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The Revolving Door Thread


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So we all know how slippery a slope this hobby can be. The constant need/desire for more, or something else. I thought it might be interesting for people to show their room's evolution and transitions throughout the years & gear. The changes I've made through the years have been for various reasons. Because the attachments are organized by file size, the pictures are numbered 1-5, 1 being my original set-up and 5 being my current setup. See if you can guess when my wife and I got pregnant with our first?






Edited by johnnydrama
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Nice room and setup Johnny! I started with a JVC theater system. Upgraded to an Icon V system then a few months later went to a Reference system. Added separates and some room treatments and for now the door has stopped spinning.........until my next upgrade! :)






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Believe it or not I brought my first baby home at number 2 with my RF-62s, however I had already accepted the fact that towers probably weren't going to work and moved to the Galleries. Just FYI she is now 2 years old and I have a little boy that is 10 months. Which is why #5 is a different setting. We moved from a 2 bedroom townhouse to a 3 bedroom ranch.

Tas that's a beautiful setup. I long for the day I can go back to a reference system with towers. However I'm very thankful for what I do have, and wouldn't trade my kids for anything in this world, they are a true joy.

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I started with an old set of H/K speakers (late '60s), to JBL 4311s, Heresy IIs, LaScalas.

That's not much considering the time span. (fourteen moves... may have left one or two out) Was in the last house for 20 years, so the move at the end of November was tough!


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Tas that's a beautiful setup. I long for the day I can go back to a reference system with towers. However I'm very thankful for what I do have, and wouldn't trade my kids for anything in this world, they are a true joy.

Clearly you haven't seen the two jubilees listed in the garage sale thread. Just kidding enjoy your beautiful setup with kids to boot. Edited by MichaelandKlipsch
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Not so much a revolving door as an "evolving" door. Add academy for a center and I have a 5.0 system. This was when I was still in Phoenix the day I bought the Corns. Wife heard me say they were big but she just about divorced me when she saw them next to the other "big" speakers that we already had in the living room!


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Not so much a revolving door as an "evolving" door. Add academy for a center and I have a 5.0 system. This was when I was still in Phoenix the day I bought the Corns. Wife heard me say they were big but she just about divorced me when she saw them next to the other "big" speakers that we already had in the living room!


This just looks hilarious. I have kg4s so trying to picture these in real life just makes me laugh.

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