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    • Not necessarily. But the kg 1.2 does play lower than the R-41M which might be more easily pushed to its limit when played louder. That would not be an issue if your Denon amp has a high pass filter, limiting the low frequencies sent to the main speakers. Most home theater amps and receivers have this feature and would be ideal for your application. That would even be a good idea for the kg 1.2s as they wouldn't be over-driven trying to reproduce those bass notes.   If your amp does NOT have such capabilities, you can always make a cheap high pass filter to limit what goes in to those smaller, main speakers.   Here's what I did to provide a high pass signal to my Klipsch Heresies.   I bought a high pass crossover, one for each speaker. Bought a pair of small project boxes, some spade connectors, and some speaker wire. I can easily disconnect them if I wish, and replace the high pass filter with a pair of homemade pigtails to return the speakers to full range if I want.   Here's a crossover I would suggest.   Here's a box to fit.   You'll need both male and female crimp connectors, too- 10 female (8 for the crossover and 2 for connecting to your speaker wires.) You need a pair of male connectors to put on the speaker wires. You'll also make a pair of pigtail wires if you want to remove the crossover from the circuit.   Five to ten feet of 18-16 gauge wire.    
    • Kevin sold a ton of these with his video. 
    • I like trying different stuff and being I turned 71 today, you can’t take it with you…When I first sold the Primaluna I wanted the Sit-4 but production was set back a couple months…no amp so Nelson Pass suggested the XA-25…it’s great with the Fortes and Razz…but the Sit-4 was what I wanted all along…it’s going to sound more tube like and laid back compared to the XA-25….not going to sell either one… ‘This is a fun hobby …
    • Hi George, no pre yet PrimaLuna & KP-301A's (first version) 101 db sensitivity.   I can tell you this is nothing like those cheap hybrid chi-monos I've had a few years. I already compared the 301s to the LaScala without their superb imaging... Clear concise highs and mids, tight bass, just a perfect package!   This combo I lucked into a great match, silky smooth mids bright treble and GOOD BASS. Might be half speaker ( 4 ohm woofer, good horns), half amp (listen to Kevin @ Upscale Audio). I'm very pleased with the sound and the volume.
    • Yep good ol' circa '70s '80s Monster cable garbage. Don't you know wires are supposed to be green it's more ecological.
    • I am so sorry that your Primaluna experience was so bad. Ive had my EVO400 Integrated for over 3 years now and it blew one tube the first month, which Upscale Audio delivered a new tube the next day. It has run perfectly ever since and I have tube rolled in preamp section and the power tubes. I am surprised that Upscale wasn't willing or able to get your Primaluna Pre and amp working 100% Why go First Watt if the Pass Labs gear is so outstanding?    On another note I decided to upgrade my Forte IVs to some Perlisten S7T towers that I heard and they blew me away. I love those speakers but my wife said they are UGLY and refuses to let them in our listening room. WTH? so I won't be moving off my Fortes. Drat.
    • I just ordered the First Watt Sit-4 should get it in three days. The Pass Labs XA-25 amp sounds great with the Forte IVs and the Volti Razz should be interesting how the Sit-4 sounds with both…After my Primaluna problems I will never go tubes again so this will about as close as I will ever get to tube sound..
    • Too late for the photos. When I changed the crossover networks the speakers were wire with a Monster cable type wiring. Since the insulation was clear I could see green for the first half inch of cable so I replace all the wire except for the jumpers to the fuse holders since they were soldered to the banana plugs. The new cable I installed I soldered to the end of the banana plug. During this repair I cut the cables off and replaced with new banana plug receptacles and eliminated the fuse holders and used those holes to install an additional set of banana plug receptables. Since I don't play the speakers very loud I see no reason for fuses. As I said in a previous post the jumper  from one of the fuse holders was completely corroded to the point where there was no solid copper left. Just powdered oxide. One woofer measured 4.3 ohms and the other measured 4.7. The resistance may be a bit high but I'll put them to the test and see how they sound. If they don't perform, I'll replace or re-cone the woofers.
    • Looks nice JJ ...tell me more about , whose the manufacturer ? What´s your Preamp now ? Didn´t you bought some sec. hand prof.Klipsch Speakers a while ago ? Can´t remember so far ...
    • great, thanks for that info! so the KG1.2 is worth it for a fuller sound, and even though they would be 30 years old, they sound better overall than a pair of brand new speakers?
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