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Everything posted by soundbound

  1. Congratulations Dean and it was even announced by Roy, wow! Klipsch is considerate on their forums from what I’ve seen. I enjoy their forums, members, and have learned a lot especially about Klipsch speakers which I own and enjoy greatly and mostly why I’m here, so thank you all. My Klipschorns sound amazing! Mr. Paul W. Klipsch was a genius and Klipsch is a great company!
  2. Yes, many can. I owned and put some money and time into a pair of Altec A-7 speakers. My Klipschorns sounded better. I sold the A-7 speakers and their new owner was very happy. They are called Voice Of The Theatres, because they were mainly designed to reproduce the male voice for movie theaters and they do that very well, but lack sound quality for home use. They don’t reproduce low frequencies that good and lack some highs. They do mids well spreading them out and mid bass. I was very disappointed with them, but understand why some like them. Like most speakers, they do somethings well, but lack in someways that were unacceptable to me. I see some add tweeters to them and subwoofers could be added too, but I didn’t want to go that route with them, so sold them. I’d bet my Chorus II would sound better than them too, but it can be unfair comparing a three way against two way. I’ve heard many speakers that sound better than the A-7, but it deserves its recognition. I think the Altec 19 is better and designed for home use, so I’d prefer them for home use. I considered using what I had in my A-7 components and building 19 cabinets for them, but didn’t want to undo what I had done and lost interest.
  3. He always speaks slowly saying basically little, wonders off topic, and laughing. I can’t listen to him. He only says good of what he sells. I only watched this video because it was posted here, but struggled to watch it to its end and it’s the same as the rest of his videos that I never finished or started many of.
  4. That’s one of the indications of good speakers. Enjoy.
  5. I would not buy them, because of the below seller’s statements that some forum members have posted concerns about too. “High-quality scans of all documents, (2 copies on thumb drives), and two prints of each of those scans on the appropriately sized archival paper. These are the only scans that exist of these documents. The Klipsch Museum asked for a copy, but because of a personal situation I was unable to provide them. I would hope the buyer will consider sending a set of scans and printouts to them, I had the second set made for that purpose.”
  6. https://www.ebay.com/itm/334530066728?hash=item4de38bb928:g:eyQAAOSwu7hi9YO1
  7. That’s great. It’s going to be a fun worthwhile project. Keep updating us. Enjoy.
  8. Great job. They’d be perfect for an audio room.
  9. Good idea. Experimenting by placing a piece of wood, or something between them and the floor at the fronts will tilt them upward toward ears. The wood piece can be adjusted further back for more tilt as needed, or a bigger piece of wood used. If the effect is beneficial, better options can be utilized if desired for tilting them upwards. I’d experiment with ways to get the cabinets higher too to hear what that does too.
  10. Aren’t they designed to be put on their sides, so the horns play sideways?
  11. Congratulations. You have a good tube system to go with them too. Enjoy.
  12. It was a Christmas gift for a year subscription. I activated it around March. I like it and it sounds good. Maybe I’ll try Qobuz someday too.
  13. Klipschorns. Mine sound amazing! I enjoy my Chorus II too, but the Klipschorns are very special. I’ve been streaming Spotify’s lists of audiophile songs through them and they sound amazing! They can produce low frequencies at high volume. They produce the full range with dynamics that are exciting, fun, and very enjoyable. Mr. Klipsch was a genius!
  14. Thank you for sharing your findings Flevoman.
  15. Trade only? I don’t see a selling price, just a retail cost. He’s into horns! Did you see his even bigger RCA horns on the side wall in his listing photos? Wow! Nice! I’d enjoy owning them!
  16. Music moves me more than some and I’ve always enjoyed high fidelity systems, so maybe I have this gene too. I like this concept. It’s a good idea. Thank you for sharing. 😀
  17. Congratulations. You scored. Enjoy.
  18. I’d enjoy building a low cost pair, but I’ve never heard any, so I’m hesitant.
  19. Welcome. Make sure the positive and negative wires from amp to speakers are all on correctly where they’re suppose to be too.
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