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Everything posted by codewritinfool

  1. I saw “12 step” and immediately thought attenuator. I guess I have a problem.
  2. Yer killin’ me, Joe. Aleph-J is one of my in-the-works projects.
  3. https://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2018/12/28/police-chief-finds-source-of-mysterious-music-plaguing-towns-along-delaware-river-for-months/
  4. Lol, heaven is horn-loaded. PWK might have tweaked the efficiencies a bit.
  5. http://pinkfloyd.wikia.com/wiki/Wish_You_Were_Here_(Song) Doesn’t take Klipsch gear to hear that one.
  6. https://critesspeakers.com/k-55-replacement-the-new-a.html
  7. Merry Christmas from St. Louis, Missouri.
  8. https://www.theverge.com/2018/12/18/18144289/dirac-bass-smartphone-audio-speakers-ces-2019 https://www.dirac.com/bass-mobile Interesting tech for tiny drivers.
  9. I remember all of these but two (the dog snack and the dry hair look). In a way it is cool to see them again, but mostly this just makes me sick to my stomach... I can't believe the horrible quality of these overall. The acting, the singing, everything. Just awful.
  10. This looks interesting. https://korgnutube.com/en/
  11. https://www.ebay.com/itm/264094026581?ul_noapp=true Price is right for a good project, these sure need some love. No affiliation.
  12. Those are pretty. Nice book placement!
  13. codewritinfool


    So I tutor kids in math & science on Wednesdays, and right now I have two junior-high kids assigned to me. I still say "cool" and "groovy" and "dig" around them and they are amused by it. Last week one of them was solving a problem and I scratched out the answer and did the dab. One of them burst into laughter and the other says, "Mr. codewritinfool, you shouldn't dab." I started laughing and realized that to them, I'm ancient! LOL. So, I'm done dabbing.
  14. How much does that thing weigh and how well do you think it might survive a freight service? Asking for a friend. 😀
  15. Whoa, dodged a bullet there. That's a legit complaint for sure.
  16. ... a little harder than it already does! I seriously can't wait to hear some of these systems!
  17. Fantastic first album! I was listening to Jimi all day today at work.
  18. Wow. I don't think a sweep test on a single completed speaker at the factory would find this.
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