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Everything posted by Blvdre

  1. I'm in the market for a soundbar, something for our main TV, to be used for general use (TV and streaming music). I don't care about surround at all, and if I want to listen critically, I'll head to the basement to listen to the La Scalas. However, I do want the cleanest possible sound. I'm choosing to go with a soundbar because of the high WAF factor, and frankly, I'm in support of this myself. I have plenty of BUBs in the basement, don't need them in the living room as well. It's my understanding that the advantage of the RSB-11 is the HDMI signals of the various sources are fed directly to the bar, which yields a higher quality source compared to the R-20B, which is fed from the TV's optical out. On the other hand, the R-20B's mid and sub drivers are larger, and may be a bit more capable when the volume's turned up a bit. As far as cost, they're pretty comparable, and at the top end of my budget for a sound bar. Thoughts?
  2. HB, just a comment about the T-nuts; If you ever have an issue with a woofer mounting screw binding, you can always run a tap through the t-nut to clean up the threads. A t-handle and a tap won't set you back much at all.
  3. I've owned the Jolida, and currently have the Ah Tjoeb. I didn't have the opportunity to do a side-by side, but i would say they're both very nice players. My Ah! crapped out a few months ago; I troubleshot the problem to the upsampler. I finally got around to calling Upscale Audio, and they directed me to send it in. They confirmed the problem, and gave me an exchange price of $169. Pretty reasonable IMO, and am looking forward to getting the player up and running again.
  4. I own La Scalas and 2Cis. I've been meaning to sell the Vandersteens for a while now, as I no longer have a use for them. Very different speakers, but both very well designed. Richard and Paul are both legends in the industry.
  5. Hi Chris This is the General Discussion forum for the Klipsch Museum of Audio History. I would suggest posting your request here
  6. Blvdre

    What I Got Today!

    Very nice fenabulator.
  7. Good to know. I have a pair of 4pi speakers that are need to be duratexed
  8. I've had success with what are now kind of unobtainium: Wright Sound WPA 3.5 mono blocks (which I regrettably sold), and my current Don Allen 6q5 single-ended monoblocks. Both very nice sounding options. The Wrights were 2a3 based, and my preference of the two.
  9. The original, as well as the ALKs crossover points are @ 600 and 6k Hz.
  10. I haven't seen one of these in years - beautiful amps. I've never owned one, but have read many praises for Will's work.
  11. That is just Thebes expressing his disdain for anything that does not support analog. As the reigning Forum intellectual, he gets a free pass. An intellectual? I had no idea!
  12. Blvdre

    Klipsch TSCM EBay

    That room looks familiar....
  13. I can't shed any light on this, except to say that you shouldn't assume that the original version of the crossover had no noted changes. Changes may have been made to the pre-release version and noted on the first release version. Just a possibility.
  14. http://www.parts-express.com/Search.aspx?keyword=calss%20t%20amp&sitesearch=true
  15. Even if the tweeter diaphragm is blown, Crites has the replacements for $54/pair. The crossover repair's a piece of cake. Great deal here.
  16. ...ouch. And wear your safety glasses. I caught a blob of flux on my contact lens once, back when I wore those things.
  17. It looks like a bad paint job to me.
  18. Certified to IPC-A-610 annually, and been soldering for 30 years. Not my favorite pastime. though.
  19. It doesn't appear that you can from what is being said. It's still unclear, isn't it? My comment is based on my memory of past posts (of long ago) concerning this issue. Maybe a Klipsch employee will jump in to clarify.
  20. Looks like Klipsch doesn't want my business anymore then, because i am not going to pay that, and then swap out drivers, and crossovers. I will have to either look at used horns or go to Danley, and give them my hard earned cash. I guess that customers whose horns get damaged will have to buy a completely new setup due to Klipsch policy. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you own a catalogued Klipsch speaker that uses the k402, and your horn is damaged, you can get a replacement horn only.
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