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Everything posted by Schu

  1. Lovely... I might have picked a different lens though.
  2. actually, I think the sale of Klipsch might actually kill that project... despite most all of the engineering work being done. one can only hope, that if the acquisition of Klipsch produces profitability cost cutting measures, we might/may get a an undercover release of schematics and build plans for the DIY crowd.
  3. I've been dipping my French Fries in my chocolate shake for decades... people used to look funny at me, now I see it being done in commercials.
  4. He's a lumberjack and he's okay, he sleeps all night and he works all day...
  5. I use Ketchup on SPAM... and little else. Maybe on Meatloaf also.
  6. that's a reasonable response... thank you. I have also found, with my ear of gold, that it can also take 'time' to realize whether or not something is good... meaning, many times I have found that gear I have owned begin to wear on my brain after initially finding some level of satisfaction with it... often refereed to as 'fatigue' it can also take other forms of dissatisfaction. One last thing you mention above, the room matters... or in your stated case, the lack of a room/outdoors.
  7. That's to bad. Perhaps it is akin to a curse, but I can tell difference. I have an ideal that I strive to achieve... so perhaps it is more a preference that a standard of gold, but I do need satisfaction as opposed to 'good enough as long as it's loud and clear'.
  8. gl... you might be able to split a pair that is for sale with another person/buyer
  9. From the perspective of semantics, perhaps.
  10. That looks intuitive... an you post that video?
  11. you should not consider Klipsch headphones regardless
  12. you're SOL doc... get some headphones. Sound clouds will help slightly... but you will struggle massively with your Schroeder frequency
  13. you're going to have to buy a non functioning unit/sub and transplant it.
  14. Schu

    What I Got Today!

    I have been thinking about getting a rig... and if I do, I look forward to the day when you can eat my dust 😛
  15. Firstly, props for making the right decision to move to the La Scala/AL platform... there is little that is better and my personal favorite speaker in all of the Klipsch product line. I wouldn't count on an upgrade path if I were you... either from the perspective of having to do the upgrade or from the angle that it will actually be released. The AL5 is a magnificent speaker and anyone should be more than happy with them regardless if the AL6 ever comes to fruition. if it does come out, I can't imagine it will be any less than a year from now... maybe LATE in 2025. I think passive is more than appropriate for the AL5 or the AL6... even if there is some performance gains with a fully active DSP option. If you have the itch now... I would say that you should get a pair of AL5's and market pricing. Later, if you really feel the need, you can reassess and get the new Horn profile, the La Scala wont be disappearing any time soon... hopefully.
  16. I think it would be nearly impossible to operate effectively without a GUi of some kind. While the front panel is good for input on a macro level while you input global settings, I would find it infuriating to try and set slopes, shelfs, delays and any number any other settings that need some visualization to implement in a timely manner, let alone operate in real time... and I am pretty decent at it.
  17. do yourself a favor and watch these two...
  18. 90db isn't that efficient...
  19. it folks seem to be a bit more concerned with output per dollar spent, value, when they talk about Crown.
  20. do you have a lot of Amplifier failures?
  21. a LOT of consumer amplifiers have xlr capabilities... Current I am using an 6 channel (six monos) ATI that fits the bill well. I normally try and shop topology, then within that topology I shop features and brands. I am getting a little tired of class D and would like to try something else... maybe. I think I might be looking for something other than an 'economic' solution.
  22. so it's an issue of economics?
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