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Everything posted by Schu

  1. Klipsch observes the universal pricing model...
  2. If you're looking for a low end DAC that outperforms... take a look at the Gashelli Labs AKM4499 DAC's. the AKM4499 chipset is magical...
  3. I can't remember that far back... jesus.
  4. that's a pretty short HF section... they are nearly physically aligned. I wonder if you couldn't just get away with two channels of amplification... I should have kept my 691's...
  5. Senior Coconuts Kraftwerk Tribute!
  6. Schu


    Photos would be nice... interested in the Martinellis.
  7. I would like to see a miniaturized version LF doghouse added to a stand mounted Heresy with a 10"/12" driver... but that's not gonna happen. Probably not enough volume...
  8. Is that phase coherent diffusion on the front wall or some homemade curved panels?
  9. if you dont have dogs, like me, I suggest moving them on axis directly in front of the front beauty panel... You won't get 'smearing' by having them off axis like I do, but there is some small alignment mismatch... though it's fairly insignificant.
  10. Schu

    What I Got Today!

    more Art...
  11. Not only no... HELL no. works, of course... desired, not if quality is your goal. your mileage may vary
  12. I would use a multi-channel or 5.1/5.2 set up with multi channel processing for immersive sound. or you can just use 2-channel... with a hornloaded subwoofer
  13. not if you try and use your think meat and look at it in terms of class of product... direct radiating versus horn-loaded. don't you feel inadequate now?
  14. Ambient can be very cool... if it's 'processed' correctly. I enjoy ambient sound distribution... but not more than Stereo or 5.1
  15. without entering into a circular logic semantic debate, like I said... it's a Band-Aid. I think a lot of the issues for many can stem from implementation as opposed to the outright disdain of direct radiation... that being said, DR's are more alike than they are different from each other. One is just about as good as another.
  16. Not only yes... Hell yes. Once you learn what to/how to listen... Intermodulation distortion with its time variable is fairly distinct to a signal that is more linear.
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