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    • One of my favourite albums that when playing sends me to my youth in thought    Artist - Neil Young Title - On The Beach    I would rather be on a beautiful beach and surfing the waves, than being on cyclone watch   
    • @Chris A I see you are firm believer in the Xilica XP-8080 active crossover.  The XP-4048 is about $1,200 today.  With the increased price, is this still the active crossover you recommend?  Is there something equivalent today in the $500/$600 range?
    • Is there a reason to buy Russian 6P6S tubes from China (real or fake) instead of European vendors? I got a matched quad of 6P6S tubes for my 6V6 amplifier from a vendor that had US stock, but I would rather buy from Europe than China.
    • Waiting for the storm but hasn’t arrived yet, as it is moving at a snails pace  https://zoom.earth/storms/alfred-2025/#map=wind-speed/model=gfs   So it’s time for another album with a song about a storm    Artist - Doors Title - LA Woman         
    • dayum...prices are up a bit.
    • Rainy and wet in Duckburg.  Mid 50's today and windy then the temps dropped and calling for snow flurries tonight?  Sounds about right for Ohio.  Then 60 - 70?  Crazy.   Gave up on Tru-Green and their lawn program.  They showed up the other day before I called and cancelled.  Yup, rolled over and there he was throwing the empty spreader into the back of his new pickup.  Had about a dozen more chumps waiting for their "treatment" from the way the pickup was loaded.  Only cost me $120 for a spreader full of 16-0-0.  😂   We got this.  Grandson's cheaper and I know what I'm putting on and when.  One-year was enough.     Curmudgeon mode activated.     
    • Good evening,   i have found those on Ali   https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32942059270.html   not sure, if it's really a 6v6, but it's vintage for sure, but not the most accurate production!   regards
    • @Full Range sad to hear about the weather yet funny you're getting things cranked up.  Nuttin wrong with "Ridin That Storm Out!"  Wild idea keeping that tile in one place too.  Think you're gonna make it!  Need help just give us a call we'll be right over.  As if!  😂   BTW, your Natty t-shirt arrived today.  You'll get it someday if you survive the cyclone.  If not, I'll keep it.  Sooooo, make sure you check in.   😂   See how I did that? 
    • Just trying to get some thoughts on the two. I'm pretty new to the HT world. I'll be using these 75/25 Movies/Music. I can get them almost for the same value with the RF-5 being a little more. The RF-5 are almost 20+ years old but I haven't heard much not liking them. Only issue is if the RF-5 will still be relevant in a couple more years. The RP-5000f are still relatively new and may be a little more future proof? Any input will help. Im also running a 12swi amp. Thanks
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