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Need some help with coming up with a topic for an assignment


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Think about a skill that most people do not have but could benefit from mastering. Why would people benefit from having this skill? What are the consequences of not having this skill?

Write an essay to persuade your instructor that all people should master this skill.

I can't seem to come up with a skill. It would be awesome if you guys could give me some ideas.
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I'm thinking.... that's a tough one.

Marksmanship? (says he who doesn't own a gun) I'd also suggest that being a marksman with a gun is different than simply owning a gun.

Why would people benefit from having this skill?
* Perhaps protect your home
* Perhaps shoot some food (as contrasted with burglers unless you like cheese on your burglers)
What are the consequences of not having this skill?
* being at the mercy of an intruder?
* More cheese to eat than burglers?

Write an essay to persuade your instructor that all people should master this skill.

* I hate essays.....


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I'm thinking.... that's a tough one.

Marksmanship? (says he who doesn't own a gun) I'd also suggest that being a marksman with a gun is different than simply owning a gun.

Why would people benefit from having this skill?
* Perhaps protect your home
* Perhaps shoot some food (as contrasted with burglers unless you like cheese on your burglers)
What are the consequences of not having this skill?
* being at the mercy of an intruder?
* More cheese to eat than burglers?

Write an essay to persuade your instructor that all people should master this skill.

* I hate essays.....

Stick out tongue


beyond marksmanship...owning a gun is a mindset too...


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People Skills...

Many people might be intelligent but they cannot communicate with people on a person to person basis...some have a good heart but fail to convey that with their everyday use of words, speach, mannerisms, body language...


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Telepathy - then you tell your instructor your will be sending him your paper that night. Blame him (or her) for being a crappy receiver if it doesn't get through and demand an A for all the hard work he (or she) lost after you thought about it and did your mind fax. Why write it out when you can put it to the real test?

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Definitely money management. Balancing risk vs. safety, debt vs. income, spending on fun/nonsense vs. prudently spending on more mundane (but financially prudent) things. Money makes the world go 'round. Gotta have the skill to work well with it.

Consequences: Being too tight with money leads to no adventure, a boring life and maybe less fulfilling lives for spouses and family. By definition, people want money so they can have it to spend. Being to loose with money leads to poverty, strain, anxiety, arguments, etc. Money might be made to spend, but "when" and "how" are very important questions with serious consequences.

There are even Bible passages on money management. You know, the little Aesop-like stories to teach a money-related lesson.

The dichotomy is there, and it is how to deal with the dichotomy that is most interesting.

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