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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/23 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. He must have been hungry after running around town like a teen!
    4 points
  3. 20231127_112757.heic 20231127_112749.heic
    3 points
  4. It´s snowing here , the forecast told us allready to be prepared for a cold wheather period. Today I took care of my audio gear in view to place my RF7 Evo´s correctly, didn´t cared about yet , but today I had the wish to get it done. I redesigned the audio rig as well and changed some of the components w/in the rig . AND THAN ..you won´t believe me ....I recorded a tape with music from my tt , can´t remember when I did that the last time ....maybe more than a decade ago , it was fun , gonna listen to that tape tomorrow. It midnight here ..going to sleep now ...
    2 points
  5. I don' think so. These in state rivalry games can be a real struggle sometimes. Usually the next game is back to business as usual. But, what if Alabama beats #1 Georgia in the SEC Championship game. What will the committee do then?
    2 points
  6. Beautiful finishes. Totally earth friendly as well.
    2 points
  7. The Stagg Jr #16 will get opened soon! Know it's hot like I don't usually have... but it's that or the 12 year Weller's! Underwriters are waiting on figures from the title company so it's a done deal. Had to borrow about a third of the cost... So I did pretty darned good since everything has more than doubled in the past 2 years! Got to set a lot of things up in the near future. Plugged my PC in for 5 minutes when I was last at my storage bin. It had been almost 6 months. The SSDs were supposed to keep the data for a year but I didn't want to push it.
    2 points
  8. I'm positive those will sound great @dirtmudd!!
    2 points
  9. Rub it in Paul. (pun intended) I've seen pics of you modeling a couple hats so I know it's true. Could be those Mediterranean genes helping out with that!
    2 points
  10. All my friends are jealous of me because I still have a full head of hair and still the youthful colour
    2 points
  11. Last night was good. Country music isn’t normally my preferred genre but Andy Buckner put on a great show. However, my buddy and I both forgot that last night was the town Christmas parade. I looped back around and parked in the park and took the foot bridge across the river and then hiked through town to where the show was happening. It was just over .5 miles and the weather was nice and brisk. It would have taken over an hour to wait for the parade and traffic to clear out. For lunch I just took some more of the smoked pork loin and sliced it thick and then fried it with some breading. It makes a fantastic sandwich that way. Oh yeah, there is a new music(guitar) store in the next town over. My youngest and I went to check it out yesterday afternoon. Nice stuff, but nothing that compels money to leave my pocket.
    2 points
  12. Hello stranger, you've got him pegged. Of course he did something that they'll use a lot of words to convince gullible people isn't wrong.
    2 points
  13. Bruce, I've got too much gray in not enough hair to be called young anything anymore.
    2 points
  14. "I said wait, stop a minute I said now don't, go too far I said wait, stop a minute Cause I really really really got to have you" I'm just hanging out waiting on the now slow underwriters working since 11/9 on my newer, not hypothetical situation.
    2 points
  15. U're still a young whippersnapper, aren't you?
    2 points
  16. What did I miss, did Jim Harbaugh do something wrong again?!
    2 points
  17. Glad you're up, running and enjoying them! PWK had this uncanny knack for reeling people in. Just like fishin only different kinda, sorta, maybe! Kick back and let it go. Just don't be postin any toes on coffee table pics. Pics sure but feet? Yuk!
    2 points
  18. the SX 780 was Made in 1979 , Made in Japan SS amps of the 70's sounded fantastic
    2 points
  19. I saw these on accessories4 less if anyone is in the market. It says you have to buy 3.... so I'm guessing it's the last 3 remaining? https://www.accessories4less.com/make-a-store/item/klip-ki362bsma2/klipsch-ki-362-b-sma-ii-each-commerical-15-3-way-trapezoidal-high-output-loudspeaker/1.html
    1 point
  20. It was right around 24 years ago I was recovering from a neck operation and was dealing with issues with a set of Klipsch Computer speakers.... I wandered into this forum looking for support for those and stumbled into this 2 channel section......guys were in here "Mobile Homeless" and "Allan Songer" being a few of the most vocal talking about Klipsch and Tubes, which quickly peaked my interest since I learned basic tube electronics from helping my father work om WWW II ham radio gear, he refurbished, used and sold as a sideline from his normal home appliance business which I also worked with him on in my youth. So "Mobile Homeless" was keen on the lowly low quality parts EICO HF-81, "Allan Songer" was a fan of the HH Scott line of vintage amps for a decent build quality and awesome phono section. My father told me EICO brand test equipment was garbage...I quickly gravitated toward the better built and handsome looking Scott line of amplifiers. So, on eBay I bought a pristine condition 222C that the moron eBayer packed improperly so the face plate ended bent over in shipping. I forced him into a deep discount and kept it. Which led me to decide to see just what I could do to improve it. In steps "Mark Deeneen" of Juicy Music Audio and famed Paragon preamplifier of the 1970's which none of knew that was who he was at the time. He takes me under his magical electronics wing! Teaches me most of what I know about tube audio! All the while "Mobile Homeless" obviously feels threatened a resident "tube guy" of the forum! Those 2 proceed to fight for my musical sole LOL!!! Man were those days a riot around here... All the while folks were watching as a reported what I was doing to the 222C... I started getting asked "would you do one for me". I did a few for the part and shipping cost no labor or profit. It mushroomed out my control! I was released back to work (home improvement contractor) and still did the refurbing for profit as a part time thing for about a year! Then I had a recurring neck problem and was told by the Neurosurgeon that I needed to stop working over my head or with any vibrating power tools. I talked with my wife and decided to take the leap and turn my new hobby business into my new full-time business! Man did that work out great! So fast forward 24 years I have become forced into semi-retirement from what seems like never ending nagging health issues to the point I have not taken in new work in 4 years! At 62 I was approved for Federal SS disability in 7 weeks without even seeing a doctor because my health records were that bad in 2021... including lung issue from smoking for years but had quit and sucking solder fumes for 20+ years. Here I am recovering from Total Knee replacement surgery my nagging health issues have stabilized from good health care providers! I design a ventilation system for my shop and I'm back here offering my services starting two months from now. Isn't it strange how things come full circle in life sometimes! Cheers Craig www.nosvalves.com PS forgot one detail I damn near died at home with COVID in 2020 of course it found my weak spot those lungs! But I'm a stubborn Bxxxxxxx In 2016 it was the Flu that almost got me...7 days in the hospital...
    1 point
  21. Got mine too. Damn near forgot I contributed. Nice sharp corners.
    1 point
  22. Arrived today. A bargain at twice the price.
    1 point
  23. Wow, this sounds like my story. I had the Cornwall 4 and upgraded to the La Scala AL-5 a few months ago. I also struggled initially with the La Scala's sound – hearing aspects I liked better, but also some things I didn't liked at all that made me initially think the Cornwall 4 sounded better then the La Scala. The fact that my Cornwalls are soon going to my brother while the La Scalas stay here indicates my perspective has shifted. May I ask which Cornwall you had before, and which La Scala you have now? Are the speakers entirely new?
    1 point
  24. it's your mind... you've probably gotten used to the thick sound of a direct radiating woofer configuration and now that you are hearing clean superb bass, you don't like it or you find it lacking for some reason. if you're happy with the Cornwall, then just plug them in and be happy as a clam. if you want a much better midrange and much better harmonic distortion performance, work with the La Scala.
    1 point
  25. I'll try to get a picture up of the labels, first two digits are clearly 85. It could easily be labeled as a K-53 mid, the stamp ink was smeared badly. So even with near 40 years the original caps are ok? I'm still getting used to them, but love the sound so far- There have been some recordings where I hear stuff (clicking, popping) I haven't heard before, (stuff I know pretty well), and I don't know if it is source or speaker. I don't see it on all material so it seems to be source related, but the clarity of the speaker is quite revealing!
    1 point
  26. Looks good! I took a break from leftovers to have leftover lasagna.
    1 point
  27. Rushing to respond (only 15 years later, 2023), I can say that the (my) D-51 is a fine instrument. (Factory rep updated it; no change.) A D-51 was kept for reference by a magazine reviewer, who praised it. At least once I found it (as main component) produce a shockingly real voice over in a corner. It first "sold" me when I found that individual words of a big choir could be understood. How good are the $$$ latest ARs, I must wonder. Randy H. Ranhat@gmail.com
    1 point
  28. LOL George sounds like you're having some fun. ----------- the stupid things I notice Cin vs Pit football game there is a drop of water in the middle of one of the camera lenses ... like the camera has "floaters" .... ---------- correction the Michigan player that got broken yesterday.... his name is Zak Zintner
    1 point
  29. Now the fun part... listening!
    1 point
  30. Best wishes Craig and I look forward to seeing what comes next.
    1 point
  31. here's all the data on the K-28-K , scroll down to the K-24-K , the K-28 is 100 % identical to a K-24 with the exception of a 4 Ohms Voice Coil
    1 point
  32. …a pile of ash formerly known as KG 5.2… 🔥 Essentially the point of diminishing returns. Exponential increase in $ to achieve infinitesimally smaller, virtually unnoticeable increases in performance, aka placebo.
    1 point
  33. It’s a rainy week and today is no exception Genesis Invisible Touch Album ID - https://www.discogs.com/release/512282-Genesis-Invisible-Touch
    1 point
  34. Hello from Germany this is my home cinema and my first post in your forum jonah
    1 point
  35. It took eight days. I wasn't prepared for how big they actually are. That said, I have them toed in just a little and the sweet spot is almost as wide as my room. I eq"d the bass a little and wow a perfect speaker. I have diverse tastes in music. The three albums I use to show off the system are Willie Nelson "Stardust", Glen Miller "The Hits" and Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, "Ella and Louis". Try those three and see what you think. If they get better after break-in, I can't wait. Thank you all for your help.
    1 point
  36. While we’re waiting. I bought a HK430 for my CWIVs last week and a WiiM Pro plus and I’m loving it. The guitars on ‘Achilles Last Stand’ have the best tone to them I’ve ever heard.
    1 point
  37. I have three pairs of RP-140SA speakers in my 7.1.2 set up and I am having trouble with the crossover setting for the RP-140SA. According to the spec sheet, the frequency response for the speaker, "conforms to Dolby Atmos Specification." Apparently this is some secret thing because I can't find it anywhere, at least for home theaters. My pre/pro does the auto-eq routine but like most, it varies and sometimes the RP-140SA crossovers are calculated at 40Hz (yeah right!) and sometimes they are 120Hz + or - 40Hz. I don't know why it's some secretive thing, but it would be nice to know what the bottom range is so I don't over-drive them. Does anyone know what the low end of the frequency response is? I'm sorry to sound like this, but I just find it frustrating that this basic number isn't published on Klipsch's or Dolby's site.
    1 point
  38. I don't have Audyssey on my current pre/pro, but found it to work reasonably well in other units I've had. The Onkyo version I have now has been criticized but actually works fairly well in an untreated room. I have spent a good deal of time/money treating my room now and according to the measurements with my RTA, I get flatter response in most frequencies with it turned off as opposed to turned on, so I have disabled it. The most critical frequencies for equalization are below 200Hz and the Anti-Mode 8033 I have does an amazing job there and is well worth the fairly reasonable cost.
    1 point
  39. I was pretty happy with the Sanus Steel Series 18" center speaker stand that I purchased, so I'd recommend them on that basis. The only negative was the holes you used to fill the sand with sand (which isn't necessary, but why not...) were pretty small, so that was a bit more tedious than expected. There are plenty of good brands out there, but don't cheap out on them as they need to be sturdy. Here's the link to Sanus: http://www.sanus.com/en_US/products/speaker-stands/
    1 point
  40. They're designed to be used that way, which is why they have the mounting hole. I have them mounted that way for my side and back surround channels, actually, and it works quite well.
    1 point
  41. I have bought from them multiple times over the years and always had good experiences. I have talked to the owner a couple of times and he's been a reasonable and nice guy, too. The only bummer for me is having to pay Florida sales tax.
    1 point
  42. Jay, thanks for the reply and the excellent work on this speaker. I had heard you were using these for surrounds and was inspired to give them a try. I've got them for side and rear surrounds and front Atmos modules and couldn't be more pleased with them. I appreciate your reply and keep up the excellent work!
    1 point
  43. Hmm, just found this: http://www.soundandvision.com/content/klipsch-reference-premiere-rp-140sa-atmos-elevation-module-review-test-bench Test Bench Elevation Module Sensitivity: 86 dB from 500 Hz to 2 kHz The RP-140SA’s driver-axis response measures +3.34/–2.72 dB from 200 Hz to 10 kHz. The –3dB point is at 121 Hz, and the –6dB point is at 98 Hz. Perhaps a 120Hz crossover is more appropriate...
    1 point
  44. It is a bit of a mystery, but I certainly don't fault Klipsch. I'm sure they're just going by the terms of their agreement with Dolby. It's a bit frustrating when you're trying to set up your home theater and don't want to put too much strain on your speakers, however. I am impressed that the little 4" drivers in such small enclosures go down as low as they do, however, and they really make excellent surrounds.
    1 point
  45. Since no one has replied, I dug out my (old and cheap) RTA and did some very unscientific tests. Ideally this would be done in an anechoic chamber or at least outdoors to remove the room's influence. After shutting off all of my other amps and setting the Atmos channels to full range, I ran pink noise and sweeps at -20, -10, and 0 with a close mic. It looks like the frequency response (+ or - 3dB) is roughly 58-63Hz. I'm going to set my crossovers to 80Hz to be safe, but at least I have a better idea now.
    1 point
  46. If you're using digital out (HDMI or SPDIF) to a receiver, pre/pro, or DAC, then any disc player will do. It's all 1s and 0s and while people obsess over jitter and other esoteric things, that's all they are. Same with lasers "optimized for ____ discs" and expensive digital cables. It's all a bit silly because as long as you are getting a clean signal, you're getting it. If you're using analog outputs, however, the DAC in the player is critical and the analog output stage can greatly affect the sound. Spending more and getting a dedicated will get you better sound in that case.
    1 point
  47. I have them mounted flush with the wall using the keyhole on the back and the angle points down at the listener. On the side surrounds the angle is just right, but in the back, the angle ends up being about mid-room. Because the dispersion is pretty broad (far more so than a bookshelf speaker) the angle doesn't need to be exact, though. I had purchased a pair for Atmos and then read an article about @Jay L using them as surrounds and thought I'd give them a try. Like I said, I really like them and they seem pretty ideal for a mix of old Dolby Surround (matrixed format) where dipole speakers used to be important, and the latest 7.1 and Atmos/DTS-X soundtracks where you want more localized sounds. Plus, they're small, relatively inexpensive, and use the RP horns so they match up well. The opening of Gravity (Diamond Edition) with Atmos really shows how well they match up as Sandra Bullock and George Clooney's voices circle around the room. The intense opening of Mad Max: Fury Road is also awesome with the voices all around the soundfield.
    1 point
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