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I actually got this repair facility's name from the Carver site.  It was one of the dozen recommended shops listed on their web site.  What could go wrong right?  I just sent the owner pictures.  He seems like a stand up guy from our conversation but he's got a tech who's stealing from him and his customers.  If I caught one of my guys doing that I'd run his *** off in a heartbeat.

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54 minutes ago, JL Sargent said:

Hate that. I've recapped several amps myself. Heck we could have done that between martinis Saturday.


Not jumping on the soldering iron after a 'tini.:emotion-46::blink:


I do have a nice Hakko though.


Between the time I sent it to them and now, I built 2 SS amps from the boards up.  I feel confident that I could attempt it now but will probable just send them to Paul if I can get my money back.

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