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Bee stings?  Hahaha!  On the road years ago and was drinking a Pepsi while taking a well deserved "break" when I THOUGHT I swallowed something.  Yea, ok everyone was laffin but me.  I could actually FEEL something crawling up my throat.  Now the guys were rollin hearing that!  Someone grabbed a big flashlight and was looking in my mouth for whatever got in my Pepsi.  I could feel it moving up my throat then I'd swallow and it would start all over again.  So, mouth open, I'm shoving paper towels in my cheeks trying to soak up the saliva so I wouldn't swallow it back down.  All the while one of the guys held this flashlight over my mouth.  Ok, it wasn't funny anymore when my throat and chest started getting hot.  Long story short we went to an ER and some old Doc gave me peanut butter crackers thinking that would knock it down into my stomach and the acid kill it.  Nope, so he scoped my throat and could see where I'd been stung.  So he sends me back out into the waiting room with the guys and some woman brought her daughter in who was in false pregnancy.  Here I am, mouth open, stuffed with paper towels, head back looking up at the ceiling lights.  She's sitting across from me staring.  Then the BEE flew out of my mouth and circled my head while she lets out this "OH MY GOD!" at the top of her voice.  I said what was it and she said it was the biggest bee she'd ever seen.  Yea, go figure.  Doc came out and said no charge cause NO ONE would believe it!  I STILL hear about that one!  lol  :)

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36 minutes ago, oldtimer said:


Freaky is right.  I could feel that thing crawling up then I'd swallow it back down EVERY time.  Didn't take long for everyone to find out and saddle me up about sittin on my rear when there was work to be done.  hahaha  Pffffft as if.  :)

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20 minutes ago, Dave1291 said:

Freaky is right.

JEEEEEEEESSSHHHH  that's a story for the ages.

Got any pics from the Doc:).

I'd imagine someone that is really allergic might have died from a sting inside the throat.:(

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12 minutes ago, babadono said:

JEEEEEEEESSSHHHH  that's a story for the ages.

Got any pics from the Doc:).

I'd imagine someone that is really allergic might have died from a sting inside the throat.:(

Trust me, that's JUST the way it happened.  Long story short.  Nope, no pics from the Doc but he said he saw multiple places where it had stung me and he was concerned about my throat swelling shut.  That was freaky in itself.  My throat was raw for a couple days after.  True story though and one of the dumbest things that ever happened to me.  The woman across from me in that ER waiting room totally freaked.  I heard it fly out and flipped.  Asked her where it went cause I wanted to see it.  hahaha  That was back in the early 70's though.  Today w/cells I'd have been on the back of a milk carton!


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Whenever we went camping if you left a soft drink on a table bees would go after the sugar water inside. More than once I went to get a drink and felt something moving in the opening, never got stung. Switched to beer just to be safe.

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21 hours ago, oldtimer said:

I think peg will take them.

All of us 'Pegers' sure hope so.


It's The Peg, or Windypeg or Winterpeg depending on the season

of which there are only two - Winter and Construction.

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Well my guys, don't think they're going much further at all.

Don't know really, this is the first time since `00 that I have not seen at least 60 games except for that year they took off!

Seen zero this year except highlights afterwards from the NHL app. Even the replays 48 hrs later have been blacked out here.


Dang Dave that is a wild experience, glad it wasn't me.

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A little salt, pepper, butter and a small amount of lemon juice, and a bunch of smoke.


Salmon, yes I did eat a little raw.


Third piece not much left of the other two, youngest daughter and family was here. 




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8 hours ago, dtel said:

A little salt, pepper, butter and a small amount of lemon juice, and a bunch of smoke.


Salmon, yes I did eat a little raw.


Third piece not much left of the other two, youngest daughter and family was here. 


Green veggie or salad, potatos with some good bread and that would put a smile on my face for hours Eldon!

When I smoke mine it's even more pink inside than that.

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when I smoke mine... it's green to start and is ashen gray when I'm cooked.


I made a pot of spaghetti last night. And it was good. We'll have some left after we feed the wife's secretary.


Well, I have put off coating the roof about as long as I can. Pruned trees away and swept the roof. Found a 5gal bucket... not cracked... damn! Nothing left but to haul the coating up and smear it around.

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Well I haven't tried to make the real cheese sauce, Knorr has a good package for it you mix with milk (yea I know) and it takes ten minutes. If I had the basil growing outside this year some would have been in it too. Two cloves made it real good.


Okay so any of you chefs or wanna-be's know?

Read or heard years ago that you should slice your garlic long ways for some particular reason, so if it's chunky that really couldn't apply.

But I usually start like that if I'm dicing or mincing it.

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I remember when that Voila stuff came out. Great when I worked a lot and had the dog and other things to take care of!


* the garlic q? I copied and searched exactly what I said and came up with nothing except safety precautions for your fingers when slicing :laugh: I don't look away when I'm using a knife and that works well, slicing wet whole milk Mozzarella is tough though!

Edited by JohnJ
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