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Dog pictures


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This is Dillon, the tail-less dog. He was hit by a car and survived.

You should change his name to "Lucky"! [;)]

Too bad he'll never get his tongue back in his mouth!


Great looking dogs and they both seem very happy!

Thanks for sharing the Pictures,


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This is Dillon, the tail-less dog. He was hit by a car and survived.

You should change his name to "Lucky"! Wink

Too bad he'll never get his tongue back in his mouth!


One of my favorite jokes of all time... "Free to a good home: Dog of undetermined age. Missing tail and one ear. Blind in one eye, walks with a limp. Answers to the name 'Lucky'"

Of course, I believe I know the OTHER 'Lucky' joke you are reffering to, but I won't repeat it here!

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  • 3 weeks later...

These are our two new chihuahua dogs. Caine is on the left, Virgil is on the right. Born in St Louis on September 1st. Flew into DFW on 11-11-11. Caine should grow to 6 to 7 pounds and Virgil should reach 5 pounds. We went 10 months dog free, guess we are going to have dogs into our 70s. Something to live for....


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  • 2 months later...

Posted in another thread...this is Tommy.


Tommy Kitchen.jpg


EDIT: We lost Tommy in August 2017.  He was the best companion that we could've hoped for.  RIP.

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Those desreve captions.

Goldenear, are Irish Setters as mischievous as English Setters?

Bruce, I've already been there and back. Quick trip but I got to be there for the Chinese New Year (Spring Festival). It wascolder there than here. I didn't eat any dog although it can be a delicacy.

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