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End of the world Dec 22, 2012 - or is it the begining

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Is Pluto allowed to allign with the planets or is he just a red headed step child now?? Ok all planets allign - Not you you runt only real planets are allowed to allign.

And to think School house rock was wrong all these years.."and Pluto little Pluto is the farthest planet from our sun......"

There will be much confusion.....many will be calling Pluto a runt and asking it to step out of line...someone will wise up and realize the perpendicular orbit...alas....the long awaited planet X has arrived.

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The History Channel last nite ran a program on this topic. Had excerpts from I Ching, Mayans, Merlin, Scripture, etc. etc. etc.

Basically concluded that although there is enough coincidence to raise a question, there is no concrete evidence. Lots of folks have wrongly predicted the demise of the world. Regardless of past predictions, the alignment of the celestial bodies might cause one to scratch their head and ponder - at least for a moment. If nothing else, it is a rare event.

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It will also mark the end (hopefully) of Prez Obama's "reign".


Yes! Because God knows we need to get right back to cowardly torturing innocent people Nazi style, spying and informing on citizens Soviet style, and eliminating due process Chinese Communist style. Let's finish the march to totalitarianism that was interrupted by the last election.

Amen brother!

They want us to goose step like we are Anne coulter.

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The rise in sea levels is not due so much to melting ice caps, but rather expanding oceans as they become warmer.

Simple hydraulics: You can't compress a liquid. A liquid is matters densest form. Water expands when it freezes. Water expands when it boils and becomes a gass. Water, by definition, is a liquid, so it cannot expand in that stae because if it could, it could be compressed.


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"Answer: Thermal expansion - the principal by which alcohol and mercury
thermometers work. When heated, liquids actually expand to a greater
degree than solids."


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Also why weren't they able to predict their own early demise??

I think they flagged down the nearest UFO and checked out before the madness began...

(Taken in Nasca Peru while hanging my camera out of a rented plane)


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