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Jubilee thd @ 115db/1 meter ?


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1 minute ago, OO1 said:

can you tell us more about these speakers and horns , since you posted these pictures , is this your design ?  are you in the USA .... let's take time to speak  of what these speakers can do 

German made, its just a big elliptical tractrix horn of wood. Cutoff is supposed to be 150hz....

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8 minutes ago, Islander said:

That’s how you’re coming across, whether you realize it or not.  Can you see how that might be a problem, and that it could cause problems?

Understandable... from my perspective... if you were a true lover of cars, the first thing you would have done as an owner would be to take it to the dyno.... it just depends how passionate you are and how far down the rabbit hole you want to go.... for another car lover just owning the mcLaren is enough... he just likes that its fast and attracts girls... different strokes for different folks... but I'm more the first guy not so much the second.

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1 hour ago, Camplo said:

I'm pretty good on my own but thanks for the suggestions lol....
I asked for Thd measurements not a life coach lmao!


Yes, you started out just asking for THD measurements.  However, during the course of this thread you've made inaccurate statements about the Jubilee in a somewhat insulting fashion like they were fact, you called a Klipsch Chief Engineer who learned his craft from Paul Klipsch a liar and implied he's "hiding" things, bandied around that the thing you requested is some kind of "standard" without citation, and generally acted like arrogant adolescent who sure he's the expert on the topic.  Not a great start for a new guy who might want help or information from the people here.

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OK heres a THD reading at 115db-ish..... This is the woofers at the bottom of the picture  in the PPSL...just the left channel...

I will do one of the 15" midbass but I'll save that for day time.... That thing is a full range speaker almost and I'm not doing 115db with Axi right now, inside....but I already showed the outside measurement at 115db which is much more preferable anyways...It'll be cool to see the 15" in combo with the 18"s  also.....At least to me....I don't think you guys are into this stuff like I am lol,


I put a 2nd order buttersworth low pass at 45hz and cranked the volume.... Theres no voicing and its in a random room so don't expect a nice pretty and flat line like you might get from an anechoic measurement.

you can't compare these to the Jubilee's bass bin thd measurements.....they don't exist. Thd is the signature of mechanical strain, less is better.


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4 hours ago, Camplo said:

Understandable... from my perspective... if you were a true lover of cars, the first thing you would have done as an owner would be to take it to the dyno.... it just depends how passionate you are and how far down the rabbit hole you want to go.... for another car lover just owning the mcLaren is enough... he just likes that its fast and attracts girls... different strokes for different folks... but I'm more the first guy not so much the second.


"Measurements on test benches" are completely unsexy. It is much more exciting to attract beautiful girls. LoL

At least it was not the first in my case to go to the dyno with the new car...You have slightly neurotically colored ideas.

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BTW it is already interesting. I have rarely seen such a crazy and in parts destructive thread here. There appears a subtle provocateur, and in addition, two veteran committed forum members who I respect in their own way quite argue. The latter should not cause the two disputants to withdraw in a huff, their engagement is too important for the forum, even if I don't have to agree with everything.

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2 hours ago, KT88 said:

 two veteran committed forum members who I respect in their own way quite argue. 


 I've seen this before in other threads I don't know why @Islander responds to Claude on this subject in public (should take it to PM IMO) he is obviously provoking the negative response at this point "trolling him" if the Chief approves and he's happy then who cares anyway didn't someone famous once say "a rose by any other name is still a rose?" 


 My personal opinion on the name "JubScala" is that whether it is technically correct or not I know immediately what the speaker is based on that description (402 on a La Scala bass bin) and believe most people who are familiar with those two speakers would as well so seems accurate enough for me. 

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@Camplo, Your bottom woofer cabinets look unusual (to me). In your picture, I see a set of rods between the 2 driver flanges, and a corresponding ring of ends on the outside of the box. Are those rods all that secures the 2 cabinets together, or do the upper boxes get screwed down? Also, what is your 1 watt/1 meter SPL spec?







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17 hours ago, Camplo said:

one of the Forums rules is likely, not derailing a thread.... If you guys can't try to stay on topic and try to add meaningful content to this thread...a moderator will have to correct you. 😃 

if you don't have measurements to show or discussion surrounding  measurements....I am talking to you lol


In other words...if you are not a fan of the Topic of this thread....measurements...Good bye lol....No one is going force you to view my thread...walk away....vamoose rofl!

17 hours ago, Khornukopia said:

I would like to be aware of that forum rule. Can you show us where it is written?

17 hours ago, Camplo said:



@Camplo, I think you had 4 posts when this thread started, so, welcome to the forum. Threads rarely stay on topic (2 Channel Audio, in this case) for long. I have seen it referred to as "herding cats" and there is a lot of tolerance amongst the long-time friends here on the Klipsch forum. Normally it is just best to go with the flow and steer it back to your subject (thd@115db/1m) with interesting postings. Have a nice day!

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3 hours ago, Khornukopia said:

@Camplo, Your bottom woofer cabinets look unusual (to me). In your picture, I see a set of rods between the 2 driver flanges, and a corresponding ring of ends on the outside of the box. Are those rods all that secures the 2 cabinets together, or do the upper boxes get screwed down? Also, what is your 1 watt/1 meter SPL spec?







It looks like Dennis's PPSL design.. Might not be but that is what it looks like.

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