was out within hours. Older gentleman in my neighborhood moved here from Philly to get away from crime....what a joke....He was beaten unconscious while gassing up his BMW. Suffers from dizzy spells- loss of hearing.. scared to go out of his house. He gave the thugs his car and wallet. they beat him for fun. Last week- my watch buddy's shop was robbed in broaqd open daylight- 11:00 AM BY 3 armed men with ski masks. The 2 women working there opened the safe and gave them all of the cash in the safe and 30 k worth of Rolex and Patek watches- not good enough- they pistol whipped the 2 women on the way out- messd up one's face permanently- sent both to the hospital- I was in the store like a week ago. I would enjoy hunting down and slowly killing these pieces of human garbage if I knew who they are/where they lived. If caught they will suffer little or no penalty- count on it.

If you want to move to gool old safe Charlotte- come on down- I will hook you up with a good alarm company and a firearms instructor.

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Winchester I agree it is very annoying how criminals just keep getting away. I'm fine with ankle monitors for non violent criminals but violent criminals need to be kept off the streets no matter what. Most of the politicians around here live in very nice neighborhoods with private security raoming their neighborhoods..must be nice. Another reason for the cameras is to prove to city officials what actually goes on in the neighborhood. My neighborhood is being redeveloped and improved but if you don't stop the crime what is the point.

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Where I live is relatively safe. We had one home buglarized (in broad day-light) in the neighborhood recently in the last five years. I actually saw a sign "BEWARE OF OWNER" with the picture below in a rough neighborhood.

"Never mind the dog - BEWARE OF OWNER"


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We have a nativity scene in the front yard with an exploding baby Jesus. Sign on door says Home Insured by Exploding Baby Jesus. It's mostly for carollers, or any other ***holes who want my figgy pudding.

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