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  1. Past hour
  2. A long and storied career.
  3. Excellent! Which one are you building? I’ve not purchased any BB since the pandemic, it wasn’t cheap even then. I hope it goes well, I can’t imagine being disappointed with the results. We had the kids back home this weekend, and had a Disney movie on for the Grandkid, and my son even commented on the bass output of the little T18 in the family room. Keep us posted on your progress. Read & re-read the plans before you begin. You can’t have too many clamps! Keep things square & follow the plan!There are a few folks on here who are ace builders and they’ve been a great help to me. I’ve been wanting to build a THTLP, just because it would be a better fit in my music room, but that may be a post-retirement project. Good luck on your build. I’m looking forward to seeing your progress.
  4. Today
  5. They have pills for that
  6. Top of da moanin to ya @billybob. How's life treatin ya down in that panhandle. Dried out yet? lol
  7. Where are you going to put them when you win? How are you going to get them upstairs?
  8. Bout time you got off some of the chump change. That's what I started to do and look at me now. lol New greenhouse for your pot farm in the land down under? Asking for a friend. Patience is a virtue! Said no man ever! 😂
  9. Ha! TOTALLY enjoyin mah coffee this morning. Crashed at 4AM and woke up to some crazy dream at 630 I wont even go into. lol So yea, time for some coffee and a moment to reflect on the life values of it. Me? Seriously? That much fun coming from a guy who NEVER dreams. 😂 Wondered where the neighbor kid had been. Guess he went to Disneyworld but he's back in full force. It's baseball season! Activate curmudgeon mode. Mow the yard right in the middle of batting practice. Yup, I won! UNTIL I had to get off the mower about 10 times picking up balls and bats they'd left laying all over the place. They're reproducing. Wait! I could be onto something. i was driving and picked up a kid hitch hiking here in Duckburg. Interesting. He had a real fire axe. He started tapping the passenger door w/the fire axe. I locked the breaks up, grabbed him by the throat and told him to get outta the car before I ripped his throat out. Yea, that's it. Self analysis. I'm all better now. Back to the coffee. That @grasshopper is sooooo gonna hear it when he surfaces. 9AM and someone's mowing? Quit it. Yea, the feet are up. Curmudgeon's unite!
  10. Thought I had a copy of Rush Counterparts found for $60.00 until I found out that based upon it's condition it is better suited for use as a large coaster. 🫤
  11. Hi all. Thanks for the experiences u shared. I just finished 0.75 watt 1626 set drive amp with 6sl7 and 5y3 rectify. For the first 2 hours the sound is sweet smooth details and very musical. However, it still lack of impact on the low frequency. I think the la scala needs more power. May be the el84 se ultra linear and 2a3 se will be my next project : )
  12. That’s something your TV will have to do. You’ll need to adjust the audio out settings to disable Dolby output.
  13. + needs to connect to lower + ar the cross out in red. The other connection is the side chain connection. Need one more. That is there.
  14. @MMurg AWESOME schematics. I took a look at Heresy II while I was there.
  15. You can name yours anything you want. Mere mortals are not allowed to name Heritage Products - PWK named them all (or adopted what others called them, like "Klipschorn" was name given by an audioclub that he adopted), the Jubilee (from Old Testiment), all of 'em. He even came up with nicknames, like Montagator.
  16. Stay tuned, we will have all of the details up in couple of days and I will update all of this and provide the links, etc.
  17. I've seen pictures of KHorns places along a wall the same as someone might place other speaker. The first pait I ever heard were about three or four feet into the room, a d they still sounded great. Knowing what I know now I would have said they were placed incorrectly, but they did sound very good at the time.
  18. Another sad day. Spider John had passed away. https://m.startribune.com/spider-john-koerner-obituary-minneapolis-minnesota-bob-dylan-ray-glover-bonnie-raitt-palmers-cancer/600366946/?clmob=y&c=n&clmob=y&c=n
  19. AL# refers to the La Scala crossover network version (https://community.klipsch.com/index.php?/topic/113804-klipsch-crossovers/), which is also used as a speaker version number for the La Scala (current version is AL5) and Klipschorn (current version is AK6). Considering that the crossover will now be a DSP, I was wondering if they would continue using that designation. I guess so.
  20. I am preparing myself for some incoming records due to arrive soon Filling missing titles in the collection and also replacing CDs of same titles ‘’Spinning in my downtime from preparing the base and erecting a new greenhouse fun fun fun 🤘 Artist - King Crimson Title - Red
  21. Where do you send the money? How can I get in on this? What does AL six stand for?
  22. Yeah knew that would be long.
  23. Our RSB-11 Soundbar has a Dolby function, which appears to automatically engage depending on whether or not the soundtrack of the TV show or movie supports Dolby. If the soundtrack does, the Dolby icon lights up and Dolby feature goes on automatically. Unfortunately, there are times when Dolby muddies the crispness of dialogue, outweighing any noise-cancelling benefits, and we want Dolby switched off. How do we disable/deactivate Dolby manually, or prevent it from turning on automatically regardless of the soundtrack input. There doesn't seem to be a button for this, either on the soundbar or its remote. This should be a choice, not a forced feature.
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