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SWAG is on like Donkey Kong.

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What a blast.  I just got home.   It reminded me a lot of the first year the 12 or 13 of us got together at the super 8.  No agenda other than hanging out and listening to music.  I'm already looking forward to next year.   Special thanks to Pete and Dave for bringing some awesome grub and to Jerry for securing that incredible venue.

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33 minutes ago, CECAA850 said:

It reminded me a lot of the first year the 12 or 13 of us got together at the super 8.  No agenda other than hanging out and listening to music.


I wonder if that's the inherent issue with scaling the event. Once you reach a certain threshold it can be difficult to remain agenda-less and satisfy 50+ people for a weekend of just milling around. So then we decide if we cap the attendance to maintain the continuity of purpose behind the event, or grow in scale to be all-inclusive but embrace the inevitable sacrifice of "spirit" for the sake of pleasing a larger and more diverse crowd.

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31 minutes ago, Thaddeus Smith said:


I wonder if that's the inherent issue with scaling the event. Once you reach a certain threshold it can be difficult to remain agenda-less and satisfy 50+ people for a weekend of just milling around. So then we decide if we cap the attendance to maintain the continuity of purpose behind the event, or grow in scale to be all-inclusive but embrace the inevitable sacrifice of "spirit" for the sake of pleasing a larger and more diverse crowd.

The size of the group isn't an issue. Not having a say in what happens there is.

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7 hours ago, Seadog said:

The 1st SWAG is history, but what a great time.

Except for the audio gremlins, the cattle in neighboring pastures, and a stray dog, the photo below from Saturday afternoon includes everyone who attended.




L to R: Kirby,  Babadono, Ceptorman, Seadog, PeteH, Rockhound, Rockhound's son, Cecaa850.

what kind of speakers are these next to Kirby   and PeterH 


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41 minutes ago, Tarheel said:

Well I'm glad they got all the kids off the side walk before Carl started his drive home.


33 minutes ago, CECAA850 said:

Sidewalks in Arkansas?  I would have been more likely to hit a cow than a kid. 

After this weekend you wouldn’t have been able to hit a cow if you aimed for it - my moneys on the cow — 

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15 minutes ago, MookieStl said:

How did your old school LSI splits hold up next to that tough competition? How did they sound with the Devastator?

Not gonna toot my own horn (pun intended) but they had no problem with spl and maybe the most detailed of the bunch.  @Ceptorman was trying to pilfer them.  Lol.

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