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35 minutes ago, SpeedLimit said:

is it right the CW IV needs to be placed in corners ?


I wouldn't say they need to be directly in the corners. But near is good. Mine are about 12-14 inches from the corners and toed in to cross in front of the listening position.





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35 minutes ago, SpeedLimit said:

is it right the CW IV needs to be placed in corners ?


No it does not need to be in a corner. I would say the vast majority of CW's I see over the years are not in corners. Any speaker placed in a room corner vs open wall will have increased bass output in the corner so you just have to consider that for proper balance in the room. 

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1 hour ago, SpeedLimit said:

is it right the CW IV needs to be placed in corners ?


in my room, i found that they sounded best there -- the most bass reinforcement and the biggest soundstage.  my room is only 10' wide.

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20 hours ago, jcn3 said:


what's the size of your room?  i'm putting cornwalls in a 10'x15' room.  they'll be in the front corners and sound great there.  the great thing about the cornwalls is they actually take up LESS effective space than traditional speakers because of the need to place in corners or near walls -- and they provide such a huge soundstage!


i'd go with the cornwalls -- i think they'll provide more.


Thanks for this. Room is about 11' x 9' 

Size wise I can make the Cornwalls work, i'm more worries about how they'll sound for low level listens through a McIntosh 252 .


Again thanks for this... I think it most likely the Cornwalls just want to make sure it's worth it if I50% of the time have them medium low level listens.




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10 minutes ago, Shakeydeal said:

That's an awfully small room for Cornwalls. I have a friend with a room that size with Forte IIIs, and those are quite a handful in there. You might be happier with Fortes.






Over the Heresy?  

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On 10/24/2020 at 9:03 PM, Marvel said:

Could there be the possibility that the woofers are out of phase?


I would expect the Cornwall IV to have very satisfying bass. How long have you been playing them? Couple of days, a week, etc.?


For the money you paid, they should be perfect.




I agree with this possibility. Double check your wiring. Technically, the term is out of POLARITY. So try reversing the polarity on one set of wires. The Cornwalls are known for their "awesome bass" so I'm surprised at you lack of bass comment. I have owned all the Klipsch Heritage from the 70's onward, and I have Cornwalls in my basement now. Bass is not something they lack. Polarity, placement, and ROOM treatments is where I would experiment. Break in and amplifier would not even be on the list at all for me.

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22 hours ago, Shakeydeal said:


I wouldn't say they need to be directly in the corners. But near is good. Mine are about 12-14 inches from the corners and toed in to cross in front of the listening position.





Please notice the sub woofers included in the system! At that distance, below 60 hz, they couple together as one big subwoofer!


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1 hour ago, Cold Smoke said:

As someone who just bought a pair of Cornwalls blind to have them shipped to me up in the Arctic, I have some sympathy for someone buying a set in Reunion Island. 

I bought some name brand MEH horns, sound unheard for about $10 kilobucks a pair! Also the same for Hypex NC-400 amps, sound unheard, at $1,600 US. It's the easiest kit I ever built in 1.5 hours flat, and the best sounding amp I've ever owned. Both are still part of my Benchmark system after 5 years, even after putting the speakers aside for almost a year,  to have Klipsch Jubilees with K-402's and TAD drivers!! The sound quality was superlative with that combo with Roy's PEQ settings, but I needed smaller horns in that small room to make space for Tapped Horn subs and a large OLED 4K TV for home theater, so I, sadly, had to let the Jubes go to a good home and went back to the smaller horns without regret, now that I have Yamaha's top of the line Pre Pro to drive the full Atmos (with real Klipsch Theater speakers suspended above to make 11 channels' 3D sound) and back to 2 channel with subs at the touch of a button on music.

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@Shakeydeal -- like your Butcher Block Acoustics stand.  Have one just like it, just not double wide.  Love their products.


This pick is out of date -- equipment has changed, but not the rack!  Will post my Cornwalls when they arrive!



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I moved the speakers slightly and am listening to a David Munyon album, good recording, stripped down music, the CW IV seem to sound better. I think it takes a few more hours of listening before they start to perform better. I also put a bi-wiring (simple but better than the previous cable), the amp is still the grand maestro audio analogue.

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Bravo for the progress, I think the speakers will relax over time and that in the end the sound will be excellent.


Just for the test and while waiting for the end of the break-in: You can put a resistance of 1.2ohm on the + of the H cable (Medium / treble) and tell us if it's better: it's simple and there is no has no risk for the material.

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