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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/15 in all areas

  1. Good evening my friends! Well, I am here, going through a couple of pages and getting a BIG laugh with all the fun coffee banter ! Work wise, I have been knee deep in DIGITAL control systems with a pipe organ believe it or not. Three days to get the computers upgraded... BUT, very cool, as the engineers in Virginia simply send me updated operating systems and files for the organ via my laptop, then I shuffle them back onto an SD card and plug that back into the organ system and BANG, upgrades done. But, having to do all the programing and setting takes days of work..........but, after 3 days, it is finally done. The organist can now record her performances and play them back via the new MIDI record and playback system... Ok, that is my work tales so far this week. Tomorrow (Wed.) we begin work on the Tanglewood concert hall organ!, pulling major components out INCLUDING hundreds of pipes which will all go back to our shop for restoration etc. We will be BUSY! Enjoy your evening everyone...........stay in touch ............Gary PS. Chuck, I hope you get your pressure washer up and running..........my Honda unit just got all new '0' seals in the hose couplings AND sprayer.. These 3100 psi units really push it to the edge!
    7 points
  2. Good afternoon everyone.... Lots going on, land and outbuildings..... ;0) Well, our complete task force is here at Tanglewood for some take down of the pipe organ......... .....It is now a work zone, and these are some pipe trays from the shop on the concert stage, pipe organ service lights are on over the sound reflecting 'clouds' Gone are the musicians, orchestra, management, patrons, snacks and coffee vendors. Wine bar closed up.... But, the wifi is still on and the lawn care takers are still keeping the place up.... Not sure why, the grounds are now closed....... Here is a photo I just took of one of the mowers... Still really beautiful here (0; Enjoy your day everyone....
    6 points
  3. My wife and stepson went to a Dr Who special preview. I've been hanging out at home. Took the quiet time to setup my new laptop at my two channel rig with a 2T drive that is about half full of high res music. I then ran a USB cable to the Toshiba Dynadock at my desk and hooked up a big monitor and wireless keyboard and mouse. Kind of cool to be able to control the laptop from the other side of the room. It is also tied into my network so I can control JRiver from my Samsung Note 10.1. OK, I'm a geek but I'm having fun.
    6 points
  4. Yep BSM its raining cats and dogs here in Temecula. I sure hope there getting some of this up north on the fire areas. How's about it MinerMark you getting wet up ther? Actual water is falling, and Jerry Brown has not called a state of emergency, he must be out of state or something ? i think it’s the “or something."
    6 points
  5. This description sounds like what iv had for 20+ years, bad part is that all the buildings are in three different states, well two now. This set up is what im shopping for in nevada, may not find all the out buildings im looking for and may need to build a few. So finding out spreads like described are hard to find, focus is on land/space/house/barn. Deets dad has his Chit together, im impressed, nothing like seperate shops. :emotion-21: This all sits on about 5 acres. Yeah...We built the original Barn in 1987...dad and I raised the 12 telephone poles by ourselves. It was actually a functioning barn for about 10 years. Housed the pigs and horses. Once the horses went away, dad closed it all in and made it a "shop" for my mom who was doing small craft shows and such. Started gaining steam in the mid 90's and dad added on the Storage Room. About 15 years ago dad retired from trucking and went in full time with mom and started doing more furniture building and finally decided he needed his own space (he builds large pieces....tables, hutches, settles, amoires, etc) and added on the woodshop. It's actually all one building except for his metal shop...it's seperate. He wanted to keep it all connected due to it being Florida and can rain at any given minute. I'll snap some pictures this weekend to give an idea of the space
    5 points
  6. Morning all Busy week this week. Been working after hours with my parents helping them get ready for their Fall Open House. They own Tuckers Farmhouse and 4 times a year they open it up for their sales. They re-purpose Amish Barnwood into "primitive" art, house decor and furniture. Their Fall Open House is Saturday and I've been in the woodshop with dad helping get product finished. They surprised my wife and me by letting us know that the huge "Farm Table" that I've been helping dad finish is actually ours. The whole time I've been working on it I've thought how perfect it would be for our large family. I'll have to get some pictures once we get it to the house. They are on Facebook...take a look if you get a chance....they also do Weddings and parties....was a really great place to grow up...and the kids love going over and spending time.....awesome that we only live about 5 minutes away. Also started talking to dad about building some custom speakers....he's actually excited about the prospect....thinking Cornscalas or Jubilees...thoughts? He's a master carpenter and has every woodworking tool known to man.
    5 points
  7. Hump Day! Yeah, yeah Chuck I know it means something different to you than it does me. Hope everyone has a great day. No big news on the bathroom remodel. Counter tops are scheduled for Saturday. The shower should be ready for tile after this weekend as well.
    5 points
  8. Over night on a new pressure washer hose....paid too much. 3 cases of flat black spray paint arrived yesterday and the first coat is on the patio furniture. Second coat this morning. LF playing tennis. Coffee done.....now to rustle up some grub. Jake has slept outside the last two nights.....he loves the 50s lows. Cheers Ladies and Gents
    5 points
  9. 61 F and bluebird skies this morning. Honestly, does it get much better than that?
    5 points
  10. it’s going straight to video Steve is correct. We have been approached by Peter Barnett, producer, about buying the rights to our C&C content. You may remember him from "Eastbound And Down" and "Arliss" on HBO. I always thought we had the makings of a book or movie.....perhaps the thriller or drama genre
    5 points
  11. LOL Hope I am not the bridge stone ground grits and a couple fried eggs for breakfast Yum Yum, Eat your heart out chuck
    5 points
  12. Morning Gang Mid month, mid week, SBB, (starbucks breakfast blend) tasting mighty fine. First MCM cabinet coated, wife pointed out there was a Dove sitting on the fence looking at all the Handhold holes. Casters go on today and it rolls into the Cave. 80s, just getting word the heat is on this weekend -again-. This one's for Joe:
    5 points
  13. Mark's probably taking a nap. I don't know if they got wet up there or not. Hopefully, the Russian River didn't float him away. 79 and just got done shooting some simi/flat black inside one of the MCMs that is sitting on a picnic table out back. Couple sprinkles here this morning, wind is the biggie in norcal right now. 10 to 15 knts. gusts. Wind does not bother me when painting, spraying w/Binks 18, Puuurfect. besides im only shooting the "Insides" of the Bins. Upol bed liner, dont know when, i suppose i could do that today too.
    5 points
  14. That lawn looks really nice. You guys must have that stuff called "water" back East.
    4 points
  15. This description sounds like what iv had for 20+ years, bad part is that all the buildings are in three different states, well two now. This set up is what im shopping for in nevada, may not find all the out buildings im looking for and may need to build a few. So finding out spreads like described are hard to find, focus is on land/space/house/barn. JefKlipsch dad has his Chit together, im impressed, nothing like seperate shops. :emotion-21: Edited: i thought this was detels dad, fixed it.
    4 points
  16. it’s going straight to video Steve is correct. We have been approached by Peter Barnett, producer, about buying the rights to our C&C content. You may remember him from "Eastbound And Down" and "Arliss" on HBO. I always thought we had the makings of a book or movie.....perhaps the thriller or drama genre I wonder who will be cast to play Tarheel? Good question, to tell the truth it's going to be tough to figure out who will play many of these characters ?
    4 points
  17. Been in California 35 years, I was born and raised in Michigan. The weather this year HAS BEEN WEIRD.
    4 points
  18. thought i would share some photos i captured of jonathan wood's loft setup. enjoy!
    3 points
  19. Well yea, the desert is out West, left coast.
    3 points
  20. That's it! That's the "barn".....main area inside is mom's "shop"...about 30x30 from there you alk into the storage area to the rear....thats about 30x15 attached to that is dads wood shop...thats about 30x60 then behind that is a pole barn that houses all of his metal working tools....plasma cutter, welders and his new CNC cutter in front of the barn is the Bunkhouse...which is just a building with an open room that's about 15x20 space with a wrap around porch...also has an Outhouse behind it. then in front of that is their home that has the garage renovated into their "Store Front"....that also serves as a Bridal Suite for Weddings.
    3 points
  21. it’s going straight to video Steve is correct. We have been approached by Peter Barnett, producer, about buying the rights to our C&C content. You may remember him from "Eastbound And Down" and "Arliss" on HBO. I always thought we had the makings of a book or movie.....perhaps the thriller or drama genre I wonder who will be cast to play Tarheel? Gary Busey? Maybe Barney Rubble
    3 points
  22. "Hi I am from Nigeria and we are planning a coup of the current government. If you could be so kind, we need high end audio equipment to play propaganda during the violent overthrow so the hapless citizens will follow the new regime. Kindly please send over your amplifier and we will send a $300 money order plus an additional $10,000 once we take over and raid the state treasury..."
    3 points
  23. Is this it ? http://tuckersfarmhouse.blogspot.com/
    3 points
  24. Morning Folks, nothing happening again today Later Got this shot this morning (my new desktop)
    3 points
  25. Did you read what I wrote? Or, do you just like telling people they're nuts? LOL! Try especially 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and see if you can find me advising to teach "34 kids in a classroom." None of those points solve any of the issues. Using these methods would take far more time to accomplish and drastically increase the room for error. Let alone, who manages and mandates the quality of education being received?Less time, not more. Kids can learn at a far, far greater rate of intake than public schools provide. Manage? Why would someone need to manage it? Who is managing the education that all the dropouts are getting out on the street? Answer - no one. And yet, some become very, very smart. We're getting stuck in the old ideas that education is like building a Model T Ford on an assembly line. LOL! That's the whole trouble with the "public school" idea. It's ancient and doesn't acknowledge the modern world.Let's assume I have a 6 year old kid here. Why do I need to have him in your assembly line? Why would I want your managers to be managing him? I'll set him off on very advanced creative works, that he enjoys and is intrigued by, and he'll learn because he wants to. Maybe building stuff, maybe art, maybe music, maybe programming or robots or writing or poetry? Each thing to learn will involve reading and probably some math. He will find his own talents and pursue them. Management by Joe Blow not needed. We've become so accustomed to the idea that school is a "place" filled with "managers" and "testing" that we've lost the whole means of how people fundamentally learn things. Big Shots with Ph.D. in the FBI are perpetually amazed at the idea that a 12 year old can hack into government computers. They still think you need 8 years of university! That's just dumb thinking. You think all these Rusky hackers making millions of gullible Americans online went to college? Not likely. Learning occurs when internal passion drives goals. Little kids can learn very complex video games in a fraction of the time that their "educated" parents can learn them. Why? Because they have the passion for it. Most development happens by age 3!! That is the parents job to shape there Childs future. I do not totally disagree with your home teaching process vs: the current state of our educational system. Hell, we have gone down the drain so much in what public schools offer, such as advanced classes in chemistry actually using chemicals, beakers and Bunsen burners to actual shop classes like metals, woodworking and welding. Not only is the curriculum no longer there, the meals they are serving are kids are total crap and even were prior to the current first lady, they are not even allowed to have metal silverware, plastic Knives, plastic forks only once in a while and only Styrofoam bowls, not the bowls that came with the tray. Joe, IF you have a wide enough range of learning to properly educate your child, MORE power too you, I say great!! BUT, My father was a history teacher first, then a Principle, then Superintendent over 3 different School systems, the last had the second highest operational budget in the state for AA sized schools. He was also treasurer and later, president of the county board of education. My mom was a first grade teacher with her PHD in education and a Masters in guidance counseling, so I was raised with a lot more insight on this then you have. As stated before by others, "This is NOT an EASEY fix" and the largest problem we have and have had for decades is Federal Government intrusion. Just as the Federal Government has gotten involved with healthcare to the point that the Nurse and Doctor MUST spend more time charting than with the actual patient, so has it negatively affected the Teachers and their actual ability to perform their roles and actually teach and foster young minds. Once again, IF you can give your kid a leg up, GREAT, but it is a HEII of a lot of work and you need to be proficient in a lot of areas! Roger Then your Dad will tell you it was the federal government that created public education in this country, starting with the Northwest Ordinance. He will also tell you that the first six presidents, i.e. the "founding fathers" were all very strong promoters of public education. He will also tell you that no state is required to take federal funds, but if they do it comes with strings. Why does it come with strings? Because some states felt it is ok to spend less on education for schools that were predominantly one color or another. Some states and local school boards thought it was ok to spend a million dollars on a boys football team but nothing on sports for girls. Some states believed that special needs kids didn't deserve specialized teachers and programs to enrich their lives. He will also tell you that the federal contribution to states is less than 8 percent of a state's total education budget. If what the federal goverment requires is so horrible why didn't they dump the federal funds and just raise taxes to make up the difference? Oh wait, that's right, school board members are elected, they are accountable. This isn't lost on Congress. Ask your Mom and Dad how they feel about vouchers and charter schools. I have yet to meet a career teacher or administrator who is hot on the idea that those programs do away with the state monopoly on education and let the free market determine where the dollars go. Congress tried to come up with an overhaul of No Child Left Behind, but they came up with two seperate bills that are completely different. My answer. Require any legislator, federal, state or local to send their kids to public school. Cap legislator's saleries at the median teacher salary in their state or the District of Columbia for federal. Mandate that their pensions be a part of the teacher retiremnt system foe their state or in the District. They take as much time off as teachers do, if not more, that is perfectly fair.
    3 points
  26. 3 points
  27. Mark's probably taking a nap. I don't know if they got wet up there or not. Hopefully, the Russian River didn't float him away.
    3 points
  28. I've been anticipating Furious7 on BD since my son and I saw it in the theater. It was awesome to have the third RSW-15 during the movie. I REALLY enjoyed the film for many reasons I previously posted about when the movie hit the theaters. If you haven't seen it, it will definitely give your subs PLENTY of LFE to show off your system. The trio of RSW-15's easily pressurized the room and brought lots of smiles during the movie. I just wish the RSW-15 would reach below 19Hz because with the many "drops" during the movie, I'm sure there are plenty of scenes that have frequencies below 19Hz.
    2 points
  29. You should get some nice room gain and better room coverage. Give us a review once things are setup. Have fun and congrats on the new sub.
    2 points
  30. In before the lock... Oh...thought this was something different. Dave
    2 points
  31. I didn't read everything, but I couldn't help but read all of Mike's (Dr. Who) posts - that was a lot of good stuff. "I'm a music loving audiophile." Good one. I feel the same way. I'm sure this perspective has been covered in the past. Live music, whether amplified or acoustic, is capable of producing something that may sound unpleasant to us - whether it be in the form of distortion, something related to poor acoustics, or even something normal or naturally generated by the instrument itself. Once in the listening room, we battle much of the same, but now must also deal with the recording, most of which just aren't nearly as good as they used to be. If the recording is good, we are still left with the others. An audiophile is someone who is on a journey, preoccupied with the things found in that extra mile needed to create the most pleasurable musical experience. Since people pick up different things along the way, we can see that this is personal and subjective. I have heard many "warts and all" systems. I have even owned a few. I do not like them. Being assured of their high level of "accuracy" didn't make me feel any better about what I was hearing. There are others who probably feel and think completely differently about this, but it makes them no less of an audiophile -- as they are still on the same journey, looking for the pieces they need to get the sound that brings them the most amount of pleasure. For me; "sounds" which cause physical discomfort -- need to go. I just can't relate to spending large sums of money on something that either hurts my ears or has some odd low level resonance or distortion which detracts from the experience. If you're not turning your system on as much as you used to, or just plain wish you aren't hearing what you're hearing -- then you have taken a wrong turn With this in mind, we should be able to agree that all audiophiles are music lovers. If not, then what is the point?
    2 points
  32. Well payment plan is being worked out. So these are spoken for!
    2 points
  33. it’s going straight to video Steve is correct. We have been approached by Peter Barnett, producer, about buying the rights to our C&C content. You may remember him from "Eastbound And Down" and "Arliss" on HBO. I always thought we had the makings of a book or movie.....perhaps the thriller or drama genre I wonder who will be cast to play Tarheel?
    2 points
  34. Top notch Was it worth reading all of it ?
    2 points
  35. Sometimes accidents happen to good people. The OP made out like a bandit with some extra booty I don't think that sound right, lol. Anyway, congrats on a great pair of speakers. Just enjoy the sound of sweet music!
    2 points
  36. I hate these long threads, had to spend a few hours going through 568 pages to get to this.
    2 points
  37. And yet that is the reality today..... most recordings have the negative of the recording system imprinted on them. I'd posit that is why you prefer minimalist recording setups because the system non-linearity from the studio is not imprinted onto the source itself - apart from non-linearities of the microphones themselves of course. Your own system has all of its non-linearities, but you've grown accustomed to them so you won't notice them as much. That's actually one of the really cool things about how our hearing works. Ironically, removing an accustomed non-linearity actually throws people off enough that they don't want it removed....they're too accustomed to filtering it out. Recently I attended an AES meeting covering the production quality of the broadcast industry. It's amazing how many different alterations happen to the signal along the way - and every single correction was at some point based on very sound logic. Did you know the Grammy Awards has sound engineers all over the country listening to the live mix to inform various submix decisions? And yet it's still crap half the time thanks to overlapping or non-existent correction factors due to various market factors and business decisions. At another AES meeting we learned about how the film industry usually has more than 20 down mixes of the same content, and some films may have more than 100. They are all intended to address the realities of the various playback chains. Radio, car audio, cell phones, portable media devices - algorithm after algorithm of various intentionally injected non-linearities to improve the 90th percentile listening experience. It's simply too expensive to put the correction factors in the mass production (low cost) equipment, so you do it on the transmission or source side instead. At least that was the paradigm from the analog transmission era. Digital allows that to be different, but the old practices are still in place because drop-in replacements are mandatory. Dolby Atmos is actually the first step in a better digital direction - I think/hope it's just a matter of time until that rolls out into the music side of things too. Right now the exact same thing is happening in the 'normal' music industry with the Vinyl and CDs. If the recording was at all adjusted by listening through speakers, then the negative imprint of those speakers ends up on the recording. This is why it's important to mix on crap speakers like the NS-10. Usually multiple speakers are used so you end up with a way more complicated sum of negative imprints - with the ultimate goal of a recording where the majority set of negative imprints results in the desired outcome. Again, mixing to the 90th percentile listener and this time intentionally placing the correction factor onto the source directly. I don't think people realize just how bad speakers are at reproducing signals, so this idea of negative imprint of non-linearity is totally lost on those who's understanding is based entirely on marketing material. Technically you're still compensating for your monitoring non-linearity when picking microphone type and location for even the most minimalist of recording methods, but there are simply less knobs to turn so the potential damage is limited. On the flip side, those minimalist recordings don't sound "good" on the 90th percentile systems (think tv speakers or car stereos)...I'm sure many here will disagree with that, but you don't listen the way the 90th percentile does. I'm not at all trying to be obtuse, or just argue for arguments sake (which is too often the case, but not this time). As I move along my professional career, I'm realizing more and more why there is so much bad sound everywhere. It is the nature of non-standardized systems and it will continue to be that way until people start to agree on standardization. I think another generation or two needs to die off before the market will desire that though - the younger generations today would appreciate those changes, but all the old cats be stuck in their ways - and for really good reasons. As standardization starts to creep in, we're going to see things sounded better more often - not saying every system will be identical, but the standards will control the intentional correction factors in such a way as to allow for a repeatable outcome. Anyways, that's a lot of context surrounding a very simple point I was trying to make. The majority of music is not intended to be played back on an "accurate" system. And this gets back around to the circular logic of how "betterness" is determined. I don't think "accuracy" is the correct measure of "better" - especially especially especially not in the light of the realities of the "correction factors" intentionally injected for the 90th percentile listeners. And these factors exist because the utopic view of "accuracy" is a myth in the first place. Btw, should we be looking for source material that sounds good on our system, or should we be changing our sound system to maximize our source material? For me that's the core difference between audiophile and music lover...and my point is that a true music lover (one looking to maximize enjoyment of the source material) will predominantly not be interested in this idea of "accuracy". And true accuracy (if it could be defined) will not be an objective constant across the already existing source material.
    2 points
  38. Michael, I NEVER ever thought of you as a scum bag, even before I met you !! Now that I have met you, I still don't think of you as a scum bag.... I just think you are a little weird with some mental health issues. Roger I can attest that he isn’t a scumbag…at least not officially--he doesn’t come to any of the meetings.
    2 points
  39. Yep BSM its raining cats and dogs here in Temecula. I sure hope there getting some of this up north on the fire areas. How's about it MinerMark you getting wet up ther? Actual water is falling, and Jerry Brown has not called a state of emergency, he must be out of state or something ?
    2 points
  40. Yep BSM its raining cats and dogs here in Temecula. I sure hope there getting some of this up north on the fire areas. How's about it MinerMark you getting wet up there?
    2 points
  41. time for full disclosure...i had to make a trip to the store and grabbed an umbrella from the office. I feel like such a sissy. But, please understand...this is not a Hollywood special effect....actual water is falling from the sky.
    2 points
  42. well Chuck--i'm experiencing one of the drawbacks of not watching the news...walk out of the house this morning in a short sleeve shirt...it's generally warm around here...and it's pouring rain. And of course this is the day that the tire pressure monitor on my car comes on and tells me that i have a low tire....needless to say, i'm at work, i'm soaked, and it's chilly in here. I thought it never rained in California ? I know, it's a bad day if the sunglasses are not required,
    2 points
  43. Don't blame you at all, anyway it's just a push of a button away, not like the old days. You were talking about the top on the car I presume ?
    2 points
  44. Congrats on the new setup. I'm not familiar enough with MCACC, but Audyssey (with my Denon) was a but tricky to recognize the upward firing modules. Another note; with Audyssey calibration it did funky things with crossover for the RP-140SA's.... Jay L recommends setting the RP-140SA at 150Hhz, so double check your crossover after set up. I'll be getting The Fifth Element & The Professional on 10/27. Since it's the first of Sony's 4K Supreme Cinema Series... I hope they have not started implementing HDCP 2.2 If you don't already have it... Run...do not walk... to go get MAD MAX. I've already watched it 3x in the past week. The Atmos track is phenomenal, the best Atmos release to date. Intense, non-stop, powerful, LFE, immersive experience.
    1 point
  45. What's sumatra with you Chuck? Where you bean?
    1 point
  46. But, ugly is to the bones. Especially when it comes to girls, he, he. Ugly girls need love too. Have to agree with you there Jason. We all need love. Regardless of how we look on the outside. But the ugly ones appreciate you more. Well maybe not. I can handle a little ugly, not a lot. The thing I really can't handle is the FAT ones with the REALLY BIG BUTTS !! I not picky mind you, I'm 6'3" tall and weigh 220 pounds. I just don't think my women should weigh more than I do, have more facial hair than I do, or have bigger biceps or lats than I do, so call me stuck up !! Roger
    1 point
  47. WVU80,,, I am not a fan of political correctness,,,(respectfull snip) Cable design has come along way,,,,,,, PAUL K used a hell of a lot of lamp cord,,, ,,,So did I,,,
    1 point
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