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Does this mean I'm old ?


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Lucky for me vanity is not in my nature, I typically could care less what others think of me

That's me, what I look like is other peoples problem not mine......................until I look in the mirror, I do not feel as old as I look...most of the time.

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If ya have long hair an a beard. Don't tell nobody and shave it all off. Really messes with their mind. Dad did not recognize me in the daylight and thought someone was stealing my antique bike. Grand Dad asked Dad "Who was that," Wife did not recognize me when she got into bed when she got off work. Police officer wanted before and after pictures because anyone that could change appearance that fast had to be doing something illegal. Friend's wife answered the door with dumb look on her face and said "Can I Help You."

Yep, if they never seen you that way it sure messes with em.

Edited by Taz
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I'm 65

65 Than that must be an old pic of you in your avatar, at 56 I'm starting to feel younger already. :P

I did not expect to live to this age, my dad and grandfather did not, so expecting the same I did many things I probably shouldn't have. Have some great memories but probably pay for it in the long run which is where I heading very quickly ! If I would have known I would have lived this long I would have taken better care of myself.......... ok that's not true. :emotion-19:

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If I would have known I would have lived this long I would have taken better care of myself.......... ok that's not true.
Let's not forget to give some credit to your spouse. She has played a significant role in all of this.... :emotion-21:
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Joe you look to be about 9 years old based on your Avatar, can't believe your parents let you ride a motorcycle, gosh you're lucky.


you are closer than you may think, That's Joe Jr. at 7 years old. If I put my face on here it may crack the screen, here's a pic of his grand pa at 73, (My dad) I am somewhere in between

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I tell people that I'm older than how I look and much younger than how I feel! That said, my grandmother lived to 105, buried 5 husbands, and could have had a sixth when she was 90 but said "what do I need another man for at this point?". I did not inherit her genes even remotely...............


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If I would have known I would have lived this long I would have taken better care of myself.......... ok that's not true.
Let's not forget to give some credit to your spouse. She has played a significant role in all of this.... :emotion-21:

I say that all the time, I probably wouldn't be here if not for her, it would have ended with some stupid accident or a number of diseases from chasing females or both ? Married 35 years, I have been lucky, although a couple of times I wanted to kill her I resisted.

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