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mike stehr

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Everything posted by mike stehr

  1. If anyone comes across one of these, be aware that the amplifier works best with a preamplifier or line-stage of some sort. The volume pots on the amplifier or more like input level controls, you dial those in, and then use the main volume control from the preamplifier or line-stage. This is shown in the video with the companion 445A preamplifier. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u35cUQCLmWY
  2. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32923115706.html?spm=2114.12010612.8148356.23.66866b83vRmPKu I have the stuffed ZeroZone GG linestage and power supply boards, all I need to do is source the power supply transformer.
  3. https://www.ebay.com/itm/263195361113?ul_noapp=true
  4. Yeah, don't buy a broken oscilloscope. You can do quite a bit of troubleshooting with a multimeter of some sort or a VOM. The scopes colleges usually flog are older models, and one should pay attention to calibration dates. If you are actually interested, talk to the right people, or go to some ham fests if they have them in your area. There is a chance you may find a better scope...you may have to pay a little more, but you'll probably do better than an off brand 4 meg scope. I have a B&K 10mHz scope I bought for 40 dollars years ago, and have been wanting to upgrade. A local retired friend hits the ham fests, so when he seen a Tektronix 2246 for 100 bucks in perfect working order, he couldn't pass it up. He has his share of oscilloscopes, so he passed it on to me for 100 bucks.
  5. I didn't realize these were as expensive used as I thought...but if you find one on the cheap... It's nice to have a variable isolation transformer with a way to monitor voltage/current/wattage.
  6. Maybe so, but the Luxman isn't a hybrid.
  7. He plugged something into it. Note the line side is burnt, and the cover is on the floor below the receptacle. He should have had common sense to park something in front of that before the youtube hi-fi show-and-tell
  8. The fronts turned out nicer because there was some left over finish that worked like primer/fill. I'm guessing you used the spray can over the raw plywood. Spray painting raw plywood or MDF can be an exercise in futility with blotches. Black latex (be it flat/semi or even gloss) applied with a 3/8" knap roller works pretty well. It leaves a bit of textured finish however. Nonetheless, Ace rattle cans are cheap, and you're pretty much committed by now.
  9. https://www.audiokarma.org/forums/index.php?threads/blh-cabinets-made-from-1952-jensen-plans-plus-diy-bl250-ultraflex.871786/
  10. Check out the heavy duty armored glass...Smash!
  11. I like the logo cast into the Crites C600 horn. Maybe they can be convinced into making badges...
  12. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to put B&K Sound or Crites in the center of the pie badge?
  13. My older CS 16/46's had those goofy metal grilles, and all they did was buzz and vibrate. So I tore them off. To keep critters and dust out, I took panty hose, and covered the bottom of the ports.
  14. I had a '66 Ford Econoline van with a straight six and three on the tree. I'd be at an intersection, and the shifter linkage would hang up with no way to shift into first. I would have to get out of the van, reach through the grille, straighten the shifter linkage, then jump back in the van and be able to shift again. While everyone around myself was honking, wondering what on earth I was doing...it was a bit embarrassing...
  15. I had a pair with the HF105 drivers, but sold them to fund a 2-way style D project in old Jensen DIY Ultraflex cabinets. They were used with a pair of 10" Lafayette "Criterion 100B" woofers. I ran the woofers wide open with a Zobel, and the HF105/STH100 2nd order at 2.2kHz. The STH100 is cast aluminum little beast, and well made. The HF105 had a smooth sound to my ears from what I recall. The HF105 driver was a lower cost option that I could afford for the Faital brand. I may have to get another pair of STH100 horns eventually...probably the best tweeters I ever had with the HF105 drivers.
  16. The highest paid welfare recipients in the World?
  17. Not completely, but it's just a slight thump compared to before.
  18. Zak must be paid well to be that enthusiastic.
  19. Can the average DIY slob find a source for this sort of grille material?
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