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    • When I drove back past this one there were two vultures having at it.
    • Thank you very much for your answers, very quick and competent as so often in this forum. I have already thought about the 180 degree rotation of the basket as I did it with other heavy magnet woofers. Two more questions. Are there any qualitative differences between these woofers with round magnets and the later ones with square magnets? It's just an informational question, I want to keep these Khorns as original as possible with the original drivers. Second question, I see nuts in the area of the centering spider. Can I carefully loosen them a little and use the ear to re-center the voice coil? Or do these nuts (or screws with hexagonal heads) have a different function. Does a specialist have to carefully bend the basket of the woofer to free the voice coil, and I can't do anything myself?
    • You are correct.... Remove the four wing nuts and the retaining bars and disconnect the woofer cable from the woofer door terminal. The woofer and motor board are removed as a unit. There may be gasket material between the front of the motor board and the throat area. Be gentle but persistent when working this off.
    • Question....   (first, a direct answer to your question.....  "I don't know")   That said, it looks like the driver might be attached to a square piece of plywood....as such, I'm wondering if you take the four wingnuts off, the whole assembly comes out.  Pull out, take screws off to separate from the piece of wood....  do what you need to driver, reassemble in reverse order.   Me being a bit OCD might mark the driver so I know how it came out and then depending on me fixing it or replacing it, maybe rotate it 180 degrees so the now top, becomes the new bottom.   Reverse to put back.....attach to piece of wood in correct orientation, slide back in and put wingnuts back on.   That's my story.
    • I am on the wait-list for a UFO25 and the CSP325 preamp. I am on page 11 so I have plenty of time to wait. In the interim, I found a used UFO2.1 and purchased from a Decware forum member without too much trouble if I'm being honest. I have it hooked up to Heresy IV's and just like ned says on his reply before, I haven't found the upper end yet.   It's a great amount, I love the sound, and can't wait for the 25th anniversary upgrade when my number comes up. A lot of people spend time complaining about Decware on various boards across the internet. There are a lot of choices out there. If it bothers you that much, don't buy one. Plain and simple.   (This isn't a response to call anyone out on here.... Just putting in my 2 cents)
    • I worked/shopped in a record store long ago that ran everything through a single Klipschorn. It sounded great - like any proper record store would. 
    • This is not scientific, just how my system is now - and I like it.    I have KHorns and Cornwall 4s in my house. I have the UFO2 and a Parasound A23+ in service. I had the UFO on the KHorns for a while and found I was very aware of the squawker. Not in a good way.   The CW has a great mid range whatever feeds it. I know have the SS on the KHorns and UFO2 on the CWs and it sounds perfect. great match for each - I've run the KHorns for 5+ years with the Parasound and I've always been happy. There are posts by me on the subject. I have not found the upper bound of high volume with the UFO2. they can drive a speaker just fine. 
    • I was able to buy Klipsch horns first hand from 1973 and I am very happy with this purchase. Unfortunately, one woofer is rattling at the voice coil. Question, I have absolutely no experience with Khorns while I know the old LaScala fairly well. How do you remove the woofer from the bass cabinet? There are eight screws, not only 4 like on my 1977 LaScala. The screws from behind are hardly to reach. Then I see these two black metal rods with 2 wing nuts each fixed that obviously fixes the baffle together with the screw mounted woofer to the compression opening? Do I only have to loosen these wing nuts then remove the rods and can I then remove the woofer with the baffle from the side where I have access tp the woofer chamber? Please have a look at the photos. Many thanks for your valued help.        
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