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What Book Are You Reading?


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If you're lacking interest in anything and have lots of time on your hands, such as you're in prison and can't do anything else, or you just want to know a little more about the people he has written about (that's why I read them), I can say that Walter Isaacson's books can bore someone to tears, but they're informative. Isaacson seems to report the good, the bad, and the ugly (GBU), which is one thing that I do like when I want to know who I am reading about. I can't say that I like his writing style or the lack thereof (can't wait to get through it), nor can I say how often he slips in an expression that someone else said without giving credit (such as in his latest book, he said ~ "a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes" which is something that Mark Twain is known to have said... it was disappointing that Isaacson stole it).   
Anyhow, to Walter's books, of which there are six that I can talk about Einstein, Steve Jobs, The Wise Men, Elon Musk, The Innovators, and Leonardo da Vinci:

Today, I finished Elon Musk. As previously stated, the GBU is all in there. Musk is a *^%$(#  who also has been running Tesla, Space X, Starlink, and three other companies. IDK why he took on Twitter, but it exposed their algorithm and the people working there.

I liked the Innovators. I have no idea what Walter skipped over or miscredited, but it was interesting. It was not only about a group of hackers and geeks.



The Wise Men... Since it was before my time, I never knew anything about them and if it was being taught in school, I was more interested in scoring than learning... some things never change. I liked this book.




I will spare you the other three (Maxed out my mb lol), but they are just as boring and as informative as the others. 

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On 1/21/2024 at 3:17 PM, Woofers and Tweeters said:

It seemed to have covered everything except audio addiction


In line with this book, I'm almost done reading The Naked Mind-Control Alcohol: Find Freedom, Discover Happiness and Change Your Life by Annie Grace. I don't drink alcohol but wanted to find out why this is such a powerful book.

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24 minutes ago, Peter P. said:

In line with this book, I'm almost done reading The Naked Mind-Control Alcohol: Find Freedom, Discover Happiness and Change Your Life by Annie Grace. I don't drink alcohol but wanted to find out why this is such a powerful book.

Similar to you not drinking, I don't do drugs. I have read several books on how the brain works because I wanted to know more about why and how people become addicted; and why people behave the way that they do... and chit. I like David Sapolsky's lectures, because he is easy to follow, but I can't stand his books because of his sloped pov. 

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