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Just when you think you've seen it all........


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I had a house showing today and needed to get the dogs out of the house for a short while. So I do a quick food store run for a couple of items. I always do the store back to front so I traverse the depth of the building upon entering. This takes me by the produce section. As I am walking by I look over to see the status of their asparagus offerings. There I see a young woman and her child, a youngster somewhere around 5 or 6 years old. The produce sits in a tiered display and the lower tier has rack of neatly stacked broccoli heads. The little boy is gnawing away on one the the broccoli heads!!!! I mean head dug in, chewing and yummy, yummy! And yes, mom knows this is happening. Dumbstruck I freeze in my tracks and I stare at the woman. She knows that I saw what happened. In fact it is continuing to happen when our eyes meet. She takes the chewed on broccoli head and shoves it to the rear of the pile. I just shook my head and went about my business. Wazzup with this? Should I be happy that the kids likes his veges?

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Strangely funny--and yet disturbing.

Anyone know the percentage of the population in federal and state correctional systems (i.e., NOT employees)?


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"Anyone know the percentage of the population in federal and state correctional systems (i.e., NOT employees)?"

There are 7 million adults either behind bars or on parole.

Califonia is spending 11% of tax receipts on prisons, even with releasing many early. The top paid five employees in the state work in corrections (the top one is a nurse).

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I recall 20-23 years ago a friend and I were so drunk after drinking Long Island Ice Teas at the bar,(and whatever else) that when after it closed, we went to the local Safeway to get some beer before it was 2:00AM.

We stumbled in there and drank a 6-pack in the beer aisle, and then bought a 6-pack and left the store. To this day I don't know why nobody tried to stop us...it wasn't like were trying to be sneaky about it. We were SAUCED...

My friend, after he dropped me off, ended up passed out behind a community college. He is a big guy and was too big for the '80 Celica liftback he drove, and somehow managed to split his forehead wide open on the roof when he was getting in the car. I think he was looking over a flat tire, and then passed out after splitting his forehead open.

At daylight, a campus security cop discovers him passed out in his car. But instead of one flat tire, the car has four flat tires. Now my friend had split his forehead open, so his face was drenched in blood. So the campus security cop approaches the car with four flat tires, and a guy in the front seat with his face caked in blood.

He's thinking worst case scenerio, and this guy is dead. He goes up and taps on the window...my friend springs to life, about scaring the poor security cop half to death.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. It's just been a hard night."

My friend starts up his Celica, and drives off with four flat tires.

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And what about the people who take a couple of strawberries out of the carton and then eat them and close the carton back up? Tomatoes? And everything else in a carton? There are 21 secret monitors in this grocery store and nothing happens.


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My sophomore year of high school I worked in the local grocery store. Since I failed at "bagging" I ended up working in the produce department.

The amount of perfectly good produce that gets thrown out because of "sampling" is just appalling. It was one of my tasks to go through all of the "open" produce several times a shift and remove anything that even appeared to have been sampled. I once asked the produce manager about it and he just shrugged his shoulders and said "what can you do?"

Yea... People do it all the time. In the time I worked there finding banana peels or apple cores in the aisles was routine. Same with candy wrappers, cookie packages and every now and then an empty wine bottle.

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"Since I failed at "bagging" I ended up working in the produce department"

LOL!!!! Now that's funny!!! YesYesYes


The "bag-boys" spent a LOT of time outside in the Florida heat, humidity, and rain. Those assigned to the various departs (I.E. produce, meat, stocking) got to stay inside the nice air conditioned store all day.

I ain't quite as dumb as I look. It's just the clothes I wear. [:D]

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I'll admit to smelling fruit to determine if it is ripe but really I never considered anything else. If someone is going to eat something in the store do they not consider that equivalent to shoplifting? They may not carry out of the front door in their hands but they do leave the building with the product without paying for it. Do stores ever try to charge these thieves? We all end up paying extra for this stuff. On the other hand take avocados. The store charges so much for them that I bet half of their stock rots beyond sale-ability. That is about as criminal and costly and wasteful.

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In the store where I worked peaches, mangos and apples were the worst. People would pick one up, take a big bite out and put it back on the stack. What's funny is that they were aware enough of what they were doing as to always place the fruit bite side down. In doing so they not only contaminated the piece of fruit that they sampled but the 2 or 3 pieces that it came in contact with.

I really don't know if in fact they bought any of the products that the sampled or were just hungry. Hopefully they enjoyed the sample enough that they bought several of the fruit in question.

If you work at a grocery store long enough (1 year was MORE than enough for me) you'll see just about everything. Watching an old wino standing in the drug aisle chugging bottles of Nyquil until he was taken away was pretty much all it took for me. Considering the quantity of empties on the floor I suspect that he slept pretty well (in jail) that night.

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How do they explore packaged meat?


The discussion has morphed into an area that reminds me of the topic brought up in a recent meeting. Inpatients (aka 'residents') who live in long term facilities are required to get access to fresh fruit snacks. So one facility met this requirement by placing a bowl of fresh fruit for the residents to pick from at will. It did not occur to them that the residents did not just take one piece of fruit and eat it. They browsed the fruit and sneezed on the fruit and so forth. Soon whatever virus one resident had was easily spread among them all. You'd think there would be clear regulations for such things. Not below the skilled nursing level. You can often see shared common area fruit bowls out in assisted living and other senior living homes. Ever see one of those old folks use the head? Thar's an appetizing visualization.

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Watching people "check the meat" in the meat department gives one the creeps on ocassion....

I tend to check out the meat at the grocery store, in every section of the store. [:P]

My wife always ask me what I want whenever she is going, I usually tell her something nice about this tall, as I hold up my hand.

I must be asking for the wrong height, she never finds any ?

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Watching people "check the meat" in the meat department gives one the creeps on ocassion....

I tend to check out the meat at the grocery store, in every section of the store. Stick out tongue

My wife always ask me what I want whenever she is going, I usually tell her something nice about this tall, as I hold up my hand.

I must be asking for the wrong height, she never finds any ?

Yeah I'm a bit partial towards Lamb.

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