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Everything posted by Ceptorman

  1. That's the 2nd time today that you "dunno" the answer to a question. Did someone steal Randy's login? 😄
  2. You have some nice Klipsch speakers. When you hit your screen name it says you joined in 2008. You've been here longer than most😃
  3. Welcome...I guess, but you've been here for 15 years! Nice speakers, are you replacing them? What will take their place?
  4. Welcome....yes that combo will absolutely bring your system to life.
  5. Those cleaned up nicely....congrats.
  6. The member Heritage Head just listed a pair of La Scalas, they're not splits but look like a great buy. He's not too far from you.
  7. Ive heard good things about Cambridge Audio integrated amps.
  8. That integrated Will showed will sound much better than their AVR, that's one nice amp.
  9. Very nice looking, those should sell easily.
  10. It's hard to argue with what Cory has to say. He won't steer you wrong.
  11. Congrats man......let us know what you think of them once they're singing.
  12. Have you priced new La Scalas lately?
  13. If you're into watching 21 year old playing old Zeppelin songs.....
  14. That's a pretty good deal, they claim they are new in box.
  15. How are you liking them? Did they replace any speakers?
  16. I heard there are 3-4 sets of these, beautiful speakers.
  17. How does it sound compared to the original woofers?
  18. Welcome Shilly, that's an awesome first post, good for you rebuilding those speakers. You came to the right place.
  19. Some people say there's a woman to blame...RIP Sir
  20. Excellent pic, those 5 guitars hanging would cover about any sound you want to produce, I'll play with the Rick 4003.
  21. Sounds like a pair of Heresies should be in your future.
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