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Klipschorn Advice Needed


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Hey everyone,


I have a seller in my area looking to get rid of his Klipschorns.  He has a pair of new walnut AK6 for $6,000 and an older pair from 1990 KBOO for $3,000 that are in good condition.  Should I go for the older pair that probably need updating or spend the extra cash now and get the AK6 pair?



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Very few on this forum, myself included, leave their Klispchorns unmolested. 

If you plan on not "improving" them then maybe the new ones, but I would go for the older ones. I bet they sound very close to the new ones and IMO the Klipschorn is a fun and easy speaker to tinker with. The best improvement of all is to chuck the passive crossovers in favor of active and time align the horns. Then you really have stunning sound.

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Maybe I am a bit of a heretic. 


There is something about the "Klipschorn sound" that endures whether it is a Type A (I have heard these very frequently), or the Type AA (which I owned for a number of years), and the sample of various Type AK's (although I have not specifically heard the AK6). 


The strengths were all the same (great dynamics, great precussives and transients, and a strong & comfortable sounding bass). The weaknesses were all the same (idiosyncrasies in the mid range that were most noticeable with brass and woodwinds and some but not all vocals). Don't get me wrong. The strengths far outweigh the weaknesses. I love the way they sound. 


I think the voicing on all them seem to have the same focus. I have not heard these various models in the same room at the same time, but I expect that  (beyond room placement and room contributions) you might have real difficulty hearing any serious differences between the two models you have mentioned. So now it is a question of price and cosmetic condition. 


Good Luck,




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Dont even consider the older speakers , unless you need 2 pairs of Khorns ---3k$ is a steal for 90's khorns  ,  hands down a great deal    ,but  the AK6 is  the best khorn  ever , closed backs --new tweeter , taller cab , new crossover ,  a real bargain - I would not wait to do the deal -

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Where the older speakers made with better materials using plywood?  I know that the newer speakers are mostly made of MDF, not sure if that makes a difference but I would prefer speakers made from plywood.  

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That has been a heated topic of discussion on here. 


I prefer baltic birch too.


But if I were in the market for a pair of Khorns and those AK6s came up for the price your are privy too I would be in my van right now.

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The two speaker models are not equivalent/interchangeable.  With 30 years of engineering improvements over the 1990 models, the AK6 speakers represent the best of current Klipsch tested design.  In the long run, they should also hold their value better, especially when you buy them at such a low price.

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59 minutes ago, Islander said:

The two speaker models are not equivalent/interchangeable.  With 30 years of engineering improvements over the 1990 models, the AK6 speakers represent the best of current Klipsch tested design.  In the long run, they should also hold their value better, especially when you buy them at such a low price.

If a group of folks heard the two models side-by-side in the same room at the same time - Do you think folks would hear any differences and would those difference be judged as large or small? 

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Buy the AK-6 and run home with them. I have heard both and make sure you still seal them into the corners no matter what some people say. Dont do what youtuber audio police did he is and idiot. He still has his in a bad set up and still complaining. You just cant fix stupid huh???

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My 2 cents:  Listen to both if you can, or just jump for  the AK-6's if you can't compare.  I understand that the AK-6's are the first K-horns in decades whose treble system CANNOT be updated, e.g., from an AK-3, 4, or 5, to the AK-6.  I believe it may have to do with space and layout in the 6 that prevents just sticking in a new tweeter, and perhaps more. That should deter you if you're an experimenter at heart.


Klipsch engineering has made astonishing improvements in the last few decades IMO, and company leadership appears to be permanent and fully dedicated and competent to sustain the quality of the product.  Why take an outdated product and then try to mess with supposed improvements that often leave the owner unsatisfied?  It seems like you have a bargain opportunity at hand.


Why does the seller want to get rid of them?  There are plenty of good possible reasons , but it might be useful to know.      


 - Larry



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  • 3 years later...

My 87 year old mother uses my 1st pair of KCBR I bought when I was 19 in '74. I have a pair of AK5 that were time aligned with a mini dsp 4x10 and 4 Mc30 and a 240 tube amps. I think my AK5 sound better with the Bryston 7b st @500 watts/channel using the stock crossovers. There is a pair of Infinity IRS Beta and Paradigm S8 in the system and I find myself listening to the Klipsch most often. I converted the AK5 to a model B profile and put damping material on the squawker but that is where I stopped trying to outsmart PWK.

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