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weight loss for old farts

Paducah Home Theater

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I've cut my carbohydrate intake to 50 grams a day or less and all of that coming from vegetables. The rest of my 1800 calories a day comes mostly from lean steak and chicken for protein/fats and drink tons of water. I have lost 75 pounds so far, 100 to go. I am going to be 52 in a couple of months. It can be done. I am doing low carb (NOT Atkins) because of type 2 diabetes. It helps a ton.


I was 400 pounds 8 months ago. I'm still losing 2-4 pounds a week.

Edited by wstrickland1
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I've cut my carbohydrate intake to 50 grams a day or less and all of that coming from vegetables. The rest of my 1800 calories a day comes mostly from lean steak and chicken for protein/fats and drink tons of water. I have lost 75 pounds so far, 100 to go. I am going to be 52 in a couple of months. It can be done. I am doing low carb (NOT Atkins) because of type 2 diabetes. It helps a ton.

I was 400 pounds 8 months ago. I'm still losing 2-4 pounds a week.

Good job, and good luck.

At 67 I realized that I was gaining weight with age. And that it was becoming harder and harder to diet for with loss. After an extensive consult with doctors, I could see that it wasn't a diet I needed, it was a retooling of my concept of eating, energy, and disease.

I did retool. I stopped all social eating, entertainment eating, and grazing. I stopped eating prepared and package food. I stopped eating out in restaurants. I eat only for fuel. And I eat fruit, vegetable and tiny portions of may. I eat no wheat product at all. In three weeks, I was fully adjusted. I've lost a lot of weight and feel much better. My intent is to eat this way for life.



So, do tell.  What is a typical day of eating like?  How long have you been doing this?  Do you cheat or fall off the wagon?  Any exceptions?  How much weight did you lose?  Any exercise?  How much?  If any, have you noticed anything positive from it other than weight loss?

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aaaand... he went there.  


Ha! I was wondering if saying that would be "going there."  Frankly, I don't know how else you respond to that.  Many people seeking a way to lose weight are looking for magic pills.  There aren't any.  


Ooops!  Just went there again. 



Once upon a time I fully believed things were that simple and was quite the jackass about it.  And to some extent, it was that simple.  I used to work with the head dietitian of a large hospital to devise weight loss plans.  But, we were largely dealing with mostly healthy and able bodied 30 year olds who simply chose to eat ice cream and drink a coke for breakfast, sometimes repeating that four times a day.  But, mix in an injured back and the inability to sleep properly, and things get a little more complex.  If it were a stupid simple formula that only required dedication I'm pretty sure I would have mastered it by now.  But hey, thanks for the bits of wisdom, I'm kicking myself for having never thought of such things before.  


I think that if you were training - ice cream and a coke as fuel would have been digested - but not exercising means  a sleep disorder -as it keeps you awake -


-plus the prospect of type 2 diabetes -enjoy

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I think getting off wheat was responsible for not being hungry. Dr. Davis' claim is that the wheat proteins cause hunger. I am in agreement.


Interesting.  How long did it take after cessation of wheat consumption before your hunger subsided?


What would you say is your total daily caloric intake.?


You also did not say how long you've been dieting.


Congrats on the 25 pounds! 

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Sounds like a good plan Mark.  I need to adopt some of those habits.  It's hard with a teenager in the house as she has different needs than we do as far as calorie intake goes.  We could certainly do better though. 

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I've been off the wheat (gluten free and low carb) for almost a year now and have lost about 55 lbs. It took some persuading but once I got there I could actually stick with it. More of a lifestyle thing than a diet. Pretty much along the lines of the book 'Wheat Belly' and the excellent cookbook with the same name (I think). May help to point out that I do NOT like most forms of exercise other than walking the dog or cutting the grass. If you like to hit the gym that's great, but a lot of progress can be made without it. We eat well and do not miss the carbs, sugar, etc. Never thought I'd say that. Best of luck.

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My wife and I love to eat as well.  We've been blessed out whole life with fairly high metabolisms so we never really "blew up".  I would run for exercise but that stopped a few years ago after my 3're knee surgery.  The sedentary life is starting to catch up with us now.

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It's funny how relevant this thread is.  Saturday we had a discussion with our daughter about weight gain.. I told her in the simplest form it's just math.  More calories consumed than burned equals weight gain.  More calories burned than consumed equals weight loss.  If you want to lose weight, either eat less, exercise more or ideally do both.

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The key to weight loss is diet period. No matter how active you are (or aren't) the right amount of nutrients and calories are key to either gaining, losing or maintaining weight. Basically if two people of similar build were to try and lose weight and one increased exercise only and the other changed diet only, the one who changed his diet would lose more weight every time.

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I do not disagree in any way about many of the statements above regarding exercise and the temptations of food, food and more food....This is neither a sales pitch nor a purposed endorsement.  Just my experience.


My wife and I purchased a Vitamix "blender" about 8 months ago.  I began making  smoothies every morning with large amounts of greens (kale, chard, spinach), 3-4 carrots, 2 cups of blueberries (we are blessed with lots of blueberry farms locally), 1 apple, 1 cup non fat vanilla yogurt, zero calorie lemonade (stevia sweetened), tablespoon of flax seeds, couple of tablespoons of almonds (roasted, non-salted).  Add some ice, blend it up, pour into plastic drink containers and store in fridge.  I drank two glasses of this every day morning and afternoon, then had a very light dinner.  In 5 months I lost 38 pounds, felt much, much better, did not need a nap every afternoon.  Slept much better at night.  Oh, and I also stopped drinking vodka, and had a glass of red wine each evening.  And, this was with very little exercise (due to a nagging hip issue).


There are tons of smoothie recipes out there, detox, weight loss, energy, etc, etc.  The one above I made up myself after some experimentation, and it worked best for me.

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When I was traveling on the road everyday, I eat this for dinner: 4 eggs whole, two tablespoons of flax seed, milk all in a blender. Along with fruit and yogurt, that is all I had fr dinner. Exercise and that kept the weight off. Now, I am having a problem due to medication myself. The drugs are the problem. I use to take methotrexate regularly and I could eat anything I wanted. Since going off it, I have added 25 lbs. I can't lift like I did a few years ago. Now, I have to be very careful about diet just due to activity vs. caloric intake.

Good luck!

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I think that if you were training - ice cream and a coke as fuel would have been digested

The ice cream and coke comment came from a girl who was HUGE and she supposedly went on a regiment for 2 months. At that point she starts wailing about how she's trying so hard to lose weight but the scale never budged. She finally got coerced into writing down exactly what she was eating. Yep, ice cream and coke for breakfast, four cokes per day. And no, she wasn't training.

At the time I was in fact regularly eating 4,000 calories per day though while still maintaining 6-pack abs. Off-road triathlon training can burn up some fuel.


but not exercising means  a sleep disorder -as it keeps you awake

Biggest problem with sleeping is supporting my back, it's like nerves get pinched and I can't stay in a particular position for extended periods of time. I've been playing musical mattresses plus I'm getting a steroid injection tomorrow so hopefully that will help. But yeah a typical morning for me includes waking up feeling like a truck ran over me, I feel far worse than when I went to sleep, my back usually hurts so bad I usually roll out of bed onto all fours then slowly prop myself up as ridiculous as that sounds. There is no simply waking up and rising up for me anymore.

My sleep actually gets worse with exercise though, especially later in the day, and especially anything with straining involved. I don't know why other than just age. Used to we would go on night mountain bike rides and I'd be fine. Within almost no time, I was definitely NOT fine with such things. My heart rate would elevate as usual, except it wouldn't come down to my normal baseline, it would still be pounding at 3 am. Basically I would stare at the back of my eyelids all night and could not go to sleep. Other activities do this as well though. Nowadays if anything is strenuous occurs it needs to be early in the morning.

But yeah, if you don't sleep, you're going to struggle with exercise and weight loss. This has been going on for years with me. Most people don't seem to understand the gravity of sleep problems. I have very mild apnea but it is within the normal realm but I still can only get maybe 20 minutes of REM sleep per night while most people get 2 hours if I remember correctly. I've had multiple sleep studies done.

Edited by MetropolisLakeOutfitters
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I do not disagree in any way about many of the statements above regarding exercise and the temptations of food, food and more food....This is neither a sales pitch nor a purposed endorsement.  Just my experience.


My wife and I purchased a Vitamix "blender" about 8 months ago.  I began making  smoothies every morning with large amounts of greens (kale, chard, spinach), 3-4 carrots, 2 cups of blueberries (we are blessed with lots of blueberry farms locally), 1 apple, 1 cup non fat vanilla yogurt, zero calorie lemonade (stevia sweetened), tablespoon of flax seeds, couple of tablespoons of almonds (roasted, non-salted).  Add some ice, blend it up, pour into plastic drink containers and store in fridge.  I drank two glasses of this every day morning and afternoon, then had a very light dinner.  In 5 months I lost 38 pounds, felt much, much better, did not need a nap every afternoon.  Slept much better at night.  Oh, and I also stopped drinking vodka, and had a glass of red wine each evening.  And, this was with very little exercise (due to a nagging hip issue).


There are tons of smoothie recipes out there, detox, weight loss, energy, etc, etc.  The one above I made up myself after some experimentation, and it worked best for me.

There is a Netflix documentary called something like "fat and almost dead" where they promote juicing with blenders.

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Mark, thanks for the info about Wheat. I researched it, and you're absolutely right. Some nutritionist claim it's the number one food item that causes weight gain.... white bread or bread in general. Whole wheat is particularly slow to digest.

Edited by Gilbert
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I don't use spices, and rarely condiments. I don't go off the wagon, because I feel great. I went from 170# to 145# with no "ups" just straight down. My BP has fallen to 110/60, allowing me to drop one BP med so far.


Wow, those are all great numbers!  I especially like the BP numbers.  The old standard of 120/80 (for older people 100+ your weight) is now OUT.  Docs want that BP to be as low as they can get it.


Good job on the discipline as well.  :emotion-21:

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The big trouble is our relationship with food and eating. We somehow got the idea food was like books and we should consume as many as we can!. We have been trained that food is entertainment. It's really a huge problem Carl for the whole nation. Fun food! Comfort food! Delicious food! Interesting food! Imaginative food! Eat at ballgames, eat at concerts, eat in bars, eat in stores (costco), eat, whenever you leave the house. Start looking around you as you move around, and it's just everywhere you look. It's an inescapable, inexhaustable constant temptation to EAT! it's very hard to break up with food!

My biggest problem with food itself is being stupid busy and often forgetting to pack a lunch. I'll end up going to a restaurant if so, which is bad news.

My personal weakness is alcohol, due to boredom and effectively using it as a painkiller. And yeah due to sleep problems I'll drink a coke for the caffeine boost. I've got to knock this off.

I don't agree that it is inherently bad to equate food with the terms interesting, imaginative, and entertaining though. I mean, nobody's getting fat eating sushi and greek salads. It's typically the cheap uninteresting unintertaining unimaginative stuff that gets people in trouble. That's why poor people are often the fattest.

Still believe that exercise is my biggest issue though.

Edited by MetropolisLakeOutfitters
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usually I'll have a low carb protein shake in the morning since I can't stomach much else that early. It's one thing I just can't do. The shakes have stuff that's probably considered "bad" but it's low calorie and low carb. My go-to lunch is at Longhorn where I get a kids meal grilled chicken breast and broccoli meal. So far around 460 calories for the day. Sometimes I'll get the mixed green salad with the same chicken breast, no croutons and barely any vinaigrette dressing. In a pinch on the road I'll stop by KFC and get (2) grilled chicken breasts (no biscuit lol). Not ideal but certainly not a bad choice at all for a drive thru window. Dinner is grilled chicken or sirloin steak, a salad maybe some asparagus, green beans or more mixed vegetables. I end the day around 1800 calories a day (maybe less) and 20 to 40 grams (net) of carbs per day. I hit the gym 3-4 days a week and lift weights fairly seriously, swim in my pool, walk the treadmill, walk the Ravanel Bridge, etc. I was playing basketball until a few weeks ago but have had to retire. In fact I am typing ths with a Band-Aid on each knee from a cortisone shot in each. I was playing with 20-somethings and I'm a 50 something.....


It's working for me. The other added benefits are lower A1C (down to 5.5 or so from......wait for it.......14!!!) and increased energy. Big time energy increase once off the carbs from wheat products. I look 100% better and am a totally different person in terms of patience and attitude.

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I've lost 50 and have 30 to go. I have changed my lifestyle to one that is low carb. I probably eat about 60 to 70 grams total a day. I lose about 2 lbs a week most weeks. Occasionally I treat myself to a Hersheys bar with almonds (22g carbs) as a treat. I limit diet soft drinks to 1 a day. I drink a lot of water or unsweetened, decaffeinated tea at meals. I don't eat anything after about 6pm.

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Several reasons:


#1) I developed a condition called stasis dermatitis on my shins. Itched like crazy. My legs looked so bad kids would ask me "whats wrong with your legs?" I went to see a dermatologist that said losing weight might cure it. 98% gone now.  


#2) I have an 11 year old son I couldn't keep up with and we have a lot of stuff to do. :P


#3) I have a bunch of smaller clothes and didn't want to buy BIGGER cloths.


#4) It's much more fun when the other baseball moms actually want to give me a good hug sometimes. B)


#5) My wife likes to fool around more when I'm thinner. She said that in one way I'm actually bigger LOL.


#6) Blood pressure medicine sucks! I'm not taking any but I tried a couple before this diet started. Talk about a deadwood! Lisinopril no thx.


#7) tired all the time, now I can get some of these chores done.


I could go on all day..............

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Several reasons:


#1) I developed a condition called stasis dermatitis on my shins. Itched like crazy. My legs looked so bad kids would ask me "whats wrong with your legs?" I went to see a dermatologist that said losing weight might cure it. 98% gone now.  


#2) I have an 11 year old son I couldn't keep up with and we have a lot of stuff to do. :P


#3) I have a bunch of smaller clothes and didn't want to buy BIGGER cloths.


#4) It's much more fun when the other baseball moms actually want to give me a good hug sometimes. B)


#5) My wife likes to fool around more when I'm thinner. She said that in one way I'm actually bigger LOL.


#6) Blood pressure medicine sucks! I'm not taking any but I tried a couple before this diet started. Talk about a deadwood! Lisinopril no thx.


#7) tired all the time, now I can get some of these chores done.


I could go on all day..............


Try Zulu Warrior. Thank me later

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