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My experience with Shakti Stones on my Main Power Panel and Sub Panel.


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Shakti Stones are 6.5"x5.5"x1.5" and filter EMI, Microwave, and RFinterference. In the past one way they have been used is under and above components. More recently Alan Maher discovered they can provide excellent improvement if taped or strapped to home power panels. I tried Alan's suggestion and taped ,over a one month period. 2 stones on my main power door, then 2 to my sub panel door, then I strapped 2 to the exposed cabels in and out of my main power panel. The improvement in sound quality has been very substantial in practically every aspect across the entire listening frequency band. IE more musical, more realistic like you are there, greater imaging, detail ect. I am Sooo glad I put these in. Thanks Alan. They retail for $230 each. I found 2 at $180 on an ebay store and got 4 at $125 from a private party. Not cheap, but I would equate the improvement to a major component upgrade in the $5000 to $7000 range. They do take up to 12 days to fully settle in, but in most cases the sound gets much better in 3 to 5 days.

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I am fairly gullible. So I never know when folks are kidding. You're kidding, right?

I went to a web site and they claimed the following:

"Shakti describes more liquid dynamics and focus and improved inter-transient silence"

Although I have no idea what this actually means, in its own way it sounds impressive.

These are are remarkable stones. Hmmm, I wonder why they "take 12 days to fully settle in" ....

Good Luck,


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I thought the "Clever little Clock" sounded better than the Shakti's in my system.......and it was less expensive. When I tried the Shakti's it made the music sound somewhat clearer but my Satellite TV went out and my Jacuzzi stopped working. I eventually used it as a tomb stone for my cat.

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I bet your sound could be even more imporved by you buying and installing an RT-12D at my house, you see because of the angle at which the plant spins the more BASS we can add in the middle part of the stste of Maine, the better the response will be in the rest of the country. I have been offered a new one with warranty for $1200, so this would reaaly be a low cost high gain fix for you and everyone else.
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The ole' "Quantum Tunneling Effect, Virtual Particle Trapping, Electron Alignment, and Spurious RF Rejection" crystals strike again.....

Maybe that explains why the Bose 901's sounded so good when the industrial/ professional size crystals are used: From left to right, Low Freq (and microwave), Medium Freq, and High Freq). Complete set, blue light special only for Forum members: $149.95!!, but wait!! If you buy them in the next 15 minutes, I will include the Master All Frequency Diamond Differential Crystal suitable for FM receivers[^]..... Hurry, supplies limited!!! Call 1-800-462-6434, ext 68....[A][;)]

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I can make your system sound better over the phone for only $99. PM me and I'll give you the details, including of course, my Paypal account.

Don't be fooled by imitations. Contact me for the genuine product. You call my phone number, set the receiver down for 15 minutes and you'll be amazed at the results. Works with cell phones too!

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Hard to believe, but if they filer EMI, Microwave, and RFinterference, I guess some slight improvemnet is possible, certainly worth $20 like other filtering products cost!

Colin, I don't have a problem with someone spending $20 on a suspect technology. However, if you add up the numbers that were posted earlier then it looks like over $1,300 has been spent.

The sad truth is that the $1,300 could have gone toward something that would actually make a difference. Heck, that would have taken him more than halfway toward a pair of Klipschorns. Now that would be a real impact on the sound.

When these things get posted someone might think there is some legitimacy to the expenditure. I would hate to see others go down that path. However, maybe I am wrong and there is something to it....


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It took me 2 hours to remove the witchcraft and voodoo from a pair of speakers that i just received. They had little "things" stuck all over them (looked strategically placed).

The "things" came off pretty easily but the glue residue was a real pain. The things were like little magnets, others were aluminum discs smaller than a dime stacked with foam pads between them, really wierd stuff. They also had a "loin cloth" below the tweeters and ebony centers for the midrange drivers to replace the factory metal and plastic ones. Th eguy that I bought these from is pretty wealthy and I assume that he spent a lot on these "upgrades."

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You are missing something Tom. I did it and I experienced it. If you recheck my math I spent $860. I tried 2 first and only then did I buy the other 4. One could try just one first. They show up on Audiogon at $120 from time to time, but are sold in a day if not hours. I wonder why? None there now. BTW, I sold my lovely Klipshorns6 years ago when I downsized my house. Tom, I'm not an idiot. These Work on Power panels. I know I did it and was sharing my results for others since it was so stunning.. Show me someone who has used them there and found them less than fantastic. This is a no brainer once you hear the difference. Anyway, thanks for your comments!!!

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You are correct. I did make an error in arithmetic. I now see that you only spent $860 on this technology.

I am sorry that you sold your Klipschorns. I sold mine last year in order to make room for Jubilees. Getting the Jubs has been a slow process and I miss my K-Horns.

BTW, In none of my posts did I say that I thought you were an "idiot". That is not to say that I endorse your recommendation however. I simply don't think we will ever agree on whether you are offering good advice.


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