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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/14 in all areas

  1. I think I'm just going to roll grille-less for the foreseeable future, so no need for this fabric. It's the stuff B.Crites sells and is still on the 2" round form he uses for shipping. Two 36x72 pieces. B.Crites charges $70 shipped and I'll do it for $60 pp'd and shipped.
    1 point
  2. Hey there Boxx and fellow foodies...........! Well, lets just start with this fresh off the press photo of our wine club delivery TODAY! I also have some breakfast photos I want to post, and yes, they will be up this weekend In the meantime............... I believe we already have a wine from this selection pulled out for dinner shortly... It is..............'StarMaker' merlot Let you know what we think.............most all these wines are 'outstanding' as Boxx can tell you
    1 point
  3. It just so happens that a Dynaco ST120 is in my basement. It worked when I put it away several years ago. The cosmetics are okay if you squint your eyes (pitting on the chrome and corrosion on the black cage). It would be shipped from 06365. This would be free and the only cost would be shipping. I probably could not dig it out until next week however. PM if interested
    1 point
  4. I also have a Yaqin and really like it. Cost is reasonable and they are good build quality. Mines as functioned flawlessly. I had a Yaqin tube amp, and still have a Yaqin phono preamp. Seems well built, sound great, and trouble free for me.
    1 point
  5. Hello fellows! I´m new in the community and happy to be part of the Klipsch fans. This is my 5.0 set up: - Current AVR is a Denon AVR591 - Klipsch RF 62-II - Klipsch RC 62-II - Klipsch RS 52-II (No subwoofer by the moment) I would like to have your experienced help to choose the correct AVR for my setup. My budget is $1200-$1300 (I have in mind the Denon X4000). Thank you in advance for your opinions. - Alex G. -
    1 point
  6. Get a sub or subs first. Even a $300 AVR works well with Klipsch. I know. I have one.
    1 point
  7. Igusan, Welcome to the forum! What part of AR are you in? I might be interested. Hogfan
    1 point
  8. Yes, I am one to talk about pics, as not much experience. Other's however do know...
    1 point
  9. well, they say WAL OIL, and I tried to upload a pic but it was too large,need to format it. I will send pics to anyone that provides a # or email.
    1 point
  10. Welcome to the forum! Yes there is, and location, and or, willingness to ship play into it. Pictures are nice, as they convey the goods for sale nicely. Are they walnut or oiled oak? Do you have an idea of how much money you want for the pair? Good Fortune with your sale!
    1 point
  11. i was being facetious. the expectation for any thread in this forum to stay on topic is a pretty tall order. congrats on your sale, btw.
    1 point
  12. Must say those look pretty nice. Bet they sound nice too. I will miss mine! Good Fortune
    1 point
  13. Ok... Too much power is better than having too little due to clipping and distortion is a myth, for various reasons. Sure, clipping makes a square wave, which consists of high frequencies added on to the fundamental, but do the math and the power drops quickly with each harmonic. You'd have to be attempting to play a sine wave that happens to be close to the crossover frequency and clip it like crazy for the amplifier to generate really high power that would reach the tweeter; most of the clipping distorsion is still going to go to the woofer at sub-crossover frequencies. Power kills tweeters. They generally accept much less power than woofers do, so if you have a 500W amp and keep cranking the volume because the woofer still sounds good, then at some point you will surpass the limit of the tweeter. On the other hand, do the same with a 3W amp and how much damage can you do? At some point it will clip and start to sound bad and you'll turn it down without damaging anything. Do the same with a middle-ground 100W amp and here's where the myth comes alive. Say your woofer is getting 100W and your tweeter is getting 5W and everything is good but at the limit of both the woofer and tweeter. You crank it past clipping by 6 dB, but the SPL isn't getting much higher because (1) the woofer is already at it's excursion limit and compressing and (2) the amplifier isn't giving it much more voltage excursion anyway because its clipping. However, most of the clipping power is going to the woofer at first harmonics, not reaching the tweeter. But the music program content reaching the tweeter has increased by nearly 6 dB and is now close to 20W (some of it clipping because it's riding on top of low frequencies clipping, but some of it not clipping in parts of the low frequency signal that goes below rail voltage). Opps, the 20W fried the tweeter. You'd blame clipping but actually you just raised the volume enough for the regular program material to fry the tweeter. As for the argument that the coil stops moving because of clipping: It has mass and isn't going to stop instantanously when made to oscillate 100 times per second. Won't happen. It will distort like crazy but won't stop moving.
    1 point
  14. Solid state amplifiers cost just as much as vacuum tube amplifiers. All depends on choice&taste tube to ss is apple to an orange. its been said its nice to enjoy different setups ss one day or room and tube the other. i love hooking up my big ss crown macro techs to my chorus iis and knocking stuff over with the with high dbs. i also love warming one of my 12x2 knight tube up to my belles. they both serve their purpose in my life. solid state is good in stereo although they run so nice in surround sound applications. at times i like to run all tube power in my surround sound minus my bass driver section. i have a couple of these yaqin mc10L's from china one of which is american modded and sounds so good. rolling tubes in the stock version is a great value for approx $640 and can be modded yourself or by a good tech(my suggestion)as you get money. everybody should have a tube amp on tap always regardless of how you feel about them. out of my tube amps a couple of the vintage are completely original minus few caps being replaced and being over 50 years old are very exceptional sounding. at the same time my powered monitors serve their purpose in my home as well. In my collection out of 25amplifiers ss&tube and I have no idea how many speakers besides modding/upgrading i have only had to recone 2 woofers, replace 1 cord, toss 2 receivers(1marantz and 1hk)due to user error and replace 4 power tubes in 5 years.
    1 point
  15. To get back on track a little bit, it might be helpful if Ian would define "so expensive." To me, an incredible sounding tube amp which can be built for $250 in parts, and using $4 tubes, is inexpensive and a true bargain. A system built around such an amp with, say, a pair of RF-52IIs or used pair of Heresys (or CWs, Fortes, Chorus', etc.) is a bargain as well to me. I consider a new car which costs 16k to be exhorbitant while my neighbor spends that much in real estate taxes for his vacation place and considers that a bargain. Maynard
    1 point
  16. 381 LITERS, not cubic feet. I had to convert to cubic ft in my post above.
    1 point
  17. March 28/29 in Hope. Link to thread. Let us know if you'd like us to rough somebody up. We'll likely be plenty liquored up Saturday night. Sure we can come up with torches and such. After all, we are the Kuivering Klipsch Klan donchaknow. Dave
    1 point
  18. I would be willing to bet a nickel that Mr. Huckabee has strings to pull..... and if he is a good friend, I wouldn't hesitate asking for "Guidance", and see where that gets you.
    1 point
  19. Awaiting orders... BTW, you may have heard a mob is already headed that way in late March. Dave
    1 point
  20. Thanks! Got me new one today from klipsch. Charges great!
    1 point
  21. New RF-7 II's replacing my 14 year old Cambridge Soundworks Tower II's
    1 point
  22. Mark kicking butt. Nice. Along the lines of what I was alluding to in the other thread.
    1 point
  23. Jim Morris, Gulf & Western: http://jim-morrismusic.com/ Bobby Horton, War between the States period music: http://bobbyhorton.com/
    1 point
  24. Krissy, I...and I suspect others...are immediately in love! Never fear, gentlemen here. As you may have noticed, however, we are a fiercely loyal bunch and very prone to circling our wagons if we have any doubts. Many of us, as mentioned, have been here for many years and have weathered many a fight. This one puts us on red alert. We revere Ms. V as did Paul. We stand ready to rally behind her in any way she see's necessary, and I recognize you as her voice. It is also clear you have one of your own and know how to use it. I am in no way surprised you are acting on her behalf. It is hard to tell if your father lives or not. In any case, he is certainly one of us and you'll find many like him here. Nolite spurios te contundere. Dave
    1 point
  25. Well I used to be able drag the thumb drive on to Windows media player and record to it instead of to CD. Now it won't drag and drop with this 120mb thumb drive. I tried copying directly from the external hard drive to the thumb drive and it did not work. I moved files to computer hard drive and tried to copy to thumb drive and still did not work. Banged head on wall and jumped up and down, no help. Margarita made with Mescal did not help either, but I did feel better. You can call me almost anything you want if you can help. There are a few exceptions such as references to my mother. John Copying the files directly should have worked if you are using Windows Explorer and not Windows Media Player. Also, there is a possibility the thumb drive has become write protected. It could also be a bad thumb drive or bad USB port on the computer. Are you copying from Windows File Explorer? Try opening the root folder of the thumb drive and creating a folder there. Open the thumb drive in Windows Explorer. Click File, then new, then folder. Name the folder something like music. If that works, then you are writing to the thumb drive and I want you to now copy all of the music to that "music" directory. FAT formatting supports no more than 512 entries in the root directory. That includes files and folders. Perhaps the copy you were attempting had more files than that, and the whole thing cancelled when the 513th file failed.
    1 point
  26. Maybe the manufacturing can be moved out of town even by 1/4 mile just to get out of their tax base. Or threaten to move to a more friendly area. Hit em in the pocket book. If possible move the garden also and leave them with a pig sty in it's place! John
    1 point
  27. Those crossovers are really artwork. Dave
    1 point
  28. The description of this seems to beg for a shorter time period than 1999 to present. "Frenzied market that's out of control" has happened of course, but I would hardly describe the entire present back to 1999 in those terms. Is there a distinction in TA between long term formations and short term? A buy and hold three fund investor since 1999 has earned roughly the expected long run return from stocks over that time. By buy and hold I mean steady contributions each month into the fund, and no selling.
    1 point
  29. http://www.tubes4hifi.com/home.html TURBOX This is one place
    1 point
  30. They are tight and tend to remember tight after you store them for any period. also the noise canceling is non-existant AGAIN for mine. I am on set 3 now in 1 year and about to send it back again for ones that work. the second ones they sent me did not work out of the box. Am I asking for too much that when you tun on the noise canceling it actually makes it quieter on a plane? they sound great as headphones but I paid for noise canceling as I sleep with them on while on over seas flights
    1 point
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