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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/15 in all areas

  1. My oldest son was given his bachelors Finance degree on Saturday. It was bittersweet because his grandfather, who was a career educator and also a graduate from Marshall University passed away two months ago. We are all very proud of him. He is the president of the Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity, graduated in 4 years with 1 major and 2 minors, and is staying for another semester to finish 2 more baccalaureate degrees. My first son up to bat has put me in his dust. His grandfather would be very very proud, as I am!
    6 points
  2. Happy Monday all. Hope the weekend was good to you. We finished up the day with mesquite grilled ribeyes (her favorite) and the Jude Law movie 'Black Sea." Fine movie. Carl, thanks to you and the other mods for keeping this a fairly peaceful and civil place. Obviously not an easy task at times. It is appreciated. Cheers guys! Later.
    5 points
  3. Morning all. Let's see what this week holds. Seems that tempers have lightened up a bit in other areas which is a good thing. Hope the start to everyone's week if fairly uneventful.
    5 points
  4. Congrats on the kittens! Didn't know you were a Vegan.
    5 points
  5. Good morning everyone...... Mark, I was very curious in your link to the Pipe Organ video... As soon as I saw the stop tabs, I knew it was an Austin organ made in Hartford, Ct. They are one of the few pipe organ companies still in business for many years... Founded 1893 actually !! Did you notice toward the end, there is a camera shot looking down the isle toward the console? A large cable runs across the FRONT of the console (strange they would not have run that behind instead), anyway, commonly used to bundle all those wires are old FIRE HOSES !! Take a second look Ok, off to work, coffee awaits there from the old bench Black and Decker one cub maker.... Dunkin Donut's dark roast per normal Enjoy your day my friends.. ............Gary
    5 points
  6. I've cut my carbohydrate intake to 50 grams a day or less and all of that coming from vegetables. The rest of my 1800 calories a day comes mostly from lean steak and chicken for protein/fats and drink tons of water. I have lost 75 pounds so far, 100 to go. I am going to be 52 in a couple of months. It can be done. I am doing low carb (NOT Atkins) because of type 2 diabetes. It helps a ton. I was 400 pounds 8 months ago. I'm still losing 2-4 pounds a week.
    5 points
  7. Cooked for my wife last evening. Thai styled beef with green peppers and tomatoes. About 6 diced Thai chilis and a Serrano. She loved it. Rice sat too long and was a little chrunchy...but with the gravy it was still pretty good. We have Peet's dark roast at work, and done with it for the day. Monday...my video staff is at HQ in Tulsa doing a taping of our CEO and it's pretty quiet here. And I am also pleased to see peace and civility restored here. The only "moderating" I really want to do is blowing away swamis and other spammers. Dave
    4 points
  8. Looks like the younger Valentine, our cat. lol
    4 points
  9. Wow, thanks, it came in after posting. Cool! LMFAO great comment :emotion-21:
    4 points
  10. Have lived with and without them around. Prefer the with for companionship. They can act in a Bond movie if need be to help further their careers. The older cat is smallish and can eat more than the 3 year old anyday. And does it everyday. Sounds like an interesting website, link...thanks! Wow, thanks, it came in after posting. Cool!
    4 points
  11. Hey guys, surfin yesterday i found a guys website that has a tab just for all things cats, makes me want to get anothetr. see if i can find the link BRB Pretty cool, i was on this for an hour and did not go through 1/2 of it. http://www.glasswolf.net/index.htm P.S. Kid Safe, and this guy seems to know his Audio too :emotion-21:
    4 points
  12. That is awesome Mustang! Hell, I'm proud for you brother!
    3 points
  13. Sorry, not a vegan presently. Have been but years ago. It was early/late and I was tired, and had a drink. I know,excuses... Thinking some vegans own cats...?
    3 points
  14. Chest puff rightly deserved. Congrats!
    3 points
  15. Morning gang I found the wife was correct yesterday stating the coffee was a tad on the strong side, at 3Am im watching "SeaHunt" Order is in at my local "Depot" so off to spend the farmers money i am, drop the goodies off and head to another farm for a day of flying. New Subpanel goes in the barn, i do not know Wed,Thur,? Mondays are play days. You Working mates, get to work, i might be applying for SS later this year and would like the "Pot" fattened up. Wife has two years before she is up for SS. I see the wife is online looking for the next house in Nevada, Cool
    3 points
  16. Oh yeah, Sorry about the taking back but, thought I was on this thread. Well since was posting good morning. Had 3 cupper almost day. Cables carrying data. May be a good thing.
    3 points
  17. We got 2 kitten kids. Marigold 14 and valentine. Had forgotten to wish someone happy mother's day. Nan has our kids semi-under control, so I wished her a happy one. This talking over a keyboard sometimes, you just have to relax. Good advice as I am drinking a Sudweiser right atm. I need to relax on the highway and keep slowing down and relax. This racing to the finish to get it over with, is not a good practice. All it takes is one moment to be popped and forget about the Daytona blues. But yeah, sold my bike on craigslist and have my eye on another I was originally looking for. The responsible thing to do may be to get a decent car...but, that may go against the grain. Can always find a bike too. Honda VFR 500 would about do for me. Thanks, and best wishes to the mod squad, who, after many years of being off air, are now signing a 3 month contract to chill. Starting to break up so, on the side...bb
    3 points
  18. A happy mother day to all the moms.... and good morning to my buds... I'm just chillin out today not to much going on....just working on my 1st cup. Slept in a bit today. Chuck I like eggs over medium also ahhh thay are good. That weather you are getting should be up here in the next few days, they say it will stay off the coast and just bring us some clouds around here.....but we'll see. Mark and you guys with all crazy brothers and sisters and can't relate.....I'm the only kid.....my parent's always said they could not of handled another like me...lol lol... now my wife has five sisters and one brother. I gave each of them there own names....from the fruit loop to the drug addict there messed up....too long to tell, but i'm sure all you guys know about weird family... I'm lucky my mom is still here, she is working today....she loves her work...it's not work to her....she is a bar tender at a local bar around there house. She's been doing that for over 27 years now. She did hair dressing for most of her life and started this bar thing part time. Now it's her full time thing. She still has her English accent and seem to love her....She pulls out some good coin for what she does...My dad says...someone's got to work..lol lol OK guys gotta go...wishing all a great day.. MKP :-)
    3 points
  19. Our photo guy - Philly D - updated the on-white product photography in all finishes, grilles on/off and multiple angles for the Klipschorn, La Scala, Cornwall and Heresy. It's a lot harder than one would think and truly a monumental task. The photos look freakin' great. Check them out: Klipschorn La Scala Cornwall Heresy
    2 points
  20. Went to the zoo this weekend, visiting relatives in the second pic. Not sure what the other animals were on our side of the fence in the first pic ?
    2 points
  21. Missed alot here lately, been kind of busy, with the youngest daughter and family drove down here Friday from North Louisiana and left last night, so been a little busy. This is not unusual, but what made it unusual was my son-in-laws parents are visiting them for a few weeks from half way around the world. So of course they came to visit also, They speak NO English so this made it a little strange at first, the son in law had to translate everything. They are very nice people and we had a really good time showing them around, this is there first time to the US, and it was a real culture shock to say the least, they are from Saudi. So Saturday we went to the Zoo with all the kids which was there idea, next the good part, that night we took them to the French Quarter, this was quite the shock for them but in a good way. We walked down Bourbon street, listened to some music and ended up at café du monde for coffee and beignets. it lasted longer than that really, when we got home the sun was rising. Yesterday we just hung out here after getting up late, I smoked a meatloaf and some chicken, and we just hung out. I was a little worried how it would go but it was really good and we all had a good time. It was quite the experience, my son in law was in a car accident and had surgery so he is in a wheelchair, one of the reasons his parents are here to see him. But can you imagine pushing a wheelchair around the quarter, it was not easy so I just used the street, it's smoother than the sidewalks. It was fun
    2 points
  22. Very good mustang guy......well done!
    2 points
  23. Payment sent! Thanks again for the amp. This is the start to my path to an IB setup.
    2 points
  24. Getting old is like frying bacon in the nude. IT'S GONNA HURT SOMEWHERE!!!!
    2 points
  25. There are a number of approaches to managing body composition. Comes down to whatever works in a sustainable manner. Just keep in mind that at age, it becomes relevant to enter into the exercise schema cautiously. Most of us have existing medical considerations some of which really warrant close medical management. The bones, the muscles, the nerves and vessels are not young whipper-snapper vintage. I have shoulder joints devoid of cartilage for example. If you harm yourself in the process of trying to get better you lose ground instead of gaining ground. Is that new pain a simple muscle pull or or tendon strain or a pinched nerve? Everything matters. Of all the topics discussed here I'd contend that alcohol consumption is the most important. It is all empty calories and those calories go down the gullet quickly leading to at least a temporary caloric excess and that causes fat reserves to develop. One 'binge' can lead to weeks of extra effort removing that fat. Alcohol in modest moderation is the best message. Understand also that a conditioned body requires less fuel to do a simlar amount of work. If you are out of shape and move a woodpile in 10 minutes you actually burn more calories than if you did the same chore in good condition. Why? Conditioned muscles are more efficient. They require fewer calories for any given workload. In our youth we took good conditioned bodies and did tons of work and burned lots of calories. When older we may condition the body but we do less work with it (usually) so we really do not need loads of calories. Fats, sugars and alcohol - all are fast carbs, high in caloric content, that will lead to new fat stores if not used (burned) shortly after being consumed.............. and any of you with diabetes must deal with an entirely different set of rules. Getting elderly is not for the faint of heart.
    2 points
  26. Several reasons: #1) I developed a condition called stasis dermatitis on my shins. Itched like crazy. My legs looked so bad kids would ask me "whats wrong with your legs?" I went to see a dermatologist that said losing weight might cure it. 98% gone now. #2) I have an 11 year old son I couldn't keep up with and we have a lot of stuff to do. #3) I have a bunch of smaller clothes and didn't want to buy BIGGER cloths. #4) It's much more fun when the other baseball moms actually want to give me a good hug sometimes. #5) My wife likes to fool around more when I'm thinner. She said that in one way I'm actually bigger LOL. #6) Blood pressure medicine sucks! I'm not taking any but I tried a couple before this diet started. Talk about a deadwood! Lisinopril no thx. #7) tired all the time, now I can get some of these chores done. I could go on all day..............
    2 points
  27. Give me two weeks.
    2 points
  28. And here they are on top of my horns. I am very happy with the integration to the bassbins (soundwise) It sound even more effortless then my fc253hz tractrix's built by Greg. I put some tops on the bassbins and put these on that. I am planning to make a rigid rectangular piece and attach it to the lips. That bracing will help with the sound and make it even better according to what I hear. So not many problems, I am overall happy with this project! Here are some shots
    2 points
  29. My wife and I love to eat as well. We've been blessed out whole life with fairly high metabolisms so we never really "blew up". I would run for exercise but that stopped a few years ago after my 3're knee surgery. The sedentary life is starting to catch up with us now.
    2 points
  30. I've been off the wheat (gluten free and low carb) for almost a year now and have lost about 55 lbs. It took some persuading but once I got there I could actually stick with it. More of a lifestyle thing than a diet. Pretty much along the lines of the book 'Wheat Belly' and the excellent cookbook with the same name (I think). May help to point out that I do NOT like most forms of exercise other than walking the dog or cutting the grass. If you like to hit the gym that's great, but a lot of progress can be made without it. We eat well and do not miss the carbs, sugar, etc. Never thought I'd say that. Best of luck.
    2 points
  31. My 17HMR is the go-to for gophers off the porch. Frangible bullet and limited range with livestock around.
    2 points
  32. Too bad. He probably came off his high, and forgot he listed it.
    2 points
  33. Not sure why the Jakester doesn't like the new bed..........
    2 points
  34. And Jake just now added "if you think you need to tell the world what you had for breakfast you may as well let them know I had dry food with canned food mashed in and green beans on top". Okay Jake......everyone now knows
    2 points
  35. Happy Mothers Day to all the ladies who stop by "Coffee and Cables" Mom, wife, mother-in-law now gone......just two old boys here in the house. Me and Jake. LF never had children so really there is no one else. The critter woke me up early so I decided to go out for breakfast ahead of the crowd. Had sausage gravy and biscuits with two over medium eggs on top. Through and on the way home by 7:55. Second cup at home. Thinking about a third. Rained overnight and starting again now. No bike riding today unless weather improves. Maybe practice on the guitar some. Been exchanging emails with BigStewMan (Steve). Traded his BMW for a Flex...going to hit the road one day. LF in WV till Tuesday Cheers Ladies and Gents
    2 points
  36. Before I bought Steve's (Scrappydue) Palladium sub I looked hi and low for reviews on its performance. Outside of a couple articles for the complete Palladium set with just overviews of the sub I couldn't find anything. I have both the RSW-15 and the P312W. I know they are different 12" v 15"...but they are both top of the line consumer offerings from Klipsch. Since a lot of us already have a formed opinion on the former and not too many on the later I thought I would write up some observations between them and post them here. But I don't want to waste my time if no one would be interested in hearing how they stack up side by side. Or maybe I'll just do it for craps and giggles and you don't have to read it if you don't want to... EDIT: I see now I probably should have posted this in the subs forum...but I had 2.1 channel comparison on my mind when I posted. My apologies for any confusion.
    1 point
  37. I've had great results (even with the cheap Chinese unit) using a stepped attenuator direct from a CD player to a tube amplifier. But the Chinese unit would "break before make" when switching between steps, and eventually jammed up and broke altogether. So this time around I spent a few more bucks and went with a Goldpoint Mini-V level control. I'll have to order some RCA input/output jacks, and wire it up, and pimp the enclosure out somehow. I wanted to keep wire length as short as possible, hence the level control mounted in back, with a shaft to the control knob.
    1 point
  38. Thanks everybody. I appreciate the info a lot. Im pretty sure I bought those for $600 but it may have been $400 and $200 for the subwoofer. Im positive I paid $200 for that subwoofer though. It was all at Best Buy. I have a receiver also that I bought at the same time. Its a Sony STR DE 895. I guess i would be lucky to get $100 for everything. I would have to do that on Craigslist. Thanks again for the info. It was really helpful.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. I think you have it sold. He who hesitates is lost! Put me down as a backup, if Mr. saekountry, who was in line first, doesn't take it.
    1 point
  42. Mark, thanks for the info about Wheat. I researched it, and you're absolutely right. Some nutritionist claim it's the number one food item that causes weight gain.... white bread or bread in general. Whole wheat is particularly slow to digest.
    1 point
  43. Forum overload today, syntax BS! server OD!
    1 point
  44. What the heck is this thing? A Target
    1 point
  45. Nope. I've got no means to haul it. Would probably take 2 hours to drive there. Probably less expensive to take that transportation money and buy the torque wrench. Benefit of living where I live.... I'm surrounded by 250 acres of land which is then surrounded by (guessing) another 300 acres of woods which is then surrounded by a lake on three sides of us. I'm on a big peninsula. Downfall of where I live.... I'm out in the boonies, past all the cows. Definitely a double edged sword.
    1 point
  46. Love that song but have not heard the whole album. The voices of Mark Knopfler and James Taylor really do complement one another in the title song. I first heard it on this Jeff Hoak suggested CD which is fantastic by the way. Not multichannel in CD form but with my NAD's "Enhanced Stereo" mode it sounds fantastic in 5.1. Bill
    1 point
  47. For the same reason....when you buy a kid a toy that comes in a bog box....they always play with the box...
    1 point
  48. Baxter said "I'll get the same kind of crap while they're chowing on ribeyes!" He wants to start a union with Jake and picket for ribeyes.
    1 point
  49. The question no one has asked yet, is...are you only powering the Cornwall I's for 2 channel, and considering a Marantz for that? If so, there's no reason you shouldn't also be looking at lower power Marantz units as well....I have a 2230, and a 2226B that sound super sweet through Cornwalls, Belles and Heresy's....Just a thought....
    1 point
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