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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/20 in Posts

  1. Well, I don't really know .... I live in Europe with about 350 million people. Europe is very densely populated and therefore the risk of infection is very high. Nevertheless, we live with the restrictions set by the European government and we are very considerate of each other. People are all aware of the problem and act accordingly with caution. Hospitals and health care systems are prepared, as well as the whole of society, to be even more restrictive. Of course, everyone hopes, just as you do, that there will be good vaccines and few deaths as soon as possible. We are simply trying to live a very 'normal' life. Hope is given to the number of those who were infected and can now go home because they are healthy. So please don't worry too much. You can do it ...
    8 points
  2. Woke up to a cow parade, it's much longer, this is the front. Ipad pic, not good
    7 points
  3. Hi @wvu80 To answer your question I live in an average city of around 16,000 inhabitants. We are a family with 4 children between 11 and 17 years old and both parents, we also have 1 dog, 1 cat and 1 pool with fish. We are fortunate to have an individual house with each his room, so the organization is quite simple from this point of view. We are fortunate to have a large enclosed garden with walls, so it is comfortable for us. Our 4 children are no longer in middle school or high school for the older children. The school is done remotely with the internet, but since there are 12 million students and 4 million students, the education servers do not work well because they are saturated: the computer scientists work to fluidify the net and then we have received weekly connection schedules by class level so that there is a turnover and not everyone connects at the same time. We went shopping to feed everyone, but calmly for 10 days and without a lot of people around us, without rushing and without stupidly stocking as we see on television. People stay at home respecting the rules. We can go out for 4 reasons with a travel certificate: 1- commute to work, if teleworking at home impossible, 2- food shopping 3- travel for health reasons, 4- short trip and next to the home, for physical activity only (group prohibited), needs of pets (dogs). Since today, the Police have been checking passers-by to find out if they have their declaration on their honor signed and if they have a good reason for leaving: if this is not the case, they will impose a fine of € 135 ( about $ 150) to violators who do not respect confinement. Many people left the big cities and in particular Paris, to go in the family to the countryside, but not always correctly: for example they were very numerous agglutinated with a few centimeters to be separated, not at least 1 meter or more as is the rule on the station platform, but now it's over, because travel is prohibited. The whole population supports people in hospitals: doctors, nurses, paramedics, staff, ... Schools keep their children so that they can work in the hospital, clinic, pool medical, ... Closed restaurants have delivered free pizzas so they can eat at the hospital, ... Of course we saw on the TV some idiots who queued up to go and buy tons of pasta or medicine, but like everywhere they are only a few% of the population, here as elsewhere (Italy, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, ...) 99% or even more of the people respect the rules. I imagine that with you it is the same thing, a small group of idiots does a few things and it is them that we show in loop for 24 or 48 hours on TV on a news channel continuously, but it is not necessarily the majority. Morale is good here Good luck to you !
    6 points
  4. Kind of what I was thinking. Just self quaretining myself for a week, or something like that. The lake is black at night, all you can hear is frogs , waves and a fish jump every once and a while.
    6 points
  5. I love lima beans. Stock up in case I come to visit.
    5 points
  6. They're mooooooooooovin right along it seems. Well maybe! Welcome back!
    5 points
  7. Good story if you missed it. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/pre-med-student-creates-network-of-volunteers-to-shop-for-older-adults-shop-in-coronavirus-pandemic/ar-BB11hK9S
    4 points
  8. Not back home but had a chance to get online. They don't seem to be in a hurry, not quick to get off the driveway either they look at you like your in the way. But they don't know their future, I do and it taste good.
    4 points
  9. Mushroom harvest in a couple weeks I would suspect Elden?
    4 points
  10. Maybe not, but the Stock Market sure did........ I owe someone an apology; besides China's Xi Jinping (who cheated), who's the guy that predicted the stock market "Melt Down"? Is this the craziest election year ever, or is it just me?
    4 points
  11. If others forget well, every year, post the same oh song, Cheers:
    4 points
  12. The records I purchased on special have landed Will spin as time allows and do a mini review Cant wait to spin the Steve Hackett LP
    4 points
  13. Let’s not spend it just yet. There’s gotta’ be stipulation’s - income, taxable income, social security, employed, unemployed, welfare, retired and on and on. I can’t imagine everyone over the age of 18 will be handed a check -
    4 points
  14. Cooking some cornbread and got a can of corned beef hash and a can of seasoned cabbage...maybe a glazed mini donut ir so. Having a boub&croak at... Nothing too short about me...lol
    4 points
  15. Amazing how this thread is an accurate slice of our society. GTFO your political views and meaningless opinions and try to focus on how you as a human, can help others in need. I'm strongly conservative and disagree with many of you on political views, but I'm not putting that out here as it benefits nobody. Please, pull up your panties, set your political views aside, and just be a good person. Ask yourself, what can I do to help someone affected by the situation, instead of trying to state that you, or your party, would have done something better.
    4 points
  16. Ha! In elementary school you had no street (playground) cred if you weren't swatted at least on one occasion. I don't recall permission needed.
    3 points
  17. True, and not even counting the strange times. One of of my favorites, the 396, all I need is a ladder and the owner to not be looking. Just kidding , they use them every day and really enjoy them. They know nothing about speakers but love the sound. They like them so much he bought that tv and he learned how to play YouTube videos from his phone while sitting at the table. He put them up on the wall so no one can mess with them. Before he had it wired to a iPad until a 8 year old kid took over the tv playing with his phone, he was shocked. He told her I will give you $10 if you show me how to do that, so now he knows.
    3 points
  18. Here a huge military plane with a hospital in it evacuated patients from Mulhouse in Alsace. Archive image And in the next few hours a military field hospital will be set up
    3 points
  19. I bought more bullets in case you come to visit.
    3 points
  20. about as fast as they go anywhere. Slow, but not in a hurry. Otherwise, it is called a stampede
    3 points
  21. & I'm taking the junk & solicitations straight to the recycle dumpster, putting mail on the hall tree instead of the kitchen table. Then discarding the envelopes, washing my hands directly above the trash can under the kitchen sink. Might have stated before.... I'm not playing with this crap!
    3 points
  22. That looks like a good idea. I'm full of shyte this AM.... the day before Iniki hit Kauai, we were at the beach Asked my buddy in Australia how they were coping. He took his old Chevy truck for a brewery "crawl". Cruised a big loop, hitting all the breweries along the way. There are several. We did the same, my first trip there. I would like to say it was fun ... I don't remember much after the first stop. A glass of draught beer is an empty glass.
    3 points
  23. 3 points
  24. I have to remind myself of something When the govt sez "We're here to help you"... Run !!! and have one hand on your wallet. There will be strings attached to [most/any] aid rendered.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Been looking into sourdough bread. Given the run on staples ... yeast may disappear from the shelves. Bars and restaurants have been closed to dining in... drive thru/pick up is still OK. Wonder how that will work for the bars? lol I have plenty of intoxicants to last me. I make my own.... Cranking some MitchRyder & DetroitWheels in the doghouse. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was told, "It doesn't work that way" when I suggested raising CWs to "increase" bass. I see some speaker designs where the lf section is elevated....The tall speakers particularly. I suggested swapping positions purely for scientific purposes of comparison. The member had a pair of bookshelf speakers that seemed to perform better in the lf section.Are there situations where conventional wisdom fails?
    3 points
  25. To quell a few mis conceptions no one is holding food back. People are way over buying. You cant grow more vegetables,fruit, and meat products overnight. Grocery items are forcasted based on demand from previous years. When all the sudden you have people cleaning out a weeks supply in a day it takes time to replenish items.The only way right now to get items back in stock is to limit peoples purchases to only 1 or 2 of each item. I'm at maintenance manager at a Walmart perishable food DC and we are shipping out record volume. You only have so many trucks and trailers available to deliver to stores.
    3 points
  26. Got the speakers downstairs late last night and hope to hook them up today ... This will be the last pair of large heavy speakers I will buy . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  27. As we all know, a doctor medicating the symptom and not the cause will not produce a cure. The ones who are making posts that can get the thread(s) locked know better than to make such posts. Punishing everyone for what one or a few people do because of no personal accountability will continue until it's stopped with the ban hammer. Thank you and the other Mods for what you do for the forum.
    3 points
  28. I took a chance on a pair of sl1200mkII tables and cheap dj mixer in a local pawn shop... $350. They both worked fine, sold one for $300 and the mixer for $50. See where this went? Got my sl1200 at no cost... although I put on an inexpensive Ortofon Red and headshell. It works great, dead silent. I really don't use it much, but it's there if I need it.
    3 points
  29. 3 points
  30. They're working on it! Found it earlier on the pc...news without commercials! Got my fingers crossed for all of us, & that this drug doesn't go up 600% in price like my zinc lozenges did. Did not look into the fella talking to her or any further. https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/doctor-announces-remarkable-results-of-coronavirus-treatment-hydroxy-chloroquine/
    3 points
  31. Just can't follow that one with anything......
    3 points
  32. Well, our corned beef won't go naked. our little store had everything we needed ... including flour. Wife said Safeway was cleaned out. No produce, no staples... About all they had was dairy and alcohol. Told her, the alcohol is next... bars closing.
    3 points
  33. One study not pier reviewed yet. I am relying on the older 5 to 9 days for Corona viruses in general until this is confirmed. My mother is in her 70s and I need to be careful for her if not myself. Love you mom!!
    3 points
  34. I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today. Or let your grandkids pick up the tab. Thank you very much.(best Elvis voice)
    3 points
  35. Mutual funds means everybody’s having a good time.
    3 points
  36. Klipschorn Fund, Habanos, or Extra Vacation?
    3 points
  37. Too late to back out now... Waiting by my mailbox...
    3 points
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