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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/23 in Posts

  1. Beautiful rendition by very talented young folks! Bob Jones University choir. Maynard
    2 points
  2. Try sum Trappeys if you may find it for sale
    2 points
  3. These are some pics of the new 300B amplifier that Aric Kimball (Aric Audio) has been building for me. It is burning in right now and is scheduled to ship out to me on Monday. Very excited.
    1 point
  4. An interesting story goes with these speakers as they came out of the Anaheim Disneyland Movie Theater. Years ago there was a theater remodel and I happened to be at the right place at the right time. In truth, a friend of mine was the leading contractor for the project and let me know of the possibility of acquiring them. So, that's what I did. I jumped in my truck and within 48 hours, I had em! In complete honesty, they're WAY TOO BIG for any residential situation unless you have one helluva LARGE house! They're in remarkable shape for their age. No gouges or scratched Duratex. I set them up once outside and literally "pissed on the neighbors". I live in the country and we neighbors are far apart. No resemblance to standard neighborhood living. After about an hour of Ozzy (and other key artists) my phone and driveway became rather ... busy? I only regret not giving the valley neighbors a heads up before the test trial. I only used my Marantz 2270 to test them out and they did very well. Needless to say, they're capable of many, many more watts. They are in fact, auditorium speakers. Comes with brand new OEM Klipsch crossovers. Tried uploading pics but ran into problems within the process. I will gladly send actual pictures to individuals via email upon request. If someone from within the forum doesn't claim them, I will resort to Las Vegas casinos (only one hour away from my So. Utah home) as a promising alternative. These certainly have the potential of becoming great band speakers. In truth, I'd rather someone from the community take them over. Thanks for reading.
    1 point
  5. you forgot the most important after Sony ...... Philips
    1 point
  6. I had a pair of the MWM bass bins in our family room/former 2 car garage. They worked very well with LaScala tops. These would be terrific for a school. Mine had been donated by a forum member to a college I worked at. They decided (after 4 or so years) that they didn't want them. They gave them to me. These are excellent, cleanest bass you'll get for the money. Absolutely awesome speakers.
    1 point
  7. I’m inclined to agree. Panasonic/Matsushita(sp), Sony, Pioneer, and Teac seemed to have the CD-ROM market cornered back in the day.
    1 point
  8. Most of the Transports in EVERYONES equipment are Panasonic At least they were years ago when I looked into this
    1 point
  9. Der if I only learned how to read? Ha ha
    1 point
  10. Looks like the asking price is in the title. GLWS.
    1 point
  11. GLWS - you might want to post an asking price. I have the Evo 400 and I absolutely love it
    1 point
  12. YT veered off from a public bulletin board to content based on their management's views and narratives they support. Alphabet hired an editor from the NYT, tasked with synchronizing YT with the Editorial positions of the NYT. Sort of a video version of the failing NYT. Search results took a bizarre turn Query Misty, probably the most covered song in history and you get 20+ links to Woody Allen who married his adopted daughter who can no longer testify against him ? Tens of thousands of channels were erased based on ideological purity. YT still has a content advantage since they were the first mover with a 10 year head start Content providers, have wised up and post their content to multiple platforms like BitChute, Rumble, Brighteon and others distributing the viewership and ensuring that deplatforming by the Editors of YT does not silence their point of view. The answer is I watch as little of YT as possible if the content is on bitchute, I watch it there.
    1 point
  13. IF you enjoyed his Orb tracks above. ^^^^^^^^ Got a lil drop you might be interested in Sept. 29th. Prolly gonna be pricey though. David Gilmour's Barn Jam 192 It's 5 lp's with cuts from the live @ Gdansk show.
    1 point
  14. Coffee's good and smoooooooth!
    1 point
  15. And are cult leaders any different than government officials? Why should the population be limited to only listening to one kind of cult leader? "Domino effect" "WMD" " Vaccines are safe " Aren't those as dangerous as any other cultish claims? Big companies don't have to host conversations---They choose to do it to make money. once they make that choice they have an obligation to serve the public fairly. If Facebook doesn't want to publish the public thoughts they should close down and go into another field. In spite of their absurd claims to the contrary they have agreed to be a "public square." Again, if one assumes information is dangerous per se, the word becomes a singular religion.
    1 point
  16. It is literally " information that is not consistent with government narratives."
    1 point
  17. Sorry for the absence as my disabled son was in a car accident. All is calm now. I am currently in my So. Utah home, not far from Vegas. To be honest, I haven't taken the time to learn what the new cost of these speakers are to determine a fair used price. I will make calls today to learn. I have no idea what a fair used price would be. This is why I left it up to members to bid fairly. Yes Marvel, I realize people will consider using the speakers within their homes but, they're simply not breathing properly. Please don't get me wrong, if someone wants to purchase and use them in their home, no problem on this end! I'm only pointing out the sound stage coming from these speakers cannot come ALIVE unless they're in a big space. Using them indoors in place of my Khorns didn't impress me as much as using them outdoors cranked up LOUD. I had a lot of fun that day! I was quite amazed at the reproduction coming from a mere 70 watt Marantz. As mentioned, I will look into costs today and report back.
    1 point
  18. It is kind of interesting because YT and other social media can be useful for cult leaders to convince people to drink Kool Aid. There are myriad claims out there, like horse deworming medicine curing cancer, etc. I haven't checked, but it wouldn't surprise me to find advocates for drinking Mercury. Should large companies be required to host such people?
    1 point
  19. I am not aware of any further coercive action to require additional shots.
    1 point
  20. Interesting conversation. The 2 points that jump out at me regarding censorship involved (1) trying to shut down claims made that injecting or drinking some kind of bleach (or pool cleanser, or something - I forget) protected people from Coronavirus, and (2) trying to hush critics of the vaccine because the vaccine program was too important to allow anyone to create skepticism and fear. This thread might not last long, but IMO, our comments aren't really all that controversial. These points are long outdated, and I don't think people really care that much anymore.
    1 point
  21. All Crown at this point . Jolida CD is exceptional. 🙂 Running A/B speaker setup JBL 4430,and Klipsch KLF 30. 🙂
    1 point
  22. There are, to be honest, some on here who do have these or similar in their homes, and not in huge rooms. They work well at lower volumes with the same clarity and dynamics.
    1 point
  23. Since 2016 government and social media companies have worked together seemlessly to censor content deemed troublesome to their agenda. Short of a complete legal overhaul of the 1996 Communications Act and establishment of authentic free speech protections focused on citizens in place of political whims, I'm not optimistic for the future benefits of the Internet. If the Internet turns into just another government bullhorn, like the NYT, WaPo, NPR, and network TV, it's value will drift to zero and all promise will have been lost. In fact, maybe (probably) it has already happened. I think there was a psyop waged in which the populace was taught that information was itself "dangerous"--like bombs-- and that they should rely on government to protect them from that danger. Hence, all that ballyhoo about "disinformation" and "misinformation" and "fact checking Authority."
    1 point
  24. Ah yes! Alternative facts. I have heard that somewhere, I believe it was coined by an inveterate liar. Because, right wait, I remember another saying that the truth isn't the truth. Relativism at its logical extreme leads the ignorant down the path of total confusion resulting in the complete maleability of their minds. Critical thinking is the first casualty, and studies have shown that one cannot change others opinions through the exposition of facts. We are living Orwell's nightmare of mind control through the bastardization of language.
    1 point
  25. It's a stream of Zeros and ones platter speed is irrelevant, it's not a vinyl record the DAC buffers the data as does the DVD player
    1 point
  26. https://www.discogs.com/release/6683088-Grace-Jones-Living-My-Life
    1 point
  27. Pretty much anything and everyone that challenges, contradicts, rebutts, or debunks the ongoing social-control narrative for western civilization. Now that the same 'screen' can be seen by all eight billion people, consolidation to a single narrative was inevitable.
    1 point
  28. I several friends that have been censored numerous times They are diverse channels Prepping, Law, Guitars. 🙄
    1 point
  29. Years ago, I used to watch 3 live cams that were in three parts of downtown Belfast, my home town. Sometimes, if I had stayed up late, I'd pull up one particular one and watch the sunrise in Belfast, in real time, five hours before the sun rose in Toronto. It was a small thing, but it made the city seem a bit less distant for a few minutes.
    1 point
  30. UTuve has censored and DeMonitized severall Content Creators that I personally know Diverse fields/ topics... CE FA and Preppernurse1 Fvkk UTube Rumble is where it's at. ,🙂
    1 point
  31. Since about 1992 "global corporate consolidation" - has been the universally accepted economic engine in all western countries AFAICS.
    1 point
  32. You Tube is making Google fabulously wealthy. I still can't believe the powers that be let that purchase go through. JJK
    1 point
  33. For me it is the best source of free religious and gospel music videos around. Maynard
    1 point
  34. I think we're always the product.........🤢 But that's just modern life. I think of YT as "world television." I am nonetheless concerned about their censorship policies and actions.
    1 point
  35. There do appear to be various paid subscriptions to YouTube but truthfully the ads are short and most can be skipped. WAY less than other free content. Heck, the link dtel provided at ads all over the place. On YouTube they're 8 seconds and are predictable....On that note, it does get sinister when you consider how they get the ad streams. 🤐
    1 point
  36. I wouldn’t say it influences my life, but I do spend a lot of time on it. In addition to watching how-to videos such as auto repair, boat repair, etc I’m subscribed to these channels: Doug Demuro Berm Peak/Berm Peak Express FailArmy Clayton Schick Outdoors Jay Siemens Audio Advice Kentucky Ballistics The Fish Whisperer CodyBPyrotechnics Fishing with Bryan Prokuski
    1 point
  37. Almost never. On replacing car parts , mower parts, or watching some of my films. JJK
    1 point
  38. If there are no hammer-stamped numbers, it will be very difficult to date them. The AA was introduced in 1971. However, they have the Monster cable wiring. This did not occur until sometime in the 80's. They have been updated at some point.
    1 point
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