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I'll take all the credit I can muster, spelling be damned!

Boxer engines or opposed cylinder - 

BMW opposed twins

Porche/VW opposed 4's and 6's

Subaru opposed 4

etc. - 

Carl, pleased send spelling errors in a PM as I prefer that to public flogging --

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15 minutes ago, richieb said:

Carl, pleased send spelling errors in a PM as I prefer that to public flogging --

Public floggings are good for your soul.  I'm just looking out for your best interests. 


The floggings will continue until the morale improves!

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11 minutes ago, CECAA850 said:

Public floggings are good for your soul.  I'm just looking out for your best interests. 


The floggings will continue until the morale improves!

Private floggings cost extra.....Carl can send you a price list.

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57 minutes ago, richieb said:


I'll take all the credit I can muster, spelling be damned!

Boxer engines or opposed cylinder - 

BMW opposed twins

Porche/VW opposed 4's and 6's

Subaru opposed 4

etc. - 

Carl, pleased send spelling errors in a PM as I prefer that to public flogging --

Honda Goldwing was an opposed 4, now a 6 cylinder.

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I owned 2 1/2 Corvairs; a 62 Monza, a 67 Corsa and the 65 Motor in the VW.  So naturally, I thought I hated Ralph Nader.


In anticipation of heckling him during a speech at MSU ~ 70, I read Unsafe at Any Speed.  Contrary to popular misconception, the book was not exclusively a criticism of Corvairs.  The book was actually much more critical of VWs, especially Microbuses.  Nader's criticism was directed at swing axels, which pivot only at the inboard end, and which cause the rear wheels to tuck under on hard cornering.


Nader actually praised the 65 Corvair -- Also 66 - 69 -- with fully independent rear suspension, as one of the best handling American cars, which it was.  GM halted production in 69.


I enjoyed his talk and did not heckle him.


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Nader is disliked by the left and the right, but cars are safer now thanks to him.


Initially, I opposed Nader and airbags as examples of the "nanny state" and a tax on seatbelt users to protect those unwilling to protect themselves by wearing seabelts. As I matured and learned more, I changed my mind.


The attached photo shows what's left of a Nissan driven by the young daughter of a friend of mine.  Thanks to her cocoon of airbags, she did not sustain a head injury or internal injuries.  A broken pelvis and other broken bones were bad enough.  The other, at fault driver, fared much worse with only a single airbag and seatbelt.



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Evening gang


Nice day of rest

Wife cookin up Chicken Tenders :emotion-21:


Played with the ATV today trouble shooting, as to why it quit two years ago and he pushed into the Barn.

Fired on WD40 so .......Two hours disassembly cleaning Electrical/GasTank/Filters/Plug, and nothing was really bad......Hummm, it had Run out of gas :o


Farm run for Thursday, back on the Mack Hay Squeeze.

:emotion-46:WallBanger sounds good.




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