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Type E to type AA conversion


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18 hours ago, OO1 said:

 the specs of the 70's -80's  K-55V with the original Atlas diaphragm indicated that it extended to 6KHz  whether single or dual phase plug  and so does the K-55M  , but the K-55M was hotter , and we all know that the newer 2001 K-55X , PD5VH  including the newer D-20GB diaphragms only extend to 4100Hz .

The old K-55-V reached 6kHz because of the collapsing verticals of the K-400 horn. Like Mike pointed out, it’s doing it, but it’s not happy about it. This is the primary reason Roy lowered the crossover point. The driver is beaming, and not providing a smooth power response (polars aren’t lining up).


On the Atlas spec sheet for the PD5-VH, they tell you that the frequency response was taken using a plane wave tube, not on a horn - and that if you want to know what the driver is doing, you need to put it on the horn of your choice and measure it.

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“K-55-M hotter”. 

That was addressed in a very long thread that eventually got moved into the historical section. That myth was busted by John Allen, and I confirmed it with Jim Hunter. Only the engineering samples were hotter, when the production samples arrived, they were the same sensitivity as the K-55-V. That doesn’t mean the frequency response was identical. People get confused by this. You can have variations in frequency response, but still have the same sensitivity. This is why it is important to use the right driver with the right network. This was also confirmed with Jim Hunter and Roy. Mike Boxler was kind enough to confirm all of this with measurements because he was tired of watching me agonize over it. 

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23 minutes ago, Deang said:

The old K-55-V reached 6kHz because of the collapsing verticals of the K-400 horn. Like Mike pointed out, it’s doing it, but it’s not happy about it. This is the primary reason Roy lowered the crossover point. The driver is beaming, and not providing a smooth power response (polars aren’t lining up).


On the Atlas spec sheet for the PD5-VH, they tell you that the frequency response was taken using a plane wave tube, not on a horn - and that if you want to know what the driver is doing, you need to put it on the horn of your choice and measure it.


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The K-55V driver is beaming?  Really?  And PWK didn't realize that all the way from 1963 up till 1980 when the nested phase plug was put into production?  Come on.

Collapsing verticals of the K-400 are not the reason the K-55V goes to 6K.  If that were true, the  current PD5VH would go to 6K on the K-400 and it doesn't.  Don't believe?  Here's a simple test that requires sophisticated test equipment - your ears.  Oh, you also need a pair of Klipschorns or LaScalas.  Place a good original K-55V in one speaker and place a K-55-X (PD5VH) in the other.  Disconnect the tweeters.  Feed a mono source to the speakers and compare what you hear.  If you can't hear that the K-55V is obviously playing higher frequencies than the current version of the PD5VH, you shouldn't be nessing around with loudspeakers.

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Hi Jim,


Sounds like you are just saying the current version of the PD5-VH can’t play as high as the older single phase plug versions. However, their current data sheet is exactly the same as the one that they’ve been using for as long as I can remember. At any rate, I have no reason to doubt your word. It’s interesting.  

As for the collapsing verticals - if that’s not true, then Klipsch misinformed me. Person shall remain anonymous unless they prefer to reveal themselves and clarify. There is always the possibility I misunderstood.  


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In the decade or so I’ve been following this forum you have always been the catalyst for progress and knowledge. Sometimes at the expense of a few battle scars, but always emerging as a rational voice.


I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for your DECADES of positive contributions. 


None of these forums would be the same without you.






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