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Don Richard

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Everything posted by Don Richard

  1. The only factory specs give the size (15 inch), power handling (30W continuous 60W peak), weight (41 pounds), and impedance (16 ohms 3.2 ohms DCR). No Thiele-Small parameters that would indicate how it would perform on non horn loaded enclosures. I don't think that sort of data had been developed in the early 50s. I did measure the resonant frequency myself on the one that I had and it was 24 cycles per second, IIRC.
  2. This. No loudspeaker will sound worth a tinker's dam in that space. Whenever I moved the stereo was the last thing in the truck and the first thing in the new house so move "move in music" could be played. The sound was always horrible at first but improved greatly as rugs, furniture, and drapes were brought in.
  3. The earliest version of the Georgian used the same bass horn, licensed by Klipsch, as the Khorns of that time. This bass cabinet did not have the back chamber opened up into the "sinus" cavities, so the EV 15WK was designed for the smaller back chamber volume. I don't know what effect that would have when using the 15WK in a vented enclosure because complete factory specs are not available.
  4. Sunn was big in the '80s then Fender bought them and sold the brand until 2001-2002. I recently heard a band using Sunn PA boxes with the same midrange horn. Didn't sound bad but the high frequencies beamed pretty badly.
  5. I think that's a removable cap that covers the banana socket.
  6. I don't believe the LaScala ever had the type A crossover, they used the AA crossover.
  7. I always try to sit near the FOH console at arena events, or in the seats in the back about 10-15 rows up. Sitting in the side seats has never been a good experience for me.
  8. Well, given my 4+ decades in automation design and testing I can state without hesitation that this is actually how this has been, and is being done. Computer based sims have been a game changer in the automation industry, particularly with regard to products for sale to the general public. You seem to have no idea whatsoever on what it takes to idiot proof something like a Level 4 autonomous vehicle. Note that I am not referring to debugging software like Autocad, but rather debugging the entire system - sensors, AI, control software, scenarios, and final control elements - that it takes to create an self -driving road vehicle. Use your credentials to get a free subscription to this engineering publication, and get a copy of the Nov/Dec 2015 issue which has quite a bit of information on the state of the art regarding autonomous vehicle design and challenges: http://insideunmannedsystems.com/subscribe/
  9. I just checked the calendar and I see we are now in the 21st century. We did not have the computing power then that we have now when airlines were a new thing. Today we can debug software that controls unmanned systems via simulation, a task that was impossible then. It makes more sense to test and validate different aspects of autonomous control on virtual test tracks that can generate different scenarios and faults over 50 million or more miles and determine if a particular system is safe or not.
  10. Don Richard


    Sad news, he was very knowledgeable and experienced. Will be missed😔
  11. This is exactly the sort of thing one can expect when immature technology is released to the public without sufficient testing. All so that a company can say, "I'm first to do this".👎
  12. One may be able to time align the tweeter/midrange for one listening position only. However, the tweeter is being moved farther from the midrange driver. This will affect polars in the crossover overlap region more than if the tweeter was left in the stock position. What happens if the measurement mic is moved just 1 inch vertically? The measured phase will be different. Time alignment will work much better on a coaxial or unity horn arrangement or, if the listener to source distance is greater than in the typical home, in the case of a system with stacked drivers.
  13. Measure the loudspeaker first, see what it needs, then correct as necessary .
  14. Or run the cable through EMT conduit, a good idea in any case, makes it easy to add more or do repairs.
  15. Especially if a new auto company does not sufficiently test their systems before releasing them for public use. If there is ever a technology that is required to be idiot proof, autonomous driving cars are it. It seems that beta testing of smart phones and computers by the general public is common these days, but beta testing immature AV technology on public roads by non-professionals is dangerous and not a good idea. Current AV technology is far, far from 100% perfect, maybe 2% of what it needs to be, according to industry experts - not Tesla engineers.
  16. So, won't happen again or there will be more failures and more deaths? You can't have it both ways, smh. Dave, you are living in a dream world WRT this. Time to get woke....
  17. I'm surprised that Tesla sells a system that can't "see" a truck sitting across a roadway or a bicyclist approaching from the side, causing 2 people to die. So sad.
  18. Looks like a molded plastic cabinet.
  19. Brass is relatively soft, so bronze, stainless steel, titanium.
  20. He was hired as a consultant for Full Metal Jacket to advise an actor how to act like a Marine drill instructor, and after watching Ermey the director decided to give him the part. The opening scene of Full Metal Jacket is top drawer classic cinema. I would link the YouTube video but it is so NSFW and non politically correct it would surely offend someone. He wasn't acting, he was just playing himself. RIP
  21. The conductor at your local symphony says hello.
  22. I have one of the earlier OPPOs, a DV-980H, for audio use only. It will play just about any audio disc I put in it and the audio quality is on a par with players costing much more. Good company, sad to see it go.
  23. It certainly shouldn't hurt to bypass the electrolytic with a film cap and wouldn't cost a lot, so...
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