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    • As you have mentioned that the room will be your dedicated listening room you should be fine. I had initially thought it was your living room. The space is not huge but you will be able to set up with the system and seating in mind rather than the other way. I'd just try and have the seating as far back is possible. Good luck.
    • I depends on how the building was constructed. I have lived for a decade in a high rise condo tower. It is steel girder and concrete construction. I do have a sub but don't really blast it, the sound and vibration do not seem to travel beyond the unit. Even a stick built building should be fine without a sub or one dialed back. The highs and mids won't travel far. It is usually the bass thump that can get the neighbors excited. Keep in mind your bass will probably seem just fine in a smaller room and a goodly numbers of your future neighbors may be partially deaf anyway. Depending on your room layout the Khorns may be the ones to hang onto - they do take up less usable space than the LaScalas do/will. I recommend holding out for a corner unit (as I have) which eliminates having someone right next door.
    • Just Googled up a photo . Never heard of this model before, looks very interesting.
    • Blindman   Yes, for us it is time choose a senior independent living facility ( mid 70's ), versus waiting to move to what is available.  FYI in Washington State the better places have a 3-5 year waiting list plus it is not cheap.   I will be using a second bedroom for my new listening room. This place  ( Heron's Key )was built with "A Lot Of Sound deadening in all walls, ceiling, and floors"  so neighbors should not be an issue. Anyway I tend to play at less than high levels.   I have seen many photos on this site where the La Scala's are 2-3 feet apart so it Should/Could work. I personally believe La Scala's can definitely fill a Large Room. For me My Decware amp will not be taxed.   If for some reason this does not work, I would do the  probably buy this https://www.css-audio.com/online-store/CSS-Criton-1TD-X-Kit-Pair-p221163830   As this facility has a great Wood shop with many very experienced craftsman to help with a DIY build        
    • I had Lascala’s in a small room , maybe 12 by 12 . At this distance a forward presentation is straightforward and obvious, but that doesn’t  mean bad sound , I thought the Lascala’s sounded quite good in this setting . Dynamics become even more pronounced , with extremely snappy bass , and a startling crisp midrange, it is a thrilling experience with certain music and sound effects, if you enjoy a live performance in smaller  venue’s , this might be for you . My preference is to sit further back  , but sitting close to such power and dynamics is an interesting experience .
    • Amateurs....    
    • Good luck with your search. @pat_in_dfw hasn't been here for a minute. Maybe he gets notifications though. 
    • You might think about moving to a smaller set of Klipsch. I recently retired and moved from a large 2 bedroom apartment to a trailer home.  I am in the midst of selling my 1980 La Scalas.(which simply take up too much room.)   I bought a nice pair of mint Fortes which have been nicely upgraded from a member of this Forum.  My only consolation in downgrading speakers is that my Prima Luna Tube Integrated will keep my tunes sounding PRIMO!
    • Do you disagree with what I said? Don’t be cute, just say it.
    • Just like you, I will most likely be moving from my house to a 55+ Independent Living, Senior Housing, community in the not too distant future.   My main concern is that all of the Senior Apartments in my neck of the woods are multi-story buildings. I wonder about how much sound would be transmitted through the floor and down to a downstairs neighbor?   I would probably sell my Klipschorns and take my LaScalas. But I wonder if I might end up using my pair of Realistic Minimus 7 speakers? Or, even just a pair of headphones?
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