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Everything posted by Schu

  1. If anyone is looking for a low cost dongle DAC, I just got this Astell&Kern AK HC2 usb DAC. It has wonderful separation and superb pin point imaging. The housing is made from Billet Aluminum and utilizes dual CS43198 chipsets for awesome spatial sound. Supports 4.4mm Balanced Output Powerful 4Vrms Output this unit is a couple of years old and AK has a couple generation newer usb dongles, but this one is highly recommended.
  2. Schu


    is that really Horology?
  3. They sound different... as they should. you'll be happy with either choice, but if you desire 'scale'... you can not beat the Jubilee, there is no replacement for displacement.
  4. Schu


    That's more like it.
  5. Host the photo yourself... problem solved.
  6. 161 individual donors... 1 in 161 'individual' chances for glory for you guys. Congratulations on the successful campaign.
  7. you're not listening loud enough to get that rear panel vibrating... and certainly flexing. how do you know your capacitors are not leaking if you haven't measured them electronically?
  8. the pontus II comes standard with i2s does it not?
  9. start with the Speakers... not the electronics/amplification.
  10. the move to 12 inches is interesting... when you've got 12", you don't need more.
  11. this place has been slow and 'Withering' for a couple years now... or did you happen to mean load times đŸ˜›
  12. As an FYI... when I paid for my Jubilees using BTC, I helped Cory thru the transaction... the first Crypto transaction for a major Klipsch Speaker purchase ever. that was when BTC was at $47,000... and when the price started dropping, Cory started Bitching and moaning about the shrinking value of the asset. Well Cory, who's bitching now... BTC is about $63,000 now... that means the MONEY I used to pay for my speakers is worth nearly 30% more than when I purchased them... if you held USD it would be worth 40% less in purchasing power, and that differential is going to be getting MUCH wider. you should have listened to me instead of BITCHING and whining.
  13. Send me a million dollars and I will send you some BTC... I live in Nigeria.
  14. Not using your ears... is a complete waste of time. the original question was VERY specific... it doesn't ask about using similar topology stacks. if you are relying on a measurement device to determine for you is something sounds good, you may be able to teach a science class... but you're doing it wrong. Learn to use your ears.
  15. unfortunately the best way, if you set on streaming from your computer, is via optical link to external DAC. if you get a motherboard with acl1220 audio processing, then it will sound decent but not elite. Bluetooth will also work reasonably well. I use Optical to Topping Amp to Focal 100iwlcr speakers and a Dayton Low Profile Subwoofer. I am using the internal motherboard acl1220 processing. I would not suggest anything lower than that codec. I run this with the latest JRiver audio player/library. I would never run my computer to a main system, but that's just me.
  16. Another failed FEMA response.. FEMA's most powerful and far reaching ability is not to help with disasters... it's strongest influence is to suspend The Rights of it's Citizens.
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