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Cables, Coffee, Cycles, and Cocktails


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You pulled that one outta somewhere @MicroMara.  Haven't heard that one in forever either.

All quiet in Duckburg w/a high of 32 today with 50's yesterday.  Some of the local groups are putting together a couple trucks full of things for families who got hit by the tornado that touched down about 80 miles west of here. 


Small community near one of Ohio's larger inland lakes.  Didn't think they got hammered that bad but they did.  Lots of locals there but the numbers triple in the summer with people coming in for some r and r.  There's really not much left.


Guess I'll have to slip out and grab a couple lottery tickets since they're growing.  Only way I'll ever get those new Jubes.  The Beatles had it right I think.  "I'm a loser!"   :)

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While I drink more coffee than hot tea these days, my late wife would make a teapot full pretty often. This popped up in a FB post...


“In Ireland, you go to someone's house, and she asks you if you want a cup of tea. You say no, thank you, you're really just fine. She asks if you're sure. You say of course you're sure, really, you don't need a thing. Except they pronounce it ting. You don't need a ting. Well, she says then, I was going to get myself some anyway, so it would be no trouble. Ah, you say, well, if you were going to get yourself some, I wouldn't mind a spot of tea, at that, so long as it's no trouble and I can give you a hand in the kitchen. Then you go through the whole thing all over again until you both end up in the kitchen drinking tea and chatting.


In America, someone asks you if you want a cup of tea, you say no, and then you don't get any damned tea.

I liked the Irish way better.”

― C.E. Murphy, Urban Shaman


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Suns up and coffee's good here in Duckburg today.  Hope yours is on target too.  Thoughts of trying Red Bull or Moster's about 15 years ago until I took a sip of one.  That was a no brainer.  Right back to coffee and I still don't understand how anyone could drink one of those things.  Blah!  Temps spiking up again now for a few days.  Won't be long.


Time to get those March Madness brackets to work.  With me, that falls right into place along side winning the lottery.  May as well throw the money in your "Cuss" jar and buy Jubes.  :)


People around here are smiling since Ohio State tabbed 37 year old Jake Diebler as their new head hoops coach.  I think it was a great move for both.  I balled with his dad and two two uncles years ago.  Both of his uncles worked with me for years.  The entire family is great.  His dad is a high school teacher and coach, Jon his younger brother played for OSU and Jake was an assistant coach so that's the connection.  Jake played but spent all of his time learing the game from his dad and college coaches.  A refreshing move for OSU, which has always been known as the "football school."  We'll see but I guarantee he's gonna ball out in Cbus.


Maybe I should change it up to tea but that's doubtful.  A bag in a spoon to squeeze it out?  I'd hurt myself.  Leaves in the bottom of the mug to drink?  Sounds like a pita to me.  I'll just keep looking for coffee grounds when I pour.  I'll make it.  Maybe.  


Have a good one!  :)




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1 hour ago, Tarheel said:

Where you all is?

I´m back from my rehab since wednesday afternoon , feeling better now , but there is no cure for me, just relief. I will not get rid of my back problems without an operation, but the risk of possible paralysis is very high because the operation is too close to the spinal cord. I will probably be retired in the next 6 months as I will probably no longer be able to work. Well...I could live with that too me ....😁

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1 hour ago, Dave1291 said:

@MicroMara just a question.  lol   Welcome back.  :)

Useless Fact Of The Day:
The German for "contraceptive" is Schwangerschaftsverhütungsmittel. By the time you've finished saying it, it's too late!

True Dave ..got my two kids allready . I never used Schwangerschaftsverhütungsmittel, even not the blue wonderpills 😂

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On 3/23/2024 at 12:39 AM, Invidiosulus said:

Shrimp Tacos @ Daddy’s Late Nite Diner!


Glad I'm eating my Sunday dinner now! That would make me hungry.

I was surprised a couple decades ago when I found seafood tacos. Ordered tuna with mango/hab salsa once, they were addictive!

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Welllllll, with the eclipse nearing and Duckburg having some of the longest times to watch it...  ...all heck is starting to break loose in the Ohio viewing path.  It's insane imo. 


The Holiday Inn here is full and basically everything around here is full.  Local silk screener is doing t-shirts and sweatshirts w/a Duckburg logo and pics of the eclipse on the front and back?  The county fiargrounds has opened the place up for campers and trailers all at a price.  Word is they're just about full.  Bars even have bands booked?  The woman that runs the Chanber of Commerce came up to me last night, all proud like, and asked what I thought.  Told her it was gonna rain.  She looked at me and said she never thought of that.  Yup, she was dead serious.


Gotta have a theme song so ya might wanna make a note if you're in the viewing area.  😂💪😂





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I'm glad it's not this week!

Got lots that I'm supposed to make happen, other stuff happening also, desk should finally get here and I'll put the tv up again to stay as my monitor.

Get the ekg for the procedure? Tried Saturday, a guy there at the small rural hospital got mad and wanted to know who sent me to get it done on a weekend. 

Ay yai yai!

I told him again, I'm getting used to this new world up here, hospitals did not close up on the weekends in the cities.

& that no one told me which day to show up, like I said when I was first asked.


*I do miss parts of what city-life used to be before though!



Edited by JohnJ
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18 hours ago, JohnJ said:

Get the ekg for the procedure? Tried Saturday, a guy there at the small rural hospital got mad and wanted to know who sent me to get it done on a weekend. 

Ay yai yai!

After our trip to the Philippines last summer, we were in communication with one of my wife's brothers, who we had spent a bunch of time with while there. He started having a medical issue and went to one of the hospitals. At first they thought it was a stroke, but then decided he was having breathing/oxygen issues. Finally got him on some medicine and let him go home.


Started having huge breathing problems so they called another ambulance. They stopped at two hospitals, but they didn't have an emergency room, and they wouldn't admit him.  Finally got him into one, but he passed away while there. It was a sad time for us, as we had become pretty close. My wife had 12 siblings, now three of them have passed.


There are lot's of smaller hospitals there, but some don't have full time doctors or have limited facilities.

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Sorry I missed you Bruce, that is even awful to just hear about. Short staffed on weekends is what someone else told me that overheard the whole thing and got the chuckles.


Yep things are different around here.


Darn youngins don't listen anywhere now. They're self absorbed, righteously indignant, and have the attention span of gnats. Palpably rude to folks older than they are. Thanks a ^#$@ing lot public schools !!


Somebody teach them how to use a telephone please!!!

I answer Hello! They say hello and then are quiet. I've told a couple they called me and should state the purpose of the call and identify themselves. A couple have snickered at that or almost chuffed like a dog. I've stopped trying to educate them, just count down 3,2,1 and they hang up = get blocked:tongue:

I'll be glad when this pain is over, be in an all-round better mood too!

-rant over-

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Well Codewritinfool has moved near by.  Having lunch tomorrow.  He is looking to buy a place with his lady friend.  Hope it works out.  Haven't had a listening bud since bluesboy moved to the west coast.

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