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5 minutes ago, DizRotus said:

 If people want to guess at my complete email address


I'm thinking nobody will go 1119 pages deep in this thread to try and mine an email address off a screen shot. That said, there is no guessing. The Google Mail logo is right there. ;)

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16 minutes ago, mungkiman said:

Lower left corner, when submitting a reply?


That will let me choose a file off my computer to attach, like the paper clip icon.  I just can't figure out how to save a screen shot.


Alt, print screen then paste will put a screen shot in my reply but when I post, it disappears.

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22 minutes ago, mungkiman said:

Once I take a screen shot, I open Microsoft Paint, click on the clipboard to open the image, and then save it wherever I want to.


I can see where that would work but I'm lazy and looking for a copy and paste type method.  Maybe there isn't one.

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Just finish retubing the horn monos.  Also pulled new 12 ga monoprice wire through holes in bottom  side cabinets.  Getting too old for this mess.  It does look better than all the cables laying on top of the cabinets. Burning in the tubes with some Tom Waits.  Kind of surprised everything works and no spare parts.  Also set up LF's vintage system.  Pioneer SX-950, Teac X-7R R2R, B&O turn table, Heresy lls.

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1 minute ago, Tarheel said:

Just finish retubing the horn monos.  Also pulled new 12 ga monoprice wire through holes in bottom  side cabinets.  Getting too old for this mess.  It does look better than all the cables laying on top of the cabinets. Burning in the tubes with some Tom Waits.  Kind of surprised everything works and no spare parts.  Also set up LF's vintage system.  Pioneer SX-950, Teac X-7R R2R, B&O turn table, Heresy lls.

Finally doing something worth while.  Good man!

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10 hours ago, CECAA850 said:


10 hours ago, DizRotus said:


Wear a hat to retain body heat . . . or hair, whichever is escaping faster.

When I put a knit cap on, it feels like I just put a jacket on.  You really do lose a lot of heat from your head.



When we were in China Town this past Tuesday I got all my hair cut off and my beard shaved off. When we walked out of the barber shop I was freezing. The BOSS went into a shop and bought me a knit cap and a scarf:lol:

No doubt you loos a lot of heat through your head...


MKP :-)

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21 minutes ago, MORE KLIPSCH PLEASE said:


When we were in China Town this past Tuesday I got all my hair cut off and my beard shaved off. When we walked out of the barber shop I was freezing. The BOSS went into a shop and bought me a knit cap and a scarf:lol:

No doubt you loos a lot of heat through your head...


MKP :-)


Pictures, or it didn't happen...


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Good Saturday.  Only a few shopping days left.  Warm up that keyboard and get it done.


As I enjoy a cup of fresh ground 8 O'Clock, I'm also appreciating how good my son's refurbished Heresys sound powered by a refurbished h/k 430.  Now that he's temporarily back home as he plans a life after police work, the speakers and receiver did not go into the storage unit.


For the investment, including the cost to refurbish, it's hard to beat the bang for the buck from a Heresy and h/k 430 system.  Although, in the years since I presented the system to him as a graduation gift, the corners of the black Heresys are dinged up.  I'm thinking a coat of lightly textured Duratex in the spring is the answer.  

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