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    • Thanks everyone who's responded. I haven't had a whole lot of time to monkey with it over the last few weeks. I did finally get around to taking it all back apart, doing a factory reset on the receiver, then putting it back together with banana clips and labels on the speaker wires. I found when running the initial setup that a subwoofer was selected to I toggled that off. Still, the overall sound is very trebley to my ear. Everything is very clear and at moderate volumes the fidelity is just gorgeous. It's when I start to crank that it something seems not right. It's not that I can't hear the bass parts. The bass guitar is there. The kick drum is there. It just seems to lack the power and fullness. Another way I'd describe it is that the high end is just too loud. As I said in the earlier post, it gets ear-splitting before it gets anywhere near distorting. Basically unlimited headroom.  So I'm going to continue to mess with it and I'll report back periodically.
    • Peavey's app recognizing Xilica unit...highly un likely I would think. Stranger things have happened though.
    • Had a pair of kg 1.5...they were decent sounding, when selling them. All the bookshelf kg models, the .5, 1, 1.2, and 1.5 can be had for a song when available. Would get the newer models as suggested besides...thank them later. Welcome again 😊
    • There's only one goat in a truck I know of.  😂
    • I am searching for chipset info... but just looking at these, it looks very nice... Specially @ 500$ the signal generator is a great feature to have.       I am curious... I wonder if the Peavey software would recognize the Xilica Chip/Hardware... It might. https://peaveycommercialaudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/VSX-26e-DSP-Processor-Editor-V1.0-Setup.zip  
    • Roger, I have 2 4080s..one just sitting idle currently. But almost curious enough to spend the 5 hun just to give it a go. It even has a sig gen. but no noise gate or as Xilica calls it the ISO (internal signal optimizer). So it might be a tad noisier but maybe not, could be a completely different chip set that is newer/quieter.
    • I have not... but those spec's are pretty close to the 4080 Xilica.   If I needed more channels for a 2-3 way center, I would definitely give it a go. it's hard to say how noisy it might be.   you can also try and source an 8080 xilica.
    • Balance issues?  You?  We've know you were unbalanced for years!  😂  Remember this young man.  "Weebles wobble but they won't fall down!"   😂     All good in the hood.  Cool nite, warmin up, and rain, which we could use, coming in kinda maybe for the 4th.  Spent the morning on the phone puttin out fires and laffin a lot.  I THINK it's all under control now.  Maybe.   I just apply Nils Lofgren's quote as needed anymore.  "The whole world's gone mad."     For the infrequent reader's enjoy your 4th and have ya some fun.  Guess that applies to the rest of the gaggle too.  Independence Day yanno.    The Fourth of July recognizes the signing of the Declaration of Independence, a significant moment in American history. On July 2, 1776, the Continental Congress successfully voted to become independent from Great Britain, and two days after that, the Declaration of Independence was adopted and signed by delegates representing the 13 colonies. Philosopher and Founding Father Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration and later became the third President of the U.S. Every year since the original signing, July 4 has been a cause for celebration.    
    • Old thread I know but wondering if anyone has tried the Peavey...looks like a clone of the Xilica 4080 https://peavey.com/product/vsx-48e-dsp-based-loudspeaker-management-system/
    • Agree on Pass, Labs or First Watt, on Heritage and would imagine a wide variety of other speakers. I actually preferred the FW F3 and more so the F5 to the XA25 which I found a bit too “laid back”. Like the XA25 the F3 is more a “mellower” presentation. 
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