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Gypsy predicts my death

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So I am at a fair and off a couple yards off is your typical gypsy card fortune teller. Costume, table of trinkets. 10 bucks. She caught me looking her over ....she was a heck of a looker. She waves me over and I said , what the heck....first time for everything.

Thinking I was smarter than she was, I told myself if I keep my mouth shut, she won't learn anything she could use to bounce back at me. She babbles some BS, then looks at me and says.....you are a sick man.....you have known this for 10 years......each dance with death you have had has brought you closer to the end....your time is almost up....I can not say the day...but I see the time....I see how it will happen...it will happen after midmight but before dawn...I see you choking in your sleep....it happens quickly...a matter of minutes....I am sorry

Well the chick was right on point. In 1992 I was in a resturant with 5 freinds and fell to the ground unable to breath...the episode lasted about 3 minutes and I scared the crap out of everyone. I It happend twice in 2009, 3 times in 2010, and 4 times in 2011.

I have a condition in which my stomach muscles around the tube that connects to my stmoach will open once in a while and my stomach fluids enter my lungs during normal breathing. It happens pretty quickly. Most of the time I recover with out passing out, but there's been a few occassions I blacked out from not breathing. The interesting thing about all this, that starting 2010, all the episodes have been happening at night and stopped happening during the day.

There's no way this chick could have known this...the only folks that know about my condition aside from my doctors, are the folks who have been around me when it happens.

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There is an odd presentation where the sphincters (there are 2 such muscles) controlling the esophagus misfire during or after eating precipitating a potential aspiration event of such proportion that it instantly causes a reflexive cessation of breathing. It is sorta of a messed up 'burp' if you will, only it involves a bolus of regurgitated highly acidic stomach content. As I understand the condition it is not related to the standard gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD) often associated with supine postures during sleep. How frequently and severely this happens is the key to its mortal danger. I think most can recall episodes where they have unexpectedly urped up a load of bilious stomach content. The fortune teller likely relies upon the fact that many folks experience GERD to some degree so she'd be right (to some degree) a majority of the time. There's nothing like being in the ballpark of predicting someone's demise for her industry, no doubt. But in your case, this urpish event occurs upright and is not typically nocturnal so the hour of your predicted death is out of whack.

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That`s very interesting and very difficult to discount. Years ago a neighbour had a reader over for a girls night party my wife went to. They had all kinds of fun and a number of the women tried to trick the reader. The woman doing the reading told the host that she was pregnant which shocked her as only she and here husband knew about it at the time. Then she said it would be a boy (which it was, ok a 50/50 guess) then she said this is yor third child. This freaked the host out as she later told my wife that she had conceived as a young teen and not even her husband knew about that, she even told her the first childs sex. Some things you cannot explain or it is very difficult to find a reasonable explanation for. Can anything be done to correct your condition surgery or monitors? Don`t want to see a forum member leave before they need or want to. Take care of yourself. Thanks for telling us about this. I am curious to know what made you share your storey knowing that most readers would probably not believe it? Please, there is no need to answer this as it is none of my business but you outed yourself for some reason.Best regards Moray James.

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Do NOT discount seemingly “psychic” connections between people. Yes they are completely unexplainable by science but they DO exist. I’ll give you an example from my own life. One that kind of creeps me out to this day.

Several years ago I had a live-in girlfriend who simply refused to wear a seatbelt at any time. Her “argument” was that she had lived through her “traumatic” car crash and therefore the law of averages was on her side and she would not experience another one. UMMM… Yea… DUMB!!! Whatever.

One morning while I was in the shower prepping to go to work I had this completely overwhelming thought to tell her to wear her seatbelt that day. One part of the morning prep became another and then another and I of course failed to mention it to her.

About 4 or 5 hours later I get a frantic call on my cell phone from her that she had been involved in an accident. As it turns out I was at home for lunch and only a few minutes from the scene of the accident. I hopped in my truck and hauled @$$ to where she was.

When I get there she’s standing beside the road and her car (a Volkswagen Fox) was on its roof in an orange grove. As I tried to calm her down and determine if she had been hurt she says to me “You know… It’s the strangest F#$%^&G thing ever. I NEVER EVER wear my seatbelt but for some reason I put it on before heading to the house today”. Based on the condition of the car (totaled) versus her condition (no injury beyond very minor cuts & bruises) I feel that fact that she had for once been wearing a seatbelt saved her life.

I felt it coming and sent the message and she got it it. I’m a believer in “psychic” connection between people. Proven by science or not.

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The discussion of the ways in which one`s death date can effectively be predicted has recently been rapidly spreading over the net. A few months ago one priest filed suit against a the site http://yourdeathdate.info when this site predicted that his death was only a year away. What got him especially worried was the fact that just about seven months before that his colleague had taken the same test and died exactly on the predicted date. Sad but true.

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Thanks for telling us about this. I am curious to know what made you
share your storey knowing that most readers would probably not believe
it? Please, there is no need to answer this as it is none of my business
but you outed yourself for some reason.Best regards Moray James.

basically put it out there becuase we all tend to be pretty good at associating measurements and absolutes with technology and for the most part tend to do so from the prerspective of the technology componet as a soruce. It's a different twist when you try to analize something from the perspective of the reciever. The event made me think more and more about how unfconfirmed human perceptions really are and what factors influence human perceptions. My favorite example is the phonograph playing a record. Why do I like it. I hear music. I see a record spinning. But sometimes I feel like I can sense the virations of the needle. What am I really feeling...how can we really measure it. I would have to agree with the folks who posted comments suggesting that there was a message being sent by me that the reader was able to pick up. These readers and tellers must have an ability to recieve these messages. Interestingly, with all the possbile things on ones mind at any given time....why was this one picked out. In everyones life there are a myrid of issues that wieght on us. She could have picked up on my wish to retire and head south. My excitment of my son's promotion. My dissappointment in a freinds acceptance of her present job while qualified to double her pay. Etc, etc, etc. So why was she able to pick this out. I can say that about two weeks before the reading, a freind of the family has a death in the family. Their son had died in sleep. Sofficated on his vommit. Perhaps my mind was plagued with the wonder if this could happen to me.

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I'm not what you'd call a believer in "death prediction" be it a web site or whatever. A bit over 10 years ago a VERY prominent local oncologist predicted my death within 6 months (at the time). Well... He has since passed away and I'm still on the top side of the grass. Go figure.

So much for predictions...

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I have always believed, what's going to happen is going to happen, predictions, true or not does not change anything.

Either way good luck with the health problems, I predict your not going to have another attack. [Y]

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Yes it is interesting that some pick up while others don`t seem to or are not willing to for what ever the reason. I think that we all have these sensory capabilities and that some are more sensitive than others while at the same time some are more willing to be open to what they sense. It is my understanding that most who are very sensitive will not mention death to someone in which they read it. I would suspect that the situation that you were in was such that she felt compelled to warn you. I do not think that what we preceive is carved in stone so perhaps she wanted to make you aware to have a chance to deal with your health issue. I can`t say why but she did. All that you can do is to be as open yourself as you know how to be, hang with people who are positive and spend your time doing what ever you see as the next right thing to do. I am sure PWK hangs here and this forum has (to me) a very positive feeling, I don`t really know any of the members here in a very personal way yet I feel like I have a lot of friends here, much more so than other forums. Ues your time living in the moment because where you are is the perfect place to be for you right now. Best regards Moray James.

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Quickly, at night in your sleep, what a sweet way to go.I would not worry, I'm a see er and I say you got longer than you think.We all have numbered days, just enjoy and appreciate everyone you can.

I also never figured out why these people are not in the market and super rich, I've heard it don't work that way, well that would suck.

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By the way, suppose you know your death date - does that put your life at ease? Has any of you tried? I am going to find out. Here is a link to the site where I am thinking of taking this kind of test - http://yourdeathdate.info I am not sure though if it`s worth taking that test there.

This is my preferred site for that info: http://www.deathclock.com/

Hint: attitude counts for a lot.

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Scientificly speaking about "psychic" abilities you might want to watch the PBS special about Quantum Mechanics and particle "spooky behavior".

This particle behavior opens the way to "instantaneous matter transport". "psychic communication abilities", "instant communication", and "transference of the human body after death". The math in Quantum Mechanics says "particle spooky behavior" does exist and experiments are ongoing at the Canary Islands which have already transported Photons instantaneously at a distance of 69 miles. The math also states that the object being transported will be destroyed at the starting point and so your computer program better not have any glitches because you can't go back.


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I went to the website yourdeathdate.info and answered all 38 questions. What a joke! If you believe that by those questions a computer program can predict your death date ..........YOU ARE A MORON.

I didn't pay the $3.00 because I am not that stupid...........so I didn't receive my "death date".

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