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An Unofficial Klipsch Jubilee Buyer's Guide

Chris A

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Hi guys, long time ago.


I have a burning question.

I finally have entrance to my new mancave/music room so it is time for some construction and decoration.


No my question is about room acoustics in combination with the jubilees.


My (wooden) ceiling at the moment is 11.87ft high (362 cm).


If i would remove the ceiling.. which Would be awesome for the looks of the room, the Total hight of the room in the point of the roof would be almost 18ft high. This is the reason we call this room "the church" 


I am not sure what an open room with a pointy roof would do to the room acoustics. The jubilees are made to shine in places with high ceilings i would think.


Any thoughts?


In the picture you can see the open hatch to the attic. The plan is to remove the whole ceiling.


Tank you all. I hope to start my jubilee adventure somewhere halfway 2022. So by then i will need some support regarding REW etc.


Greetings from the Netherlands.




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I am a bit confused by the photo. Is this an attic room with a hip roof (I don't know the European word .... ),but do the three sides all have a slant? The Jubes are quite efficient (I assume the bass bin is a jubilee and the tweeter is a K-402 horn). So there will not be any problem filling up the larger space with sound.


The ceiling reflection will be unusual but the distances are fairly large so that should not be a problem. I know that many will speculate, but until you try it you will not really know. My guess (and it is only a guess) is that it could sound great.


I wish I had a space that large. Keep us posted. This will be an exciting project. Incidentally, I live in a part of the US where home heating is not cheap. I immediately got concerned about the increase in heating costs. 

Good luck,


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3 hours ago, OilyBoy said:

If i would remove the ceiling.. which Would be awesome for the looks of the room, the Total hight of the room in the point of the roof would be almost 18ft high. This is the reason we call this room "the church" 


I am not sure what an open room with a pointy roof would do to the room acoustics. The jubilees are made to shine in places with high ceilings i would think


It could have unpredictable echo/reflection and modal issues IMHO.


If I was designing a room it would be rectangular with dimensions chosen to minimize modal issues and would be much more predictable for acoustical treatment…. Large rooms can have large room issues and aren’t the panacea some think they are in my experiences.



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On 10/1/2021 at 1:01 AM, PrestonTom said:

I am a bit confused by the photo. Is this an attic room with a hip roof (I don't know the European word .... ),but do the three sides all have a slant? The Jubes are quite efficient (I assume the bass bin is a jubilee and the tweeter is a K-402 horn). So there will not be any problem filling up the larger space with sound.


The ceiling reflection will be unusual but the distances are fairly large so that should not be a problem. I know that many will speculate, but until you try it you will not really know. My guess (and it is only a guess) is that it could sound great.


I wish I had a space that large. Keep us posted. This will be an exciting project. Incidentally, I live in a part of the US where home heating is not cheap. I immediately got concerned about the increase in heating costs. 

Good luck,


I unsterdtand your confusion.


It is a spererate building connected to my house. When i walk through my front door i have my kitchen and the rest in the home to my left. And the "church"  to my right.


So it is not an attic room but an entire building from floor to roof.

I think the last owner only put the ceiling in there for heating/isolation profits, lighting installation and to give it a cleaner look.

There was also some cheap laminate flooring, i removed this last week and was surprised by an old "terra cotta" sort of tiling.


You see... for the first owner back in the 60s or 70s this also was a recreative room. They gave it the name "the church". I never knew this people. I think they are past away some time ago.


Then a company moved in and used it as a conference room/office. 

So i understand the choice for laminate flooring and the ceiiling. 


If i remove the ceiling, i will isolatie the roof from the inside so i dont give up on all my isolatiion. But offcourse it will be harder to keep warm during winter. Luckily there is only one "naked" outside wall. The rest is connected to otter building so wind is not a very big issue here.

I think u will put a wood stove in there since im not there every night. And offcourse i'll use some heating to keep frost out. Dont want to ruin my gear.




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12 hours ago, Schu said:

does anyone happen to have a good photo of the Jubilee bass bin connector strip?...


See the following from this thread: 



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On 10/5/2021 at 8:05 PM, Schu said:

does anyone happen to have a good photo of the Jubilee bass bin connector strip?

has anyone ever modified their strip to be able to incorporate a more... expensive... connector?



Never tried to mod it.  Maybe I should be considering some larger gauge for the 20 ft. run from the amp but...

Jubilee Bass Bin Connector.jpg

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12 hours ago, Delicious2 said:



Never tried to mod it.  Maybe I should be considering some larger gauge for the 20 ft. run from the amp but...

Jubilee Bass Bin Connector.jpg

The only possible complaint there is the crimp ends.

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