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My experience with Shakti Stones on my Main Power Panel and Sub Panel.


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not an idiot." Looked

it up to be sure - "an utterly foolish or senseless person".


if one were in reality an utterly foolish or senseless person, it would not be

foolish and senseless of that person to admit that they were in fact foolish and

senseless; so one’s possible global domain of foolishness and senselessness would be somewhat mitigated

by one's self-acknowledgement of one's self same said foolishness and



admission would possibly demote one from "utterly" foolish and senseless to

"simply" foolish and senseless in the sense that one’s simply foolish

and senseless ideas might not necessarily extend totally (utterly) throughout

the entire domain of one’s ideas, but might be restricted to within a subset of

one’s ideas; these simple foolish and senseless ideas partitioned within the subset domain perhaps focused around a

single incorrect crystallized seed axiom from which stems one’s constellation

of delusional but partially contained sub domain system of simple foolish and

senseless ideas, para-logically albeit mildly somewhat pathologically self


But, if a person were in fact foolish or

senseless (simply or utterly), it is quite meta foolish and senseless to assert

or claim that one were not globally foolish and senseless. This meta foolishness and

senselessness both underscores and elevates support to the promotion of the

attribute of the primary domain of one’s foolishness and senselessness from “simply”

to “utterly” in the sense that an incorrect universal self claim’s domain

comprises a higher meta-level of existence within the foolishness and

senselessness hierarchy of multi-level meta-domains of foolishness and

senselessness due to and originating in the universal qualifier of the

incorrect claim.

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If placebo makes one better, are they not better in the end?

The mind is powerful at convincing itself something has changed when it wants to believe something has changed.

Much is still to be discovered about the mind, and about psychoacoustics.

Bottom Line: We're all intrigued by sound that moves us. If you can do anything, anything to push the envelope, real, perceived or otherwise, go for it. Budgetary constraints are the listeners responsibility.

If zuzu wants to spend his money on jubilees, bose, stones, magnets, hula hoops, illicit substances, Spicy V8, peperoncini, or even burn 10,000 dollars each morning for good luck or because it makes him feel envigorated, I don't have a problem with that. You must do what makes you happy in this life.

That said, one must understand ones peers and audience here. This klipsch forum is significantly composed of people who are alot like heritage loudspeakers. Conventional, function over form, and even a bit of cockiness as it relates to the fact that the heritage designs are genereally 40-60 years old and blow the socks off most commercial offerings in their price range. That translates to a skepticism that is normally quite healthy and self protecting.

Anyway, let us all follow our audio dreams, and let us be truly honest with ourselves along our journey, and everything will fall into place.


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one must understand ones peers and audience here. This klipsch forum is significantly composed of people who are alot like heritage loudspeakers. Conventional, function over form, and even a bit of cockiness as it relates to the fact that the heritage designs are genereally 40-60 years old and blow the socks off most commercial offerings in their price range. That translates to a skepticism that is normally quite healthy and self protecting.

That is an awesome analogy, Kimball.
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Well said Kimball. You nailed it. I've been both bashed and helped by my fellow Klipschophiles on these forums. I knew I would be bashed on this post, but if there would be just one who tried a Shakti and benifited, it's worth it. If you bought just one of these used on audiogon for $120 and it did not work for you on your power panel you could easily resell it there for $120 in a short period of time I'm thinking a few days not weeks. Yes I love my Dean Xovers. Don't know why it works thru a power panel door. All I know is it works.

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Well said Kimball. You nailed it. I've been both bashed and helped by my fellow Klipschophiles on these forums. I knew I would be bashed on this post, but if there would be just one who tried a Shakti and benifited, it's worth it. If you bought just one of these used on audiogon for $120 and it did not work for you on your power panel you could easily resell it there for $120 in a short period of time I'm thinking a few days not weeks. Yes I love my Dean Xovers. Don't know why it works thru a power panel door. All I know is it works.

I don't think I could resell one of these on agon.

Don't forget the most important lesson I've learned on the forums. Just because your bashed it doesn't mean your wrong.

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From http://www.randi.org/jr/080504string.html

"Today I sent out the following e-mail letter to eleven audio reviewers who showed up on the web pages of the Shakti Stones and P.W.B. Electronics, as endorsers of some audio nonsense mentioned here last week, and to both manufacturers of the devices as well. The letter explains itself:

My name is James Randi. I am the president of the James Randi Educational Foundation (address and contacts listed below) and I am an investigator of unusual claims. This Foundation has a prize of one million dollars that we offer, details of which are to be found at

As a reviewer for a major audio publication, I'm sure that you will find the following offer of great interest, both from the point of view of validating your expert judgment, and adding substantially to your net worth.

Please refer to
and go to the item "THE JREF MILLION IS SURELY WON" to learn of the items — the "Shakti Stones" and P.W.B. Electronics' "Electret Foil" and "Red X Pen" — that I am referring to here. In my opinion — and I have none of your expertise, I freely admit — these are farcical in nature. Yet experts such as yourself have endorsed these products, and that support indicates that the JREF million-dollar prize should surely be offered, either to you personally, or to the manufacturers of these products — who have been similarly informed on this date.

If you require further information concerning details of this endeavor, please contact me at
and inquire. This is a valid offer, a serious offer, and a sincere offer. Should any of these products prove to work as advertised, the first person who is able to demonstrate the efficacy of any of them, will be the winner of the JREF prize as described in the rules and details to be found at the above references.

I await your response with great interest.

The above e-mail message was sent to:

Frank Doris, at The Absolute Sound: frank.doris@fm-group.net

Clay Swartz, Clark Johnson, and David Robinson at Positive Feedback: cswartz@positive-feedback.com, cjohnsen@positive-feedback.com, and drobinson@positive-feedback.com

Larry Kaye, Wayne Donnelly, and Bill Brassington at fi: kaye@umbsky.cc.umb.edu, Waynewrite@aol.com, and bbrassington@planethifi.com

Bascom King at Audio: bhk@rain.org

Wes Phillips at SoundStage: wes@onhifi.com

Jim Merod at Jazz Times: jim@onsoundandmusic.com

Dick Olsher at Enjoy The Music: senioreditor@enjoythemusic.com

Peter and May Belt at "P.W.B. Electronics": webmaster@belt.demon.co.uk

Benjamin Piazza at "Shakti Innovations": info@shakti-innovations.com

Let's see what reaction is received — if any — to this clearly-outlined challenge. Remember, all we're doing here is asking the reviewers — the trained, experienced experts, the responsible endorsers of these products — to repeat their tests of the items, but this time under double-blind, secure, conditions. And we're making the same offer to the manufacturers, who we would expect to be even more sensitive and capable of performing such tests.


I am a mere mortal, unencumbered by academic degrees or claims of audio expertise. Show me, and win a million dollars...

(Sylvia Browne just called and offered refuge and professional evasion advice to all the above-listed.) "

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Bill, thank you for what you are doing on the 1 million contest and welcome back to the Pittsburgh area. I live in Butler Pa about 50 miles north of you. I'm inviting you to hear my system. Beverage and snacks will be served. I can't travel at present, fighting cancer and winning, but not yet won. I should be clear of it by July tho and would love to hear your system. zmanbands@aim.com

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